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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I completely understand the frustration that you and others have with regards to these AFK players and agree that it is a problem for the health of the game. Unfortunately, these players do not appear to be violating any ToS or rules, so there is little that Anet will do about them at this point.
  2. Wishing for 3 new races would, IMO, be a tall order.
  3. We simply cannot know because they never publicly divulge actions that they take. True, but clearly if that is the case, then their methods are ineffective. There are still many players doing this right at this very moment, a week after the OPWhich methods? If a GM whispers to the reported player and that player responds then they are not breaking the rules. There is nothing ineffective about that. Now, in my opinion, it's the rules that need to be changed that allow for this method of play. That's the discussion that we ought to be having.
  4. I refer you to the latest, official, post on VA: So, "when it's safe" is when we can expect VA to return.
  5. You know how many people unlock everything? My fiance would unlock all of them... This is way better than nothing they currently get because we have stacks of hairstyle kits. If it works for outfits, it could work for hair styles. :-)Actually, no I don't know how many people unlock everything. How is this way better? Currently: purchase self-style hair kit with gems (250 I think?). Change hair. Want to change again, purchase another kit. Proposed: unlock hair style with gems (250 I guess to remain consistent). Change hair. Want to change again, unlock another style. In both cases, the user would need to purchase either a kit or an unlock. The difference with your idea, though, is once unlocked it can be used account wide. That would, in my opinion, dis-incentivize players from needing to purchase additional kits/unlocks. That would result in a net loss of gem transactions. Of course, with the gold -> gem conversion, it really isn't so difficult to obtain enough gems to purchase the existing kits. Or, obtain them through RNG BLC (which I'm sure that Anet would greatly prefer). I really don't see the benefit for Anet to act on your proposal.
  6. I'd like the ability to actually explore them without aggro-ing mobs from pretty much everywhere all of the time.
  7. I think you would get a better response in the Ranger profession sub-forum rather than General Discussion.
  8. Player shouldn't have to set themselves to "offline" to avoid unwanted whispers.
  9. You might check out the API forum for this kind of query.
  10. Many companies in the US begin their fiscal year in the fall. That might be why.
  11. Why? None of this is required to play the game. Legendary items are optional. Making them just skins takes away their value as "legendary". Ascended and Exotic don't need stat swapping either. Besides, if people cannot deal with the grind of making a legendary, what makes you think that they would enjoy a long-term motivation for a fusing system?
  12. People AFK farm now. Imagine AFK farming and tagging for rewards?
  13. The game is mostly about fashion wars now. I think that you might be giving the need or desire for items purely for stat customization a bit too much value in your argument. I'm not sold that a large enough portion of the player base would care about that. Most indicators that we've seen have shown a smaller minority engaged in the end-game content that would want/need stat customization. IMO, the bulk of the players are more casual and probably wouldn't want legendary items for the reason that are suggested in this thread.
  14. Your comparison is not valid in my opinion as no one is taking advantage of any exploits in GW2. They are playing within the framework of the rules as currently written.
  15. Fairness can really only be an issue if there is something competitive. Open World is not competitive. No one is winning over anyone else. The entire premise of this being fair or not is irrelevant.
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