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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I understand this point; however, as GW2 is F2P/B2P, you're really not risking too much investment in getting on board. With no sub fee, you can decide how much time to dedicate to playing GW2 and not worry about wasting money and if you end up taking some time away, everything you've built up will still be relevant when you return. /shrug
  2. Interesting suggestions. You need to ask the big question though: what's in it for Anet? If they can't make a significant profit or RoI on these ideas, then they will never get into the pipeline.
  3. Yeah, that's the hill he wants to die on. Can't argue with opinions.
  4. I'd imagine that putting things in the WV is Anet's effort to drive traffic to certain content. Are there not enough players doing raids?
  5. The term WIN is literally in the phrase PAY TO WIN. The monetary practices of GW2 in no way allow any players to WIN the game over any other players. Can things be obtained faster by purchasing them? Absolutely, but those items do not grant any benefit or advantage that isn't available in other ways. If such items were EXCLUSIVE and ONLY available from purchasing with real cash, then you would have a valid argument. And calling me childish and simplistic doesn't really help to support your position. Those who cannot make a valid argument often resort to name calling when they cannot convince the opposition. Maybe try to support your position with actual FACTS that show EXACTLY how GW2 is P2W instead of making hyperbolic statements.
  6. I don't need to make an argument because your point has yet to be valid. You continue to push the narrative that GW2 is P2W and have yet to define how anyone wins GW2. That's ridiculous. Also, i don't emote with every reply that I don't agree with. Please don't accuse me and impugn my character.
  7. For me, a very casual OW PvE player, I usually enjoy going through the various core Tyria zones and at some point realize that hey this map is almost done so I finish it. Eventually, all I have left are LA and the starter towns (QD, etc) so I just finish those to be 100% complete. I don't have many toons, but have 6 GoE (over 10+ years) ... that I will never use because I have no desire to go for legendary items.
  8. Probably true, but then why are new players striving to get in to this high end content right from the start? What groups would take them, even if they had BiS gear, if they don't know the mechanics of the game or their profession? I doubt that many would.
  9. And this equates to your position that gem sales are down? You really should have hard facts from Anet to support that theory. Where is the financial statement?
  10. I didn't specifically look for this. Just browsing through the other forums.
  11. It actually makes the entire discussion moot. If what is being discussed can't be defined equally by both sides, then there is no way for an argument to stand because now it is based on opinion and not fact. You can tell me that the sky is blue but if I am determined that it is red in my opinion, then there is nothing you could say or do to convince me otherwise. Same applies to this thread's argument over the definition of P2W. No, it is not clear. You have an indefensible position because the term cannot be equally agreed upon by both sides of the argument.
  12. Hmmm..... here's a thread to reference to perhaps better understand the context of this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/140884-i-am-obscenely-out-of-the-loop-and-need-some-direction/
  13. Where? I challenge you to go back into this thread and prove where I have been attacking you or anyone else. Please stop making these statements about me or I will report you for attacking me.
  14. Therein lies the problem, I think. It appears that the OP wants to jump in to end-game content with fully spec'd gear (legendary) from day one. At least, that's how it sounds to me.
  15. I do not have an alternative account and I am not confused at all. You specifically said that I "relentlessly attack all outsiders". You should retract or at least apologize for making such a statement about me (or any other player) without citing proof.
  16. I would think that if a target is under 25% health, then a player ought to be able to finish it off rather quickly without needing an increase in damage in the bleed stacks to do it.
  17. If you were personally insulted, then report the post and the moderators will take care of it. Personal attacks are against the forums CoC. But just because of that, doesn't really give you the right to then turn around and accuse me of things I've never done.
  18. You blame the community and then toss about insults like this? Whatever. As for GW2 being despised, I'd wager the thousands of players who are online each and every day would counter that opinion. I don't find that your suggestion would improve the game. It would seem that players who want to have instant end-game content and equipment are the ones with the misguided expectations. It is simply unrealistic, in my opinion, for a new player to come into the game and immediately have everything that the game can offer from the start. You say that I resist any idea that would improve the game. Please support that statement with proof. You likewise state that I "relentlessly attack all outsiders." Again, please cite examples. As for not being worthy in your eyes, well I'll not lose any sleep over your inflated opinion.
  19. How does someone win GW2 with all of the expansions unlocked? How does someone without them lose GW2?
  20. Ok, so what is the point exactly because your wall of text kinda obscures it.
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