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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Would really help us to help you if you told us what region and/or time zone you're in.
  2. Still, whether or not the sword was effective for some players and less so for others (depending on content, too), no one asked for these changes. No one. There is not one, single thread that I can find in this sub-forum that asked for sword to be changed into what it is now. That's the entire point.
  3. You have absolutely zero data to back up this claim. Please stop making it.
  4. As a ranger main, I used LB and Sw/D consistently, even before the previous sword changes. I had to relearn the rotation for me to get the benefits from the evasion, which wasn't too difficult to do once it was relearned. Granted, I don't play competitively, so I can't speak to MH sword there, but to say that no one used it is simply wrong. The animations weren't clunky for me at all once I learned them. Perhaps you gave up too quickly? The current sword may be amazing to you for timing leaps, but the previous way was stronger for me and I was able to take great advantage of the Skirmishing trait line because of the movement. Now, that trait line is pretty useless, for me at least. EDIT: But the point of this thread is that Anet made these changes when literally no one was asking for them. Those who enjoyed sword enjoyed it a lot; others moved on to different weapons (like I assume you had when you gave up on trying sword). Why Anet made this radical change is questionable in light of no one wanting or asking for it.
  5. I can't see individual toons when there is a mass of them standing around a vendor anyway, especially if those toons are infused.
  6. No, please don't take away some of my best methods for making gold!
  7. Hmmm... maybe? Have you seen the recent selections from the human race? Not a lot of winners there.
  8. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/twitch-drops/?fbclid=IwAR1yjneKIPk29sksP0I-xcHgwWZczE4zgg3_ycFLavTEOejh9YZk8SaIjV8
  9. Like I've told my kid: "Want and Need are two separate things."
  10. IMO, if the lack of player housing is preventing someone from playing GW2, then perhaps this isn't the game for them. There are many other games which provide this.
  11. For open world, don't feel that you have to follow the storyline. There are a lot of things happening on the maps, so just wander around, explore, join in and have fun.
  12. Sadly, not the cash that they used to be. I don't go for legendary gear so I store them up to a point and then sell half... just in case I change my mind on legendaries.
  13. Not really. Many cannot understand the concept of P2W, as GW2 has been called many times in these forums.
  14. Disappointed we didn't get one when PoF launched since those buggers were everywhere in the first map
  15. Adapt and learn a new build like everyone else has to do every time there is a shake up. Yes it's unfortunate when one has a particular build in which one finds enjoyment and that build is no longer effective.
  16. I am against such, like the aforementioned SAB skins for an example. But my opinion doesn't matter. Only Anet's opinion matters.
  17. Have you not been around for the last 11 years? Changing things that weren't broken is the norm.
  18. IMO, the reason is to slow the infusion of gold into the economy by giving 2g away basically for free with dailies. I'm guessing many players save up that gold and use it to purchase gems. Anet would prefer that players buy gems with real cash. This is one way that they can achieve that.
  19. No, that is the point from many of these threads. They want it for free, end of line. There is no concern about ways to bring the cost down other than making it free.
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