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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Is there an award for claiming all of the titles?
  2. You already have a purpose to collect them all. Your own satisfaction. There's no real need to show that off.
  3. Why? Because someone cried and complained about it, probably.
  4. Yep. It's a gimmick-y type of thing which should be improved or removed. As I said in my earlier post, it's difficult to obtain and maintain for so little benefit.
  5. I thought that things like this were put into place to push players to the latest and/or end game content since that is where all of the advertising goes. It's as if Anet feels that new players won't want to engage with the older content, so this is a plan to get them quickly to the new content and hopefully keep them engaged rather than new players being felt left out as they toil through earlier content in order to get all of their spec leveled up. /shrug
  6. No, they said that people could pay for legendary while everyone else is stuck with exotics. They completely ignored the fact that legendary (and ascended) can also be crafted. P2W would mean that legendaries could ONLY be purchased with cash giving those with wallets the advantage that the extra power of those weapons brings. This is not the case since everyone has equal access to legendary (and ascended).
  7. No, because players can actually craft legendaries (or even ascended) for the same power advantage. P2W would be if the item were exclusively available for cash.
  8. In my limited, solo, casual OW testing in Siren's Landing I found these to be viable, as many have said before. Not sure I will use them. Maybe for some niche build or something. Force of Nature felt a long time to build up for very short duration gain. Cooldown when it wore off seemed a bit off, too. I had difficulty in building up the 6 stacks unless I was surrounded by a group and then the reward for the effort felt diminished (ha! see what I did there?). I'd like to see this build up a bit faster and the final effect last a bit longer. Then, the wear-off cooldown would probably feel about right.
  9. I don't disagree here. I've managed to "die" my way through some rather than "body-slam", but the result is the same. It's not enjoyable content for me when that happens, so I often just skip story chapters.
  10. For a game that (allegedly) is target toward a casual, OW audience at 12 years old and up, yeah. A lot of recent things have been more for the competitive aspects of MMOs. I firmly believe that HoT and all that came with it was designed for raiding since raids were released then. PoF was for the PvP crowd and now the latest few releases have been a mis-match of awkward skills and changes that seem to be more interested in competitive gaming and don't really have a home in OW. So, yeah, I've not really been excited about things for a while being a very casual OW player. But, that's me. /shrug
  11. Some players are more able than others. What you find "seriously easy" other find taxing or at least frustrating. I'm sorry that you can't understand how others can have difficulty with story missions. Not everyone is as apt as you.
  12. I hate the inconsistency across maps. When Fire Elemental drops those AOE blasts that send the knock-down circles out, you can time them and jump to avoid, but in other maps the timing is different for the same effect. Frustrating.
  13. Where would you come up with that? Have you not seen the price spike in gems over the past week? How would you equate that with complaints about WV and losing the old daily system?
  14. There was a time that I would wait to convert my gold to gems for the price to drop under 70. Now, 200? Egad.
  15. I think WV is probably the biggest reason, again for the infusion of gold into the economy. Also, a lot of oft-requested items are currently on sale, so that will affect the conversion ... which, IMO, is made easier for players due to the ease of obtaining gold via WV. 🙂 I agree that this may not be healthy for the in-game economy in the long run.
  16. Exactly! If players were purchasing gems with real cash, then there would be more gems in the pool which ought to lower the price. I agree that it's due to gold being much easier to obtain through the WV. I'd guess Anet is ok with this as it might drive players to purchase rather than convert. At the end of the day, Anet wants the cash, not the gold.
  17. I never said that it wasn't true. Perhaps it is, from his point of view. Doesn't necessarily make it "more fun". That's the subjective part.
  18. Was certain I had gotten 30 last night. I guess I wasn't watching as closely as I thought.
  19. You mean Astral Acclaim right? I received 30 when I completed my daily yesterday.
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