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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Why stop at 12? If we had 20 or even 30 options, we'd cover a lot more players' preferences. Let's make it 100 options!
  2. I can imagine this OP having the same conversation with his/her employer. "Hey, I want all of the salaries and bonuses the same as the people who have been working here for 10+ years, but I want it now because I will never be able to catch up to them."
  3. How many more? Put a number on it. I'd bet even then there would be some players who would want even more than that. How could Anet appease them? Where should Anet draw the line?
  4. Outfits are a completely different armor rig. They are easy cash for Anet. Making armor set pieces work across all professions would take re-working to get them right. Anet apparently would rather not spend resources doing that; instead, they'd rather sell outfits.
  5. My answer is still "no" for the many reasons previously stated here and in many other threads on this topic.
  6. Anet, we are pretty certain, makes a good bit of money from transmutation charges so I highly doubt that they would do this. It might be a net loss for them.
  7. I agree. Soulbound items are old thinking and should no longer exist. Account bound, sure, but not soulbound.
  8. That's what outfits are for. Now, a leather jacket as part of an outfit set would not be a bad suggestion/request.
  9. Inventory slots, bags and transmutation charges are probably the items that make Anet a lot of money. I really don't see them eliminating these with QOL features, especially if they haven't done so by now.
  10. There are laws in place to help protect consumers when engaging with a company online. A third-party MMO server setup run by some anonymous persons wouldn't provide any legal protection. That's my point. If an online game company has a security breach, there are legal repercussions so (I'd imagine) most online game companies would be well incentivized to keep account information protected. A no-name third party would have no such incentive.
  11. No, I get it that it would be a completely different account. Still, would anyone really trust an unknown 3rd party with that account? What about any personal information that might be attached to it? At least with Anet, if there is a breach there would be some legal accountability. With a 3rd party? Probably not so much.
  12. Who would trust their account/items to some unknown person(s) hosting a reverse engineered server? What's to keep someone from just taking your stuff?
  13. I'm about as casual a player as can be in GW2 and I enjoyed the new zones on release, but they didn't fully appeal to me or maintain my interest enough for me to visit them on a regular basis. /shrug
  14. I think it is on release so that you can vary the height of the jump. Not sure that could be changed without changing how it functions.
  15. Don't you also get laurels for completing the weeklies? Maybe the specials, too?
  16. Posts/threads usually don't get moved unless someone reports them and requests that they be moved. That other threads still remain is probably due to no one reporting/requesting them to be moved.
  17. Those aren't masteries. Those are rewards or achievements.
  18. I have the opposite problem. Sometimes my pet is able to easily hop up to a different elevation whereas I cannot find the single pixel that I need to touch to make that leap happen.
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