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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Do you have leyline traveling for your mount opened? It can make it quicker to get around the map, depending on where you are and where you need to go.
  2. Why? Because people have been asking for it ever since griffons were released. I know you've seen the threads; you've been around here long enough. I agree, though, with the majority's sentiment that they need to be re-worked or have some toggle/option.
  3. Then people would ask for Anet to combine them anyway, like they've already asked for with the various portal tomes.
  4. This defines my limited experience in WvW. I don't understand what's going on, can't comprehend the messages in code in chat and spend time chasing what I believe are objectives only to be ganked time and again. So, yeah. Not familiar and bad experience with limited gaming time that I'd prefer not to invest in a format that doesn't really do it for me. I also don't have the time to watch videos or read web sites to get my build to what is probably more acceptable, so I most likely wouldn't be accepted into any groups that I might find there. But it's all good for me. I'm not looking to make any legendary stuff, so I'm fine with the WvW having their own sandbox to play in. 🙂
  5. Because you aren't advocating for anything that hasn't been brought up before. This thread is a non-starter and should never have been created in the first place because it doesn't add anything new to the previous conversations on this topic, which is against the forums CoC. /shrug
  6. Wouldn't Anet prefer players to purchase the LS instead of opening up this crafting skill to 500? /shrug
  7. Obviously Anet cares. If they were to allow mixing of armor weights, and it looked horrible, the negative reactions could be detrimental to the game and their bottom line. Also, the competitive community cares because they have said mixing armor weights could make it more difficult to recognize their opponent's possible profession thus giving unfair advantages. But all of this is nothing new. It has been suggested before, multiple times, and this discussion has been had. Please use the forums search to read them.
  8. They have already stated that they won't mix/match armor weights due to clipping and other issues. Again, a simple forum search would find this.
  9. There are plenty of veterans in core Tyria if you know where to look. Maybe that was the idea?
  10. Perhaps. You might be right. Only Anet has the metrics to know if enough whales spend money for things like this. It would seem not, else this would have been set up from the get-go. /shrug
  11. As with any suggestion here, one should ask what's in it for Anet? Why would Anet want to make legendary things available for players to sell? Wouldn't that discourage players from logging in and/or spending time in game engaging with the content? Why would Anet want that?
  12. Has been requested and discussed many times. A quick forum search would yield those threads. Basically, it is much easier for Anet to make outfits. An armor set (just one!) can take up to nine months to create whereas outfits are much faster (and cheaper), thus allowing Anet to produce more of them.
  13. 9 or 10? Some players find it difficult enough to do the ones that we have now with limited time. You would then punish them by adding more requirements?
  14. Exactly how will it be healthier for those two, diverse game modes? If you want your suggestion to be taken seriously, then you'll need to provide more explanation.
  15. Are they, though? Are most responses 'git gud' or, more simply, don't do the content if you don't like it? There are more than enough things to do in a week where one does not need to engage in jumping puzzles if they don't like them. Or, one could simply skip that week.
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