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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Thanks, I knew that. I didn't infer from the OP that they didn't have it unlocked.
  2. They have, with the Return To achievements. It's never been easier to get the skyscale. EDIT: Really, a confused emote? What's so confusing about this? Egad.
  3. Define "quite profitable". Where is your data to back up this claim?
  4. I think that a permanent line would needlessly clutter up the scenery. When you step next to a point and it shoots off a ping in the direction of the destination, I could see that ping repeated 2-3 times working for me rather than just the one time ping.
  5. Exactly how would this help the game's economy?
  6. But rangers shouldn't have to do this. It's a poor workaround.
  7. You might consider browsing through the different profession sub-forums for those to see what other players have been building.
  8. How could one rely on anyone having a (proposed) eastern dragon unless you're advocating that every player just gets one for free?
  9. Seems like a lot of dev work to create a CM for JPs with such small rewards.
  10. Fun is highly subjective. Based on previous threads on jumping puzzles, there are many who do not find them entertaining at all.
  11. No, a mech is like a ranger pet or necro minion. Those aren't skinnable either and would most likely require a lot of work to make so.
  12. Boy, I hope you're not right about "campaigns" being introduced.
  13. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-wars-2-fall-and-winter-roadmap-2022/
  14. They have already adjusted the four starter zone world bosses. I'm thinking that based on the data from that, they may well adjust other ones. I see plenty of players on the world boss train, so I'm not sold on adding rare drops for incentives. I believe that would only serve to devalue those rares. /shrug
  15. I'm not advocating it. I'm just offering a possible explanation.
  16. I'd rather resources be spent on something else.
  17. I think that this is by design to encourage players to fully explore the maps to find them. /shrug
  18. IMO, this was by design. Anet trying to force that group content. Druid came out when raids came out. It was supposed to be a support spec for use in raiding.
  19. What? There is progression. It's the story line. This is by design so that players are encouraged to purchase expansions. Anet needs to make money to stay in business.
  20. You're welcome to that opinion. You're also welcome to not use mounts or EMP. You can still complete content without them.
  21. Thread belongs in Tech Support forum https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/8-account-technical-support/ There are many other threads already there reporting this issue.
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