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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Ok. I don't agree that this is needed. Good luck with your request.
  2. I don't understand why it needs a guild tag? What purpose would that serve? What about chefs that aren't in guilds?
  3. It's only missing from the game if ANet believes it to be missing. Not everyone wants a deeper level of role playing.
  4. GW2 does not need to be like previous games of the genre. Those games already exist. For that content, go play them.
  5. Having a Mastery track for Housing might at least have some meaning for some people, unlike the throw away Green/Red/Blue Essence Masteries from Season 5.But I don't care for housing either.Guild Halls already fulfill a similar role, too.Not trying to say that housing may not have any appeal. Certainly has some here on the forum. Personally, it doesn't appeal to me and I wouldn't want to see it implemented just because some other game has it. Guild halls and Sun's Refuge should already serve that purpose, or at least that was my impression of them. I agree about the season 5 masteries. Ugh.
  6. I also don´t attack if I notice the player is only completing daily (mainly the veteran kill, caravan disrupt, and land claimer). Fortunately, in most cases, players respect some 'neutral spots' on the map. It won´t affect the wvw match if you allow someone to kill a veteran mob.This whole idea that players should be "respecting" the opposing side to let them get free/easy loot is antithetical to the game mode.This false idea that we should be "respecting neutral spots" that functionally do not exist to help players get free loot/rewards is part of the imaginary ettiquette that players who do not posses the ability to fight like to spread.Well, as I believe I said before, if I'm out in WvW for a daily vet in enemy territory and I get wiped, I know that I deserve it for playing in that sandbox. Does it annoy me? Sure, but I don't "blame" the player for it. I do appreciate those who do "respect" the neutral spots, but I never expect them to do so.
  7. This might be better asked in the WvW forum where the veterans of that mode might be able to provide answers or insights.
  8. Reducing the aggro ranges would make the PoF maps more enjoyable for me, for sure. I can manage the baddies out there quite well enough for the casual player that I am. The radius is my main complaint.
  9. There is no pattern. Anet will bring it back when they deem it appropriate. You might keep track of this thread for announcements: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales
  10. You might have better luck contacting the author of the add-on.
  11. Agreed, now with the templates so that I can have all of the elite builds without having to scatter them across multiple toons. Unfortunately, I had already done that on a few so now I have a couple extra toons that I don't want to delete for birthday present reasons. /shrug
  12. What really peeved me about WvW was being downed and not finished while the opponent emoted on my dying corpse. Ok, I get it. You beat me. Get on with it. But no, they'd rather dance and emote over me in some epeen showing. Things like this are what has kept me out of that format. Some would argue that if I were to git gud then I wouldn't be downed and could then emote over my own, unfortunate victims. Meh. It's not my play style. Don't get me wrong: I'm glad that this format is available for those who enjoy it. I simply don't, and loathe any time that I engage with it.
  13. QoL Suggestions go here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged
  14. IMO, most places you find build suggestions are going to be for WvW or PvP content and not open world. For open world, you can pretty much play whatever combination that you want that works for you.
  15. Perhaps, but I know for my small group we are all in GW2 and not other MMOs because of this.
  16. I don't believe that PoF maps were designed with gliding in mind. I believe that they were designed for mounts. HoT was designed for gliding, IMO.
  17. I don't see this as a problem that requires a solution. Perhaps it is your preference, but it's not a problem.
  18. huh, how would that work? In any case shiny skyscales flapping their wings in your face while waiting for Tequatl etc, are actually quite the issue. Anet could rly try to tone down things for people who dont particularly like that. And I think its many. How? Just like with jumping puzzles. They could set a threshold of being less than so far from the ground would automatically dismount the player. I'm proposing just a minor visual adjustment.Dismounting cap is not something to fear because there is no reason to implement changes in game mechanics.However a cyclic static animation taking up to half of a screen for a group of players at a time is an issue to be addressed.Oh, I understand completely what you're suggesting. My point is to be careful what you wish for as Anet may implement something different to achieve the same result.
  19. QoL suggestions go here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged
  20. I really wish people would stop trying to compare these business models. They are not the same. Im not saying gw2 can or should putt out the same amount of content as wow does but it can and should put out content that justifies it combat being called the best in the genre. Plus im not so sure wow gets an insanely larger amount of funding. Their team rages on the 300 ppl mark and the developers at blizzard are paid close to the minimum wage for this kind of work (similar to anet). I think the difference in cintent is because of the diff aproach to management and planning both ff14 and wow seem to have but gw2 lacks.You clearly have much more insider knowledge of both game studios than I have.
  21. huh, how would that work? In any case shiny skyscales flapping their wings in your face while waiting for Tequatl etc, are actually quite the issue. Anet could rly try to tone down things for people who dont particularly like that. And I think its many. How? Just like with jumping puzzles. They could set a threshold of being less than so far from the ground would automatically dismount the player.
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