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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I recall many people leaving after Hot release but prior to the HoT nerf. And you say those are against players who are dedicated? I don't understand what you're trying to say here.
  2. But how would players get on to maps with varying degrees of difficulty without significantly separating the players on those maps? If they aren't populated enough, would maps just close and shunt players off onto open maps with difficulty levels that they didn't select? Having so many different instances of maps, when you consider the current mega-server plan, seems like a herculean task?
  3. How would that be possible? GW1 was instanced content. GW2 is open world.
  4. This seems like a poor attempt to justify lowering the cost on "mundane" items that the OP really wants but won't get because of the perceived high cost.
  5. Don't most, if not pretty much all, game launchers provide a link to the latest build or release notes?
  6. Good news! You need none of these things to play the game or complete content.
  7. So, to answer the OP's topic, it doesn't seem that there are too many people disappointed if any at all.
  8. If people didn't complain about things, then the devs wouldn't need to patch them. /s
  9. I find this to be antithetical to the guild concept for GW2, but that's me. /shrug
  10. How has it impacted the OP and his/her ability to play the game and complete content?
  11. I don't usually consider venting to be valid feedback. Nothing positive comes from it. But, whatever.
  12. That's all well and good, but when I'm downed in a very low populated map (like Desolation) I really don't want to sit around and wait while the undead poke at my slowly decaying state. I'd just rather end it and get back to a waypoint. It's a waste of time for me.
  13. Looked at these on the wiki and frankly wasn't very impressed. I don't care for any of the skins and my ascended weapons already outclass these. Guess I'm not sure what all the hype is about.
  14. That's what Reddit is for, not the official game forum. /shrug
  15. I wholeheartedly agree which is why I advocate for these threads to be locked as they serve no real value.
  16. For privacy reasons, Anet will not divulge if actions are taken or not.
  17. I can understand people wanting to use finishers in WvW, so I would not advocate for this in that mode. Same with PvP. Open world, however... yeah, please!
  18. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/15-gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again-merged/?do=getNewComment
  19. Have been wishing for some open world "kill me now" button for years
  20. IMO it really depends on the content. I usually run around 30fps in open world with spikes in the low 40s unless it's a world boss event like Frozen Maw where I drop to 12fps. 30fps works just fine for me, but then if I were playing something more competitive like WvW or PvP I would probably want a much higher fps. /shrug
  21. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/directx11-support-is-coming-to-guild-wars-2/
  22. Forums Suggestion. Move the Guild Wars 2 Discussion thread to the bottom of the page so that when users come to the forum they can see the other options and post in the appropriate forum instead of dumping it in "general" where it might not see the right traffic and the mods won't be kept busy moving threads all around.
  23. Submit a ticket to support and include screen shots when possible. Forum thread won't help.
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