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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Outfits are not armor sets. I don't see that Anet can fulfill this request. It seems similar to the reasons why they can't toggle shoulders/gloves. EDIT: outfits are a one piece suit plus a head piece which is why you can mark the head piece visible/invisible. The head piece is still connected to the full outfit which is probably why it cannot be changed to a different one.
  2. EDIT: I knew that I had seen this somewhere in the forums: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/969914/#Comment_969914 Mike-OBrien-ArenaNetArmor sets are by far the most expensive reward we can make. A full set includes heavy, medium, light, times five races, times two sexes, so it's like developing 30 sets. It takes nine months to develop. (That's for a normal armor set -- legendary is much longer.) It's not something we can do for Living World episodes. Individual pieces are good rewards for Living World episodes; full sets are more something for expansion packs.
  3. I don't believe that the way outfits are made that this would be possible. They might as well make armor skins, but we already know that is it more profitable (and less effort/time) for them to make outfits.
  4. It wouldn’t necessarily not either.. By choosing them, you get access to new class specs, new weapons, and in many cases significantly different play styles. Elite has become ‘effectively better’ It needn’t be that way at all. elite (noun) a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.
  5. Bringing elites lines down to core wouldn't necessarily make them "elite" anymore.
  6. How does someone obtaining 200G per day adversely affect your ability to play the game? I don't understand the complaint.
  7. the problem is that it is against the rules and it gives unfair materials to those botting, they can bot 24 hours a daywith 60 to 69 toons you can farm the tree farm 24/7 as it takes around 1 minute for each toon While I don't agree with bots/botting, I don't really see any problem with the amount of materials that they acquire except for how that might affect the in-game economy. What I really don't like are the bots who stand in the way of game/story progression. Aside from these things, those who bot don't really affect my ability to enjoy the game and they don't gain any unfair advantages over me in the game.
  8. I'd pay for it. Be careful. That's how we got the current iteration of templates.
  9. I see them in quite a few of the places that I frequent, usually on weekends when (I guess) there aren't enough GMs around to deal with reports. {shrug} I usually just report and move on. At some point, things will catch up with them.
  10. Sure, it doesn't seem to cost them anything to bot 24/7 and simply reap whatever they receive. Even with diminishing returns, they are guaranteed to get something for their "efforts". Those copper pieces add up, especially when you don't have to work to earn them.
  11. @mezzer.4096 posting names is against the CoC. You may want to edit your post.
  12. Maybe buy some gems every other month or so to purchase transmutation charges (they aren't that expensive, really)? That would help to support the game.
  13. A separate hard mode nstance of each map perhaps.With the limited resources that Anet seems to have, I can't see duplicating all of the maps with a "hard mode" element would be beneficial to the entire community at the cost of producing additional, new content. I don't have the statistics (but am sure that Anet does), but my experience leads me to believe that those truly interested in a hard mode -- enough to sustain it -- would be a small sample of the entire player base. I don't believe that this would justify the expenditure of resources.
  14. Agreed. There is a certain segment of the player base that requires instant gratification.
  15. Not sure if this is intended or not. When switching builds between my Weaver and Tempest and then back again, the Weaver build doesn't remember which attunements were previously selected. Seems to take whatever the Tempest was last using. I don't see this type of issue with swapping between my Ranger/Druid with regard to the selected pets. So, it would be nice when swapping back to my Weaver that the attunements remained what they were prior to swapping to another build.
  16. If there is an optional on/off toggle, then sure. I wouldn't want something else to clutter the UI.
  17. Hmm... not sure they will add any new content to an existing special event. Here's a list of things from past Wintersdays.
  18. Please use the feedback thread stickied at the top of the forum https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/91126/official-feedback-thread-about-build-and-equipment-templates
  19. 3 hours a day?? Would that I had that kind of time! :)
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