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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. What mindset? If a game doesn't have a feature that some other game does have, why then should it be incorporated? I thought the same thing about fishing (and raids, too). I would much rather Anet spend their limited resources on things that will improve their game rather than mimic other ones. EDIT: Think of it this way. If Anet incorporated farm building like Stardew, then wouldn't those players stop playing that game? Perhaps, at least one would (you) for why would you log in and play that game when GW2 has everything from every other game that you enjoy?
  2. Precisely. We don't have the relevant data, but I can almost imagine that to remain profitable, the studio had to make changes that made the business model from 4, 6, or even 11 years ago unsustainable today.
  3. There is a difference between "what worked before" and "what makes enough profit for the investors" which is why I believe things are changing.
  4. You have 1.1k posts on the forum. You should know the answer by now as there have been many threads on this in the past. Anet's stance is to report and move on.
  5. You could subscribe to this thread which often gets updated more regularly: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/90-news-gemstore-items-newreturnedsales/?do=getNewComment
  6. Previous threads on new races have already covered why Anet won't be making them.
  7. Also remove the repetitive ones. Those that occur when you approach certain areas using the same character. Once I've heard it, I don't need to hear it each and every time.
  8. I'm not quoting anybody. Yes, you may have your opinion, but to call Anet's selling of infinite gathering tools a predatory practice defies the definition. I would agree with you if these items were required to play the game, but they're nothing more than QoL items.
  9. That happens a lot around here. That happens a lot around here, too. 😁
  10. But it's not a predatory design. There is no abusing the customers. These items are not required to play the game or complete content.
  11. Sorry for your luck, then. Maybe try the LFG and get on a more populated map? It could be the time of day or what zone (EU/NA) you're in? My experience has been that the maps have been sufficiently populated most of the times.
  12. I played the story and had no issue gaining mastery points or XP. Didn't even use a booster (because I forgot). Not sure what was annoying for you?
  13. Then don't buy them. Use the tools that you can purchase from the vendors. Seems a bit counter-intuitive to not support a game that you purport to love thus risking it shutting down. I guess you do you. /shrug
  14. It's a B2P game with no subscription. How else do you expect the studio to keep the servers running?
  15. That would kind of defeat the purpose of using the item as an incentive for people to pre-order.
  16. Not to be snarky, but so what? For me, maces don't make a lot of sense, especially dual wielded. I don't care about adding more abilities when Anet can't even balance the ones that we have now.
  17. I would have preferred either of those options as well as opposed to dual maces. 🤮
  18. I'm a very casual player and even I've come up against the cap more than once. Yeah, some adjustment needs to be considered.
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