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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Players who want these skins are probably already involved in the modes that are required. I don't see this as being the incentive to bring others into raiding as you suggest. IMO, there are many other things that must change about raids in order to increase participation. This idea is not one of them.
  2. GW2 is a completely different type of game. GW1 maps were instanced content, not true open world.
  3. This is one of the arguments in earlier threads. People wanted meters, but only to self-check their own DPS and not make it available to others (or an Opt-In option to do so).
  4. I keep demanding but they don't listen to me. 😡
  5. Wait, you want to buy something, place an order for it and then get hit with a TP tax? Based on what? The requested buy price? That hardly seems right.
  6. Anyone advocating for change ought to be the one showing how it would benefit the players, the game and the company behind it. The burden lies there, not with those opposed.
  7. There's no need to argue this with the OP. I made my point. Thanks, anyway.
  8. I'm not making any such statement. I was merely making a similar request. I'd love to get free stuff for just entering my home instance.
  9. If we're going to farm home instance chests without requiring keys, then why not just have them deposit their contents in your inventory as soon as you enter the instance? It equates to the same and would save time. And it is still free stuff, which seems to be what the OP is advocating for. Heck, if we do that, why not do that for all of the home instance nodes, as well? Directly into inventory upon entrance.
  10. Half? Really? Also, insults don't really help your argument, but you do you. 🙄 You are making choices on how you use your keys and map currency. This makes it a you problem. Anet doesn't need to change the way that nodes and/or chests work in home instances because of your choices.
  11. Which, again, makes this a you problem. Sorry. Don't mean to be harsh. Why do you not use zone currency to purchase additional keys to use in your home instance?
  12. This. Artificial scarcity "forces" a player to log in daily just to see if the item(s) they want are available in the store. If Anet were to implement the suggestion in the thread, players wouldn't need to log in if the store updates are emailed to them. Those daily logins might be a certain metric that Anet uses for other financial incentives with their stakeholders. Regardless, this marketing tactic must work to a sufficient degree since it is widely used. /shrug
  13. Agreed. We don't know how big of an impact such marketing has, but if it weren't significant I'd imagine companies would abandon such practice for things that would draw more income. At the end of the day, it is all about the most profit possible.
  14. You can use the Report option on your own post to request a thread lock. It's up to the mods at that point.
  15. Really? Someone marked this with the confused emote? What's so confusing about using a marketing strategy that is well known and used in many industries to pull in a sizable profit for a company's shareholders? I'm more confused that people can't understand this concept and why companies use it.
  16. I didn't start that early. Only came in on the tail end of LS1. But yeah, almost all of my toons are stopped at Claw Island because once one character got past it I lost interest in the story. Never completed it either.
  17. Get out of here with your logic in a fantasy game! 😆
  18. As well as all of the other threads on the same topic. (sigh)
  19. This goes against marketing design (artificial scarcity). Anet wants/needs players to log in every day to at least check what's in the gem shop. I cannot see them implementing such a feature.
  20. So? Spend $20 for gems. That's a bit more than the average monthly subscription MMO, isn't it? And you'd only need to do that once, not every month. Seems like a far better deal.
  21. This sounds more like a complaint of the price of items in the gem shop, not the actual price of gems. Exactly so.
  22. Yes, you did the work to get the home instance nodes. That is the reward. Now, you need to visit the zone to get the keys to actually gain the rewards that are in the nodes. You're making assumptions about the reward system that don't go with reality. That you go to the zone(s) and use up all of the keys there is a you problem, especially since you can visit vendors and purchase more keys with the relevant zone currency. Again, if you want the reward, then you need to actually play the content. Otherwise, yes, you're asking for free stuff.
  23. I miss this too. 😢
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