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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Meh, people will just die and lay there in the hopes of being rezzed after the event. Happens a lot in many of the world bosses now. Frozen Maw is a prime example where the WP is really close, but people just lay there dead anyway. Golem Mark II is another example.
  2. I think that you might have me confused with someone else. I can't remember any time implying that the majority of the playerbase wants idea "X". Also, my implications about the minority is usually a response to someone claiming that something should be implemented because "everybody wants it" or due to some forum poll. I have never advocated for "desirable" features or ever said that I would know what they are. This borders on hyperbole and I don't appreciate being made to look like I've said or implied things or have certain knowledge about Anet when I haven't. If you have specific examples of me doing so, I would be glad to discuss them in a PM so as not to derail this thread.
  3. Well, I appreciate you keeping our discussion civil. Oft times, these types of things can devolve. So, thanks, and good luck with your campaign.
  4. A: Forum polls are useless as they do not in any way represent a large enough sample of the player base. Also, your poll does not support your earlier claim that I quoted that "swimsuits are as profitable as it can get". B: Haha!! 🙂 C : You may believe it to be a small or easy thing, but Anet knows more than anyone here what is involved. That it hasn't been done yet, after multiple threads requesting it, tells me that Anet isn't ready to produce them or has other, higher priorities.
  5. On what do you base that claim? I know that for me, I would purchase an expansion but not a swimsuit. I really don't think that I'm the only one who thinks that way. So, please show how Anet can make a profit on swimsuits instead of an expansion or other content.
  6. Again, that's not how a public forum works, regardless of the topic. For me, it's not about the swimsuit specifically; rather, it is more about wanting Anet to deliver something else that would (in my opinion) probably appeal to a larger portion of the player base which would, in turn, generate more revenue so that the company can continue to be profitable. I don't see swimsuits fitting that agenda.
  7. That's my point. It's profitable now. Perhaps swimsuits aren't which is why they've not been developed/released.
  8. You can't know that. Maybe it wasn't profitable early on, especially in light of how they turned out. Maybe Anet didn't have enough resources (financial or otherwise) from the start or had much more promising and engaging content that they believed would have a higher RoI for their investors. Perhaps, over time and with many more players joining and purchasing gems, Anet eventually had the means to begin development on mounts that wasn't available before. Outfits weren't a thing early on either. Perhaps, once outfits were introduced it finally made sense to develop mounts so that Anet could sell mount skins. The ability may not have been there from the start. Also, consider too how the mount skin pricing was on initial launch of mounts. Maybe Anet took a financial hit in the short term after MountGate which might have put some development on hold until they were on better financial terms? I still maintain that only Anet knows their internal numbers and if something is going to bring enough RoI, then they would develop/implement it. If not, then they would probably spend their resources elsewhere.
  9. You made a thread in a public forum which is designed to harbor discussion and debate. I am merely engaging in such discourse. Sounds to me like you want to shut me down from dissenting with your proposal. That's not how this works.
  10. I have never passed this off as a statement of fact. You really shouldn't make such characterizations.
  11. Worth the effort in your opinion. 😉 It isn't in mine.
  12. I never stated that a larger portion was. However, based on the multiple housing thread topics in the forums (although even here is not a full representation of the whole), it is apparent that there are more people that would prefer resources be spent on something less niche.
  13. I'd rather resources be spent on something that a larger portion of the playerbase would enjoy.
  14. Just because posters on a forum believe that this would be worth the investment doesn't make it so. None of us have any metrics or data to support that claim. Perhaps it is on the development schedule and we don't know? Or, perhaps it has been discussed and discounted as not worth it? We don't know that either. I can only speculate that, currently, it is not else it would have been implemented due to (arguably) popular demand much like capes were.
  15. You may be right, but there is no way that we can know. Outfits being released now may have been on the planning board for months (or more b/c COVID). Only Anet knows the amount of work and whether or not it is worth the investment. To date, it would appear that it is not.
  16. I don't mind repeating hearts. I mind being forced to repeat them in order to deal with a vendor, though. Allow players to repeat hearts; just don't lock things behind them to force repeating them.
  17. Maybe it has nothing to do at all about Anet being in America (which I find to be a highly questionable premise in the first place): rather, they have already considered swimsuits and the financial numbers don't add up to enough RoI for their investors. Or, perhaps, there are other things that they plan to implement that will make more profit because at the end of the day, satisfying the investors is the final arbiter of practically every business decision.
  18. QoL Suggestions should go here where the devs will see 'em. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96299-suggestionsqol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged/?do=getNewComment
  19. One might think that after 9 years' worth of Anet's track record with GW2, people might realize that they ought to be careful what they wish for.
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