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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. You can blame the crowd that completes content as fast as possible and then complains about there being nothing to do.
  2. That's just it, IMO. People are wanting legendary gear without doing the work. That's fine, if they are willing to pay the cost, but it seems to me that they aren't.
  3. Well, at least the skyscale isn't required to complete content so no need to grind for it.
  4. That's not really an excuse to not tackle bugs, especially recent ones on thing that have been in the game since launch. If that is the case for a bug they should be open about it. I think that it is if it would take too many resources to make it worth the effort. /shrug I think companies massively undervalue communication and transparency with the community, as well as showing that they care about the game by keeping it well maintained. You may not think it worth the effort, but as this thread is showing there is a big interest in transparency and honesty.These forums represent such a small portion of the entire player base that it cannot be said that there is a big interest in anything. Also, I don't know how long you've been around but in the past Anet has been excoriated for communicating to the players and then not providing the stated results. It's bad PR when people on the official forums call Anet devs "liars". I don't fault them for the lack of communication. The community shares a good part of the blame for that.
  5. That's not really an excuse to not tackle bugs, especially recent ones on thing that have been in the game since launch. If that is the case for a bug they should be open about it. I think that it is if it would take too many resources to make it worth the effort. /shrug
  6. Weren't we told before that with the state of the old, spaghetti code that fixing some things may very well break other things even worse than the issue that was initially targeted? Or that there is no good idea on what else might break when fixing some other bugs?
  7. Says the one who purports to speak for "most" of the players...
  8. They can make it fun with a revamp.No, they can’t and they don’t have to. Just leave it like it is. B..but they did mounts...Mounts are a QoL improvement, not content revamp.
  9. Please see: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65554/policy-macros-and-macro-use
  10. No to any form of open world PvP. There already exists game modes for that type of play. It should remain there.
  11. Not that I advocate such things, but ... so what? How does this in any way affect another player's ability to complete content?
  12. Fun is very subjective. I have over 7 years in GW2 and enjoy playing with my friends with much less experience. /shrug Downscaling does allow for what you state, but it only accounts for mechanics and not player experience.
  13. This doesn't seem like a GW2 issue. What is it then :) ?At Launch it was a selling point that vetrans can play with new player and both have fun. So now im playing this game for 9 years and my friend started 1 month ago....and im struggeling not to steal the kills from him.You have 9 years experience. Your friend has 1 month. I fail to see how this is a GW2 problem.
  14. I don't like the concept as shown (current model without wings). It's not appealing to me.
  15. Which zones? I'm very casual but I can't semi-afk-auto-attack mobs in Lake Doric, for example.
  16. That sounds more like a solution for a problem that doesn't exist. If Anet thought there was a problem, and/or true manipulation were occurring, then they would correct it.
  17. If it's not enough of a challenge, you can always try zones leveled higher.
  18. I'm not sure that I understand the premise of this poll. What is trying to be understood by the results based on the options provided?
  19. While I think that this would be cool, I believe that it would lock out players who have not acquired either flying mount (since neither flying mount is required for current content).
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