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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I can see no good business reason for Anet to allow this.
  2. Arbitrarily? C'mon. That's over the top. It was causing crashes.
  3. All dyes except for Birthday dyes and the Monstrous Dye Kit set, per the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guaranteed_Dye_Unlock
  4. The in-game description, during character creation, says: "Favors Ranged" As a ranger main, I don't side with the profession being solely ranged. I disagree with the premise of this thread that rangers are a "melee profession". I use both ranged and melee depending on the situation and the pet that is currently in use.
  5. I thought that the complaint was the 10+ silver cost from Cantha. Hopping through the mists avoids this cost.
  6. Hop to the mists and take the portal to LA. That's free.
  7. Please, I beg of you, should you find me 1v1 in WvW, please jump in because I'm more than likely having my kitten handed to me and could really use saving! 🤣
  8. That's not how open world is designed to work. As suggested above, you can solo dungeons and fractals for this type of challenge.
  9. (Unpopular opinion, perhaps) Raids should never have been implemented in GW2. Resources would have better been spent on other content that appeals to a larger portion of the player base.
  10. I've seen a character with my first and last name and had to do a double-take. I had no idea that my name would have been someone else's choice. Was both funny and kinda creepy.
  11. I would take Skywatch over VB in a heartbeat. As much as I appreciate the design of VB and all, I really don't enjoy that map whereas Skywatch is much more entertaining for me. So, yeah, different people enjoy different styles of content which is one of the things that makes this game pretty cool.
  12. As much as I hate this idea (which I really hate), this is probably more likely to come now that Anet is running out of ideas for content. 🙄
  13. Yeah, the whole Joko arc was too short lived. I thought that it was a great opportunity to expose the Commander to the repercussions of their actions.
  14. Why not use equipment and build templates on your existing ranger?
  15. But I thought that the core maps were dead? I keep hearing that.
  16. Please sell achievement points in the TP or let us purchase them with something like karma or laurels so that I can catch up. Thanks.
  17. Anet raises TP cap to 100k. Sellers start selling for 500k. Anet raises cap, Sellers raise price, etc.... No.
  18. I don't necessarily disagree. I never use one because I'm not involved in content that would need be to be top of form ... I'm too darn casual 🙂 My point was to echo what others have thought/posted in the many, many threads on this topic. The biggest argument I recall reading that was against meters was that the data was public. Those detractors had no issue with the DPS data remaining private.
  19. I think the arguments for banning DPS meters is because they show results of any player rather than just your own results to yourself. If they didn't make the information public, then it certainly could be a useful learning tool for many who would want that kind of information. It's this publicly available data which many believe leads to the gate-keeping and presumed toxicity in certain game modes.
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