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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Have you not been around for the last 11 years? Changing things that weren't broken is the norm.
  2. IMO, the reason is to slow the infusion of gold into the economy by giving 2g away basically for free with dailies. I'm guessing many players save up that gold and use it to purchase gems. Anet would prefer that players buy gems with real cash. This is one way that they can achieve that.
  3. No, that is the point from many of these threads. They want it for free, end of line. There is no concern about ways to bring the cost down other than making it free.
  4. How would that help their bottom line? How could the studio make money to pay devs and keep the servers running?
  5. And they can even be bought with gems which would mean not having to pay at all.
  6. How? If some people are using the emojis that are provided, then what accountability is there that needs enforcing?
  7. Both skyscale and griffon for free? Heck, why not just give the expansion away for free then?
  8. You don't know this to be true. Just because the developers choose not to post on a forum does not mean that they don't visit and read it.
  9. You have a lot more faith in the new players than most, I'd wager.
  10. The devs aren't the ones who are making raids more or less accessible.
  11. You saw what everywhere? What evidence do you have that removing emojis from the forum would have the result that you claim? And, as I asked in the other thread, what studio philosophy are you talking about and how does it pertain to this topic?
  12. What studio philosophy? Would you care to share your insights on that and how it pertains to the topic of this thread?
  13. Such an experiment would be highly subjective. 30 notifs of confused emoji would not affect me in the least. Heck, I even have notifs turned off. And I know that I have my own fan base here, but I don't let it bother me. Yes, everyone is different which is why Anet cannot cater to each and every person, snowflake or no.
  14. This is your opinion. Others disagree. You have no evidence that removing any reactions would make conversations healthier and less work for the moderators. I'd imagine it would be more work for the mods as they would then need to police each and every post for infractions.
  15. If a person is hurt by a forum emoji, then there are probably other factors involved there.
  16. Other things? Like play the game? Heck, there are even multiple ways to obtain these so that players aren't locked into one game mode. I've outfitted 13 level 80 characters, all with each elite and having their own skin to differentiate between them. And I still have over 60 charges left, and that's without even grinding for them. And I don't even play competitive modes where I understand these charges are even more plentiful.
  17. Exactly. They are for changing an item's skin. If you find that inconvenient, then that's on you. Unless you can show me where Anet specifically says that the purpose of them is to inconvenience their players. These charges are quite easily obtained without grinding. Or, you could simply toss some real cash at Anet (you know, to help support the game since it's pretty much F2P?) and get them that way. Not sure how that is inconvenient.
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