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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I think it was streamlined because of all of the complaining. Still, SoTo can be done without one, provided a player has Griffon and/or glider and can use updrafts and/or leylines. Sure, I expect future content to favor the skyscale -- it is the signature flying mount for most players -- but they aren't required to complete the content.
  2. Good thing the flying mounts are optional for practically all OW content.
  3. Wouldn't that go against the idea of cultural armor, though?
  4. This is a huge factor for me, as well. Also, what keeps me playing is the social aspect of playing with friends. We don't necessarily set out to achieve specific goals or do any instanced content like raids and such. We just party up, pick a map and have at it. Sometimes it's a core map; other times not and we joke and tease each other with how bad we are when we're downed or dead because we don't make meta builds. Instead, we play what we like whether it works or not. Simply put, I guess, we just pal around and have fun.
  5. I wouldn't. That doesn't interest me at all.
  6. Or those of us who aren't interested in legendary gear.
  7. Anet has said that they will not be providing additional translations. You can use the forums search to find the threads on this topic.
  8. Yes. Support does a pretty decent job on these types of things.
  9. Players who don't already do certain content probably won't be encouraged to do it with a simple nudge. I know that I avoid the Activities and mini-dungeon ones and just wait for the next daily because I really don't care for that content. There would have to be some really significant rewards to encourage me, and I just don't see Anet doing that. /shrug
  10. Also, note that masteries are account wide, so whatever you unlock on one character would be available on others.
  11. I think that this would be a horrible idea. This would essentially wipe out anything other than core builds in central Tyria. I don't see that being in Anet's best interests.
  12. IIRC the advice had been to get mounts to level 3 each (raptor, springer, skimmer, jackal) before progressing any of them beyond that.
  13. What, then, would be the incentive to go for legendary gear?
  14. Suggest a way for Anet to monetize this, and you might succeed.
  15. Hard disagree. I think that it is great that there is something available for those players who want more difficult game play that is kept separate from open world. Similarly, I find it nice that the competitive modes are likewise kept separate from open world so that players who don't wish to engage in such content aren't forced to deal with it. Just as AR gate-keeps players from higher tiers, you seem to be suggesting that it should also be used to gate-keep certain areas of open world content? Players, like me, don't want to be forced into getting ascended gear. I've managed to make some ascended weapons because I wanted the skins for them but that's about the extent of it. I'm glad that I don't feel the need to grind for ascended gear just to complete open world content. I feel that this is inherent in the game's design.
  16. None of the suggestions here (and/or in other threads) would entice me to engage in these formats. They just don't interest me. I have a feeling that this might be true for a significantly large portion of the player base which is why Anet spends their precious few resources where they will get the most out of them. /shrug Good luck, though.
  17. Sorry, not sure to whom this was directed. If it were me, then my answer is that I have no ideas/suggestions because I don't find the premise of the thread to be valid. I don't believe it is impossible for players (new and vets) to not be able to complete content or events. I see it frequently since I tend to hang out in these zones quite a bit. Are there times when players with mounts make events difficult? Sure, but I don't agree with "impossible".
  18. Why should I be penalized for wanting to use a mount in these zones? I'm not the type of player that is doing the things that are complained about in this thread. I spend a good bit of time in these zones helping out new players.
  19. I don't intend to ever make and legendary anything, so I save up my MC and sell them when the price is favorable. /shrug
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