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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I bought those wings and took an immediate FPS hit such that I don't enable them. I thought it was my rig not optimized enough to handle the effect.
  2. This is the announcement to which the thread refers: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111982/an-update-on-game-performance-issues for those who haven't seen it.
  3. That's a fair point. I hadn't considered all of those.
  4. Perhaps the DE needs to be careful/accurate with the placing of his/her mark? I don't see this as enough of a problem that needs attention.
  5. From the March 5, 2019 game release notes when the warclaw was officially released:"The new warclaw mount can now be unlocked in WvW. To accommodate this addition, a Warclaw Mastery line has been added to the Rank and Abilities tab of the World vs. World panel. Training the first skill in the mastery line will unlock a collection achievement that, once completed, allows players to purchase a warclaw from vendors in the Borderlands. Once the warclaw has been unlocked, players can summon it anywhere that mounts can be used, but warclaws are especially effective in WvW where they excel in battle and siege warfare. A well-trained warclaw can finish off enemies who are in a downed state, detect nearby foes, and even help destroy gates in siege battles." To me, it seems that the warclaw was not intended to be anything more than a simple mount in areas not WvW. With the glut of other, available PvE mounts, I don't understand how adjusting anything for the warclaw in PvE would make it any different than the rest of the mounts. Additionally, the warclaw requires Path of Fire. Unlocking the warclaw takes more effort than unlocking a raptor which, arguably, is better served in PvE than a warclaw.
  6. No, if you think its OP (lol) that a character less than 2 years old can use it, then just do a query of the info sent back from /age. If it's <2 then it doesn't work. I don't think it's OP. It's a birthday item for a character, not for an account. Making it account bound would defeat that purpose. That was my point.
  7. The sound of the unicorn bow isn't enough horse for you?
  8. That's great to hear, I've long been vocal about having the Warclaw as a beginner mount by making it accessable to everyone with the core game.There is no mastery line for it like other mounts so im sure Anet could make that work. As you said now your friend can keep up with mounted groups even with Warclaws diminished speed and if you guys play WvW she can do the same there too.It's a great beginners mount that could solve some annoying issues players without mounts have to deal with, it's a shame it's just not accessable enough thanks to being locked to PoF.It should be a core game mount that can serve as a big end game reward and enticement for people to try WvW. I thought obtaining the warclaw through WvW was supposed to be the enticement for people to try that WvW? Giving new players a warclaw and hoping that they will try WvW doesn't seem like it will work out so well, in my opinion. You misunderstood me. Warclaw would still have to be earned by playing WvW, the only thing that will change is that you wouldn't need PoF to access it anymore.So anyone with a paid or free2play copy of Gw2 would be able to unlock this 1 mount by playing WvW, hence the enticement to try WvW.Sorry, I suppose that I did misunderstand. Thanks for the clarification. ;)
  9. That's great to hear, I've long been vocal about having the Warclaw as a beginner mount by making it accessable to everyone with the core game.There is no mastery line for it like other mounts so im sure Anet could make that work. As you said now your friend can keep up with mounted groups even with Warclaws diminished speed and if you guys play WvW she can do the same there too.It's a great beginners mount that could solve some annoying issues players without mounts have to deal with, it's a shame it's just not accessable enough thanks to being locked to PoF.It should be a core game mount that can serve as a big end game reward and enticement for people to try WvW. I thought obtaining the warclaw through WvW was supposed to be the enticement for people to try that WvW? Giving new players a warclaw and hoping that they will try WvW doesn't seem like it will work out so well, in my opinion.
  10. Someone has already mentioned this. No need to start a new thread. ;)
  11. Bugs should be reported in the Bugs forum https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/bugs%3A-game-forum-website A thread for this issue already exists https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111894/tp-ui-issue-text-appearance
  12. Aren't those items already available for purchase through the TP? Why would ANet make them tradeable and lose potential revenue?
  13. I wouldn't want more combat skills for mounts. Things are already bad enough when players dismount en masse during events.
  14. The problem is that mounts had motion sickness issues early on and a second player not in control of the mount would likely bring this issue back since not being in control of the motion is a trigger for motion sickness. I think it would be easier to just add a mount vendor to each map that players could rent a mount from on that map for 24 hours. It'd be a gold sink for new players. Or, perhaps the incentive is to purchase the expansion.
  15. I don't see how this would be more immersive.
  16. Which is what I had said in a previous post. You can make something fun but players won't generally do it enough times compared to if it were rewarding. The moment you make something rewarding to be worth doing, players farm the kitten out of it until it's no longer worth doing.One also has to consider what rewards are "decent". This is highly subjective. Not everyone will agree on what makes a reward decent.
  17. No.. they gate all content behind a seperate purchase, every monthAnd GW2 doesn't gate anything behind a purchase except for the expansions. Subscription is not gating.GW2 gates LW behind additional purchase of the content, on top of paying for expansions.Never seen anyone call subscriptions "gating" before.... So let me get this straight ..Content you can buy permanently with a one time real money purchase AND earn in game is gated content... BUT .. Content that is gated behind a real money purchase that you have to repeat monthly is NOT gated content? A sub grants you access to the entire game, not just part of it. If there were tiers of subs, where higher tiers gave access to content that lower tiers did not, THAT would be gating with subs. And I can't think of a single MMO that does that. So no, subscription is not gating.But what happens if you decide to stop paying that monthly fee? Wouldn't you lose access to that content? I would consider that gating, to an extent.
  18. And it serves no purpose in the story whatsoever, so what's the point of adding it? Stuff like this should be entirely optional, not a dexterity check for a story instance. Yes, it serves a purpose; diversification of gameplay. I never heard from people who complain these have hard jumping sections in games until let's say 10 years ago. Maybe people don't know what to expect in GW2, but I think the addition of jumping section in GW2 very refreshing (well back in 2012). I think the problem is more the demographics entering gaming; casuals who only played some mobile games where you need no dexterity.That's not what I believe he's saying. To me, the argument is that it doesn't serve a story purpose. Platforming doesn't advance the narrative and shouldn't be made mandatory for a story instance. I tend to agree with that.
  19. But is there really enough underwater content for something like this? I mean, to me it seems that ANet abandoned underwater content. Perhaps there will be more in the expansion and things like this mount skill and the speed infusion are a lead up to that, but for current maps I really don't see this as being much of a QoL improvement. Still, it should be neat and interesting. Not sure it will make underwater content a lot more fun.
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