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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Getting the skyscale for free is easier and quicker. That's what I believe is being requested. 🙄
  2. How can it be hyperbole? The argument is that the skins are too expensive and if the price were lowered then many more would be purchased. The suggestion was $5, but why not $1 if the argument were to hold true? I believe that $5 is just dumb. The company has to make money. They know at what price to sell their product that will encourage enough sales to maximize profit without pricing it too high to suppress interest.
  3. Perhaps. Maybe that sweet spot is $20 No one here has the data to support either claim. I was refuting the argument that lowering the price would guarantee many more sales and more profit by making what could be an extreme case ($1). Only Anet knows their true financial picture and they know the price point where skins would sell for enough profit over a price point that would bring in less sales. That the price hasn't changed tells me that they know what that point should be to satisfy their margins. Good luck with your $5-$7 suggestion. I highly doubt that Anet will act on it.
  4. I'm interested in Anet's ability to make a profit to keep developing the game and keeping the servers running. If $5 is fine, why not $1? No one has answered that yet.
  5. I'm sorry, but marketing history doesn't support that premise. Again, if true, then why $5? Why not $1? Or $0.50? Or $0.10? At ten cents, ANet should sell thousands of skins and be raking in money hand over fist. As for how much it costs to make them, no it shouldn't cost $20 otherwise Anet would make no profit. However, they have to pay for the talent and time for someone to design and actually create the skin which, I would guess, costs Anet more than $5 each.
  6. Better is subjective. I don't play that unnamed MMO because I don't like the type of game that it is; however, GW2 fits my preferred play-style a lot more. I'm certain that there are many other players who might agree.
  7. Make legendary gear mandatory. I don't want to grind raids for it.
  8. To a degree, perhaps, but I'm not advocating for Anet to reduce the price. Many (most) skins I simply don't like so price point isn't so relevant for me.
  9. Exactly so. I don't buy many mount skins either because I don't feel that the cost is worth it for me. It is fortunate that I can exchange gold for gems for when I do see one that interests me. And that only costs me time, which I'm playing in-game anyway. 🙂
  10. Agreed, although I was fortunate to have stacks of zone currencies in the bank.
  11. One of my least favorite core maps. I usually save it for last when doing world completion. It's not that it's all that hard for me... I just don't enjoy it. /shrug
  12. Or, perhaps, the expansion is crazy cheap by comparison?
  13. Sounds kind of funny, but I would get annoyed with map closings like that. I would think that it would certainly turn off the casual crowd for which the game is supposedly marketed.
  14. The problem that I have with this type of argument is that no one knows the in-depth financials at Anet. Maybe the current pricing is just over the break-even point? Still, $20 for a skin that is not even required to complete game content is something that I would have a difficult time in describing as financial ruin. Many people pay more than that per month for their cell phone service. I would even argue that $20 is cheaper than an evening at the movies if one includes popcorn/soda/snacks plus the gas to get to and from the theater (or train/bus ticket or Uber).
  15. Why make it $5 then? Why not $1? That's even lower which should lead to even more sales, right?
  16. Lower cost does not always equate to more sales or profit. The disillusionment in marketing in this thread is... unsurprising.
  17. I basically camped longbow and was successful. Twice. Not sure what your point is other than to appear derisive.
  18. Most of the personal story is solo-able. You will get quite a few PoF mastery points by doing the story.
  19. Skyscale is a "legendary" mount. It's not essential.
  20. I was able to defeat him with my ranger.... well, the second time. The first time I did defeat him and then the game crashed and I had to run the encounter all over again.
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