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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Make real templates and then remove them on April 2
  2. And? So asking for things like a new race, with all of the work that such a request entails, is probably not likely if it hasn't already been placed in the development chain. It would be too late to insert it now.
  3. @Balthzar.3807 I get what you're saying. Truly, I do. But you are just one player out of (probably) millions. Your $200/month loss may not be so significant to Anet, and they are willing to accept that. I was questioning the other poster who wanted this to be something account wide for legendary, ascended and other items that are not soul bound. My devil's advocate point was Anet probably wouldn't accommodate that request because doing so only gets money from a player one time whereas the current model allows for multiple transactions should a player want the 'full' system. Granted, most players probably haven't purchased all of the available load-out slots, so my question might not be on solid ground. Only Anet has the figures and knows whether or not the current template system is a financial success (or enough of one) that satisfies their investors. As a casual, non-competition mode player, the current system suits me fine and I haven't had to buy anything beyond what was originally released. I've thought about it, but even I wasn't willing to justify the cost. I completely understand where the non-casual (raid, WvW, PvP) crowd gets their anger, especially as the official system, to them, no way replaces ARC. I never used ARC, so I can't say; but I do understand the discontent. I just keep coming back to the same question for the suggestions in this thread: what's in it for ANet? There is no way that we can know the financial reasons and/or repercussions of this decision and implementation. Now, if someone could come up with a solution that makes enough profit for Anet (including whatever developing resources would have to be expended), then I'm certain that they would listen. There aren't many things that speak louder to a company than dollars.
  4. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100740/forging-steel-bugged-cant-access-the-story-instance
  5. unfortunately forum rules do not let me edit my original post title, content or anything else, i would have done it long ago, to get ride of the "smart" ones who like only to create arguments from everything around them :( Ah, you don't yet have enough stars.
  6. Not only legendary gear, but also ascended gear and every other gear, that is not soul bound and that can be switched between characters. I like the idea, but I don't see how ANet profits?
  7. It would still be considerate to add a spoiler tag to your thread title. What's the harm? /shrug
  8. To me, a druid and a shaman are more in tune with spiritual things, and less with martial ones. In many ways, I almost view them both as the same really. /shrug
  9. Commonly happens in wvw.Thanks. That's weird that it would be different, but I guess that's what makes Anet, Anet. /me shrugs
  10. Disagree. Just because other MMOs have it, doesn't mean that GW2 should have it. I prefer the development resources be used for other content.
  11. Not everyone wants to play PvP or WvW either. These "adjustments" harm us casual, OWPvE players. :( I'm not sure how? Patch notes say these changes are pvp and wvw only. My PVE build hits as strong if not stronger than ever.I was speaking generally rather than specifically. Sorry I wasn't clear. ;)
  12. GW2 isn't predominately a FPS game.
  13. Not everyone wants to play PvP or WvW either. These "adjustments" harm us casual, OWPvE players. :(
  14. I loved it in open world. :) Knocked enemies all over the place. Good times.
  15. Sorry. They've already detailed how outfits are made and this won't be something that they will implement. You'd be better off with armor sets. You can buy those from the gem store when they cycle around.
  16. I think that you answered your own question. ;)
  17. If they are announcing an expansion, then development is well on its way. They have already determined what will be in the expansion and most likely won't make any radical changes which might affect their timeline and (internal) release date.
  18. But that's not the point. The point is forcing a play style that hasn't been required before. No you are wrong and I disagree with you! Stop making these claims for all player and for everyone! I enjoyed playing with others, yes with strangers! It was a lot of fun and I thank ANet for this experience! I would love to see more like this. Please don't listen to the complainer who think that crying the loudest makes them right.I disagree with the whole complaint in this topic!I LOVE VISIONS OF THE PAST! <3Whoa, chill out! Where did I make a claim for all players? Please don't read more into my comment than is there. I was merely attempting to clarify another's point as there appeared to be some confusion. Besides, you can say that my opinion is wrong and that's fine. Don't emphatically state that I am wrong, especially if my opinion differs from yours. A difference of opinion is how discourse happens. I'm glad that you find this new content so rewarding. Please respect other players who don't. Egad.
  19. So what happens a year from now when most players aren't playing on this map any longer and new players are struggling to find a group for this content in order to progress their story? Will we have the same complaints as Deadhouse, Skyscale or other things like these?
  20. But that's not the point. The point is forcing a play style that hasn't been required before.
  21. Devs will NEVER FIX IT. Just likethey have refused to fix anything weaver related in 3 years. It's a lost cause. In what game mode? I haven't seen this happen to my weaver in OWPvE. When she dismounts, she is attuned to what she had been prior to mounting.
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