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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I'm definitely no database expert! Is this considering just one player account? What if this is spread across all accounts? Does it also consider everything else that's stored in the database across all accounts as well? At what point would the integrity begin to degrade and database performance suffer?
  2. There are also database limitations to consider. That might make it more difficult.
  3. Alas, you can't discuss moderation here on the forums. However, you may want to read the CoC. Maybe that will help explain some things. Otherwise, submit a ticket to support for further insight. https://us.ncsoft.com/en-us/legal/ncsoft/code-of-conduct
  4. But, we got what was wished for when people were clamoring for season one and the related events. This is one of the reasons why I had preferred Anet had spent their resources elsewhere rather than re-create content for nostalgia which never works out in the way that players wanted. See also Bunny Thumper spec request for Rangers. I do agree, though, with the premise of your argument that this might have worked better as some kind of open world content.
  5. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/"Search_and_Rescue!"
  6. If you want pirate content, there's always Pirate101
  7. No, thank you. I don't have an issue with the daily/vault. If there are things that are assigned that I don't want to do, I simply don't do them. I'm not worried about AA or the 1G.
  8. I don't object to that as a suggestion, but I'm pretty sure that Anet has this set up the way that it is for a reason. They did add an additional item after feedback, so perhaps there is hope for you. I wouldn't hold my breath, though.
  9. What you deem "stupid" is subjective. Some players may very well like the options available. I also have limited time, yet I'm able to hit one or two world bosses and get at least 1 gold which sometimes takes less time than working through the daily. I suggest, too, that you refrain from calling another poster trollish as that goes against the forums CoC.
  10. I finished the personal story on core ranger before they gutted the MH sword. It was quite viable. Not sure how much other content I would solo with it, though. The elites are just better.
  11. Floating daggers aren't too bad on a mid to small sized Asura
  12. No, apparently we need to make GW2 incorporate everything from every other game in order to make it viable.
  13. True, but I just worked up a new toon and called out for help in map chat for several HP in HoT and other players showed up. Heck, just missed the mushroom one in Auric Basin and as everyone was leaving I asked if we could run it again and almost all of them came back to help. So, a train isn't necessary if you're willing to call out for help.
  14. It's almost as if Anet is deliberately trying to push players into specific content.
  15. You posted on a public forum. Anyone can give their opinion whether or not you ask for one.
  16. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025699913 In summary, buying and selling of runs is acceptable. However, ArenaNet does not officially support buyers or sellers; these activities are done at your own risk.
  17. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of multiple accounts, but I agree with above: if it's a legitimately purchased account, then there should be no restrictions on it. Just like any other legitimate account.
  18. Or Ascended. Not as easy to stat swap, but it is already in the game.
  19. Only if it has a good return on the investment of time and resources. Only Anet knows if it's worth it or not.
  20. I also believe that this is by design. I believe that Anet would rather funnel players into raids and strikes rather than dungeons and fractals.
  21. Mounts weren't replacing any existing content like fractals did with dungeons. But yes, on can dream. Stranger things certainly have happened. 😉
  22. Anet stopped working on dungeons long ago when they introduced fractals. They aren't going to go back and add more development to them now.
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