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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Even so, I would wager that a $5/month sub fee would cost Anet more to implement than it would be worth. Probably the reason most other sub models start higher than $5/mo.
  2. Personally, there's nothing stopping a player from doing their own monthly fee with which they could then purchase gems and... guess what.... buy the skin from the GS. Please, let's leave subscription models out of GW2. The game and studio don't need them when players can already do that on their own.
  3. Some of us stay in the rear to take out the cannoneers that respawn. Should we not be rewarded for participating in the event?
  4. One must also consider that any game forum represents a very small sampling of the entire game's community. Even a forum poll is suspect due to this type of bias.
  5. Just because someone viewed a thread, and didn't leave a comment either for or against the idea, doesn't correlate to overall acceptance. Some may have not criticized the idea because it wasn't worth their time/energy to do so or perhaps other have already made the point for them.
  6. I don't like JPs but if others like them then I have no objection so long as they are not required for content or map completion.
  7. Players can earn gold in game in many ways simply by playing the game. There are methods that bring in more gph, like farming, if one wants to earn it faster. Or, players might actually spend cash for gems and buy gold that way. There is no faster way than that.
  8. Probably get your wish with all of the crying for bunny thumper in the Ranger forum. 🙄
  9. The processing fees for subscriptions might require a higher fee than 5-8. You can already pay a monthly fee by purchasing gems every month. There's your subscription. Note, though, that there exactly no guarantee that your payment will go toward content that you believe is deserving.
  10. You cannot know that "most" do not actually change builds or switch gear. You can't know, either, that those who have gained didn't need templates. Just because some players didn't want to use a third-party add-on doesn't mean that they didn't need a template solution. I know your severe disappointment with losing ARC and ANet's "templates" -- you've been very vocal on the forums about it, but statements like these border on hyperbole and don't serve your argument well. I will agree with the sentiment that many players who used ARC lost a lot of the functionality that they had.
  11. And, how much of that list from ESO does one lose if one allows the subscription to lapse?
  12. Lord of the Rings franchise has a lot more revenue and can probably afford a lower pricing point.
  13. Guess what? You can subscribe to GW2! Just pay them a set amount each and every month.
  14. Players could always use real money to purchase gems. You know, support the game and all. Just saying.
  15. Maybe try the appropriate forums? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/22-player-vs-player/ or https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/30-looking-for-guild/
  16. True. However, just some simple looking at the first page of the forum would find the appropriate thread. It's not that difficult to find that it needs another thread in General.
  17. I'm not sure on the premise. Is this to solve some issue? If the OP wants to be more "in lore", then he/she can travel to the mists when he/she dies. No reason to push that on everyone else.
  18. One need only "watch" that thread and then get notifications every time it is updated. No need for an additional thread here in General.
  19. Update notes have their own section: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/6-game-update-notes/
  20. Many threads already exist on the topic of playable Tengu. You can use the forums search feature to find them. Reposting multiple threads on the same topic may run afoul of the forums CoC. If Anet hasn't answered the many, many existing threads, there really isn't a reason for anyone to create yet another thread on the topic. I'm pretty confident that they are well aware.
  21. Anet is not going to suddenly release invisible shoes, one of the more rare items in the game, just to satisfy this request.
  22. It's about time we got another Tengu thread. My faith in this forum has been restored!
  23. Why tengu when the player base clearly prefers fishing.
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