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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Welcome back, Colin and Josh. No pressure, now. 😆
  2. Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons As expansion development has progressed and the real-world challenges of the past year and a half have changed the way we live and work, it’s become clear that we need a little more time to deliver our creative vision for Cantha. As a result, we’re delaying the release of Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons from late 2021 to early 2022. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/arenanet-studio-update-july-2021/?fbclid=IwAR0gEZdZ6EnlaL1heY6a94pUSy7RnrHmz_PyiyFBbs2I1JyvCgz35t-LYeA
  3. Client Performance Optimization We’ve heard you loud and clear—Guild Wars 2 needs better frame rates. We agree. We’re actively working on upgrading our engine to DirectX 11, and we expect to be able to roll it out in an opt-in beta later this year. An important note is that the upgrade to DX11 itself isn’t a magical fix for frame rates on its own. Some players may not notice a difference at all. However, upgrading to DX11 opens a lot of doors for improving performance—CPU multithreading for instance. It also paves the way for some potential graphics upgrades down the road. We’re investing in our infrastructure, engine, and graphics because we’re looking to the future. This is a long-term effort. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/arenanet-studio-update-july-2021/?fbclid=IwAR0gEZdZ6EnlaL1heY6a94pUSy7RnrHmz_PyiyFBbs2I1JyvCgz35t-LYeA
  4. That's why there is a QoL suggestion thread conveniently stickied at the top of the forum. We know that the Devs review that thread so that they don't have to go through 10 pages of threads, etc.... No poll is necessary. Suggestion should have been put in the correct place and Anet could then decide whether or not to act upon it.
  5. It also doesn't do much to support one's side of an argument/debate.
  6. In many cases, IMO, it is a way for people to make themselves feel important. It's a shallow thing.
  7. SAB was a side project that some devs worked on in their spare time, so they weren't being paid for creating it.
  8. Take every map in GW2 and make them all one instance? All of them? Latency is bad enough on some bosses during dailies and you want to exacerbate that? Good luck.
  9. You can take screen shots or videos and attached those to support tickets to report them.
  10. Yeah, maybe it is more of an NA thing. It's not as frequent as it once was, but it still happens quite often.
  11. I don't believe that ANet's design concept for GW2 was based on speed clearing. /shrug
  12. I often have trouble finding players for dungeons who don't want speedrunning.
  13. I find that point to be quite subjective, really. I'm a very casual player. I have multiple level 80s with a smattering of ascended gear. I have all mounts unlocked with all masteries. No legendary gear. I play very efficiently for what I want to do in GW2 and it isn't "grindy" at all for me.
  14. Ok, so maybe not a new voice actor; however, someone would have to be paid to do it as well as the engineers to put it together. It's an added cost that probably isn't in the budget. /shrug
  15. I'm not disputing that. I was merely agreeing that those who hover low (seemingly on purpose, just to annoy) can be seen as inconsiderate. I have my skyscale, and I don't hover low where players congregate. Do you? If so, why?
  16. Not every weapon can be a high performance weapon anyway. Process of elimination, some weapon will under perform when compared to all other weapons.
  17. Different experiences, I suppose. I see many players on skyscales hovering just above ground enough to kick up dust. When there are multiples doing it, it can be annoying.
  18. Running Windows 11 Alpha ... claims it's "stable" 🙄
  19. This complaint came up back when skyscales were first introduced. As said above, some people are just inconsiderate whether it be by choice or not.
  20. Not only that, but mounts are not tied to the character's personal story like races are. So, yeah, apples/oranges.
  21. Exactly. Only Anet knows how easy or hard this would be. I'm guessing that they've already decided it is not worth the time/effort/money/resources or that doing so would not be profitable. If upgrading the engine would bring in more money for their investors, Anet would have done so well before now.
  22. Boromir is not a ranger. Legolas is an elf, also not a ranger. What other "rangers" are there in LotR lore?
  23. You can always check items on the wiki. Usually tells when it was last in the gem store and may also determine a pattern. Sending in-game mail defeats the purpose. If you're logged in to receive the in-game mail, then you can simply check the gem store. It has a search function so you don't have to browse through everything currently shown. You could set a notification for when the gemstore thread here in the forum is updated and then when you get that notification email you can take a quick look to see the latest post.
  24. That's my point, though. This would benefit current players and not really incentivize new players (revenue). Releasing a new expansion will generate more cash than making an engine change that no one needs to pay for.
  25. No, they rotate just right to meet their goals. Working as intended.
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