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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. What is being argued by the OP is forced content. Forced raiding to continue with the game's story. If you don't raid, then you do not progress further in the game. That is forced content. Currently, GW2 doesn't have this model and I don't believe that they intend to change to one like that now. As for people posting and asking for more challenging content, that's how raids were brought about in the first place. Now, if the current raid structure is not challenging enough for those players, then certainly they can ask for raids to be made harder. Heck, they're welcome to it! My problem with the suggestion in this thread is forcing all of the player base to endure this harder raid content in order to progress.
  2. How about....40 MAN raids!!! If there is enough of a demand for Anet to spend their time and resources, then sure. Just don't make it forced content. Forced story raid content ^^ ftw beat the game it rewards you with the next cutscenes of the story! I don't think that the idea of forcing story through raid content fits within the scope of Anet's vision for GW2. It might work in some other game(s), though. Well living world season 3 didn't make much sense unless you did first 4 raid wings.Perhaps not, but players weren't prevented from going ahead with Season 3 if they didn't do the raids. The OP is advocating for locking story content behind raiding (or other such content).
  3. To me, the premise here is flawed. PvE is viable now.
  4. How about....40 MAN raids!!! If there is enough of a demand for Anet to spend their time and resources, then sure. Just don't make it forced content. Forced story raid content ^^ ftw beat the game it rewards you with the next cutscenes of the story!I don't think that the idea of forcing story through raid content fits within the scope of Anet's vision for GW2. It might work in some other game(s), though.
  5. How about....40 MAN raids!!! If there is enough of a demand for Anet to spend their time and resources, then sure. Just don't make it forced content.
  6. Forcing content for story has not been a popular idea around here. Also, not everyone likes raid-level content, so players would probably leave. If Anet's research and data show that there is enough of a demand for additional, instanced, hard content, then they might spend the resources to create it. How would this differ from the existing raids?
  7. I hope not. If players want Wildstar housing, then they should play Wildstar. I would prefer Anet spend their resources on content that would appeal to what I believe would be a larger portion of the player base.
  8. I wonder if ANet lowered the requirements for these events on maps 6, 8, 12 months after release if less people would do them earlier and wait for the eventual nerf?
  9. You might get more assistance in the Players Helping Players forum.
  10. Perhaps, but remember that new players/characters wouldn't necessarily be ready for (or able to) increasing these challenges.
  11. You may want to keep an eye on this thread as it is updated daily https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales
  12. I don't want real world problems invading my fantasy world gaming. Please, no.
  13. I was thinking something along these lines. The current system is acceptable for people who change looks sparingly, but if a player is a real fashion addict, there's no amount of charges that will suffice.Then, they should pony up and pay the price. Support the game. Keep the servers running.
  14. What is the alternative for Fashion Wars if transmutation charges are removed? I wonder how many are actually purchased and whether or not it is enough of a marketing thing to keep the charges as they are?
  15. This is probably the reason...https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/101262/floating-balls-eveywhere
  16. There is an official feedback thread here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/91126/official-feedback-thread-about-build-and-equipment-templates
  17. If there were "easier" bosses that dropped "unique" items, then how unique would these items be if practically everyone does the content for these items?
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