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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Just my experience. Yours was different. Doesn't mean that the maps need the adjustments that you are advocating. /shrug Exactly my point. Most casual players don't have time to play the same thing over and over. I don't want to turn this into an argument, but a productive mutual understanding of how everyone's experiences are different, and IF arenanet could come up with something which is more of an individual based balance. And i would say 8 random players, on a game, all having a similar opinion is atleast something to look at. I'm not trying to make an argument. I just don't want Anet to make changes based on your very limited experience. They don't need to look at things based on 8 random players out of the millions of players that they have. If you want Anet to come up with something "which is more of an individual based balance", then what do you propose? GW2 is, after all, an MMO and even though much of it can be played solo, I don't believe that it is Anet's intent that it be played that way. Besides, if you want individual based balance, how would that work? I'm just not fully understanding your point. It seems to me that you have difficulty with HoT content, but have not suggestions for how Anet might adjust it solely for you?
  2. Then do interesting stuff with them like events and map exploration. The fact you can't make the game interesting by being out of the loop how to make leveling fun is not an issue with the game. You can level perfectly fine without doing a single heart quest. But times change, and Guild Wars 2 is now 8 years old. The people who are going to start playing are people who are veterans of other MMORPGS - not people trying an MMO for the first time. It should be tailored towards this - just like it naturally has been since Guild Wars 1. Not going backwards to increase user play-time by stretching out content. It takes me 1 week to lvl a character to 80 without tomes One week? How many hours? For me, one week is about 4-8 hours because that's about all of the time I can allot. Just curious so that I can compare. I have to do everything at times and i take breaks Right, so how many hours do you play on average in a week to level to 80? 2 hours a day (14 hours a week)? 4 hours a day (28 hours a week)?
  3. Then do interesting stuff with them like events and map exploration. The fact you can't make the game interesting by being out of the loop how to make leveling fun is not an issue with the game. You can level perfectly fine without doing a single heart quest. But times change, and Guild Wars 2 is now 8 years old. The people who are going to start playing are people who are veterans of other MMORPGS - not people trying an MMO for the first time. It should be tailored towards this - just like it naturally has been since Guild Wars 1. Not going backwards to increase user play-time by stretching out content. It takes me 1 week to lvl a character to 80 without tomesOne week? How many hours? For me, one week is about 4-8 hours because that's about all of the time I can allot. Just curious so that I can compare.
  4. I just played with a squad of 8 to complete one hero point. balthazar in Auric Basin, and all of them had a problem with the maps. so it ccleasrly isn't a minority or it was just a coincidence that 8 out of 8 people happen to believe the same.8 players does not a significant sample size make. "clearly isn't a minority"? I'd wager you could run that HP again at different times of the day / night and find completely different results. I've done that same HP multiple times to help other players and haven't seen or heard the grief that you mention. Just my experience. Yours was different. Doesn't mean that the maps need the adjustments that you are advocating. /shrug
  5. HoT has already been nerfed once. As a casual gamer, I still struggle through it, but I am capable enough to not get in too far over my head in these maps. Personally, I do not enjoy the challenges in HoT, but am glad that it fills a niche for other players who do enjoy it.
  6. Used 2 keys; got nothing of real value. Fie on you, Anet!! /sarcasm
  7. These seem to be updated with each expansion. Might have to wait for the next one.
  8. For extended gathering sessions I agree. But this is not viable for all situations. For instance, I have 3 alts parked at the Rich Quartz Crystal node in Crystal Oasis right now. Every day, each of them picks up their 10 Quartz Crystal. It just takes a couple of seconds and then I switch character. Though I have a spare set of unlimited gathering tools available, I just can't bring myself to use it for that. Instead, I use the normal Orichalcum mining picks. Would be way too much micromanagement for me to equip tool, gather, unequip and then put it back into the shared slot again if I had to do it multiple times every day. It’s literally three to four extra seconds to drag them to Shared Inventory. That’s 9-12 seconds total. Good Lord, people. You don't even have to drag them. You just put a permanent one in a shared inventory slot and equip an orichalcum one on each character. Then you open your inventory and double-click on the one in your shared inventory and it'll equip it, swapping it with whatever orichalcum tool you have equipped, then when you're done you double click them again to swap the orichalcum one back. A couple of seconds.Thanks for supporting my point. :)
  9. With the availability of shared inventory slots, which really don't take any significant time to use to swap tools around characters, I'm surprised that this is even a request.
  10. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110906/drizzlewood-meta-takes-waayyyy-too-long-now-meta-event-spoilers https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110967/please-can-you-stop-advertising-in-lfg-if-the-map-is-full-and-you-write-full-into-your-description https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111008/drizzelwood-snipers-comments-and-one-question
  11. That wish holds true for us PvE players, too!
  12. Rangers barely use all of the ones we have now.
  13. EDIT: your point also assumes that many players would buy many armor sets. From my perspective, I don't see a lot of outfits being worn in game, so it may not be the money maker that you imagine it to be?
  14. yeah it should change into armor system, because current outfit system is restrictive where you can not even remove shoulders, the purpose is to change this flawed system and changed it into much better system with much better customization, and that system is already exist in the game, the armor system. If you read previous threads on this topic, you would know that one armor set takes a lot of resources and around 9 months to make. That's just for one set.
  15. You can submit a ticket to Support with your appeal. They may or may not restore it.
  16. Perhaps it is considered an exclusive skin because it is not part of a bundle?
  17. No one would choose Elite or Champion.Everyone would choose Legendary.There would be infinite queues for legendary positions.People would complain they can never do the event because all the Legendary slots are always already taken.There would be infinite complain about balance, wether one side or the other almost always win. To me, that says more about the players than the content.
  18. I'd rather be discussing the game instead of discussing what some people feel the game needs. /shrug
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