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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Because there is no issue to acknowledge. Anet has made it possible to purchase chapters with gems. Players may either buy gems with cash or convert gold to gems. For a non-sub game, that's pretty generous.
  2. Tons of threads on new races. Please use the forums search feature.
  3. I agree. I didn't even start any crafting that required research notes. Seemed like a wonky way to implement it. If I'm going to spend the time to craft something, it's because I want it for a specific reason not because I'm going to trash it for some one-off currency.
  4. I never really considered that they should sound differently than they do. I guess that could be ok? I do like the sound of the spent shells hitting the ground, though. Never noticed those until I started playing with a headset. 🙂
  5. Don't presume to know me. I never said the same guy worked on mechanics and balance. Get your facts straight. And calling me a troll? Seriously? If anyone, you could be considered trollish by the snarky replies that you keep making that don't further the thread or your argument. Anyway, good luck with your proposal. I don't think it has a chance.
  6. Agreed. It didn't really do anything to advance the narrative, in my opinion.
  7. Seems like every time I try to do this, I end up getting ganked.
  8. Anet purposefully did not give free flying to the griffon or skyscale so that players couldn't completely skip over map content. I'd think that any airship implementation would have the same restrictions to flight and if that were the case, then what would really be the point in spending resources to create yet another flying mount that doesn't really add anything to the game that isn't already covered by the existing mount selections.
  9. And people yell at me for suggesting the posters use the forums search function.
  10. Apparently doesn't get that old by what I've seen in map chat in Divinity's Reach from time to time. /sigh
  11. I think you're missing my point. Blanket suggestion, perhaps. But I would much prefer Anet to spend the valuable and limited developer resources in fixing things that need to be fixed and/or improving content which has been neglected for years rather than implement something like airships because some other game has them and someone thinks that they'd be cool to have in GW2. I am no developer so I can't point to any game where balance is perfect, nor do I believe that perfections is attainable; however, the current "balance" in GW2 leaves a lot to be desired. I think that Anet could do a much better job or even get a better, closer class balance if they could spend enough resources to actively pursue that rather than some niche airship.
  12. I don't often use my griffon anymore, but I can get behind this request if it isn't too complicated to do.
  13. That is simply untrue. I only state that for many suggestions, I would prefer Anet spend their resources on something that would probably benefit more of the player base than the proposed idea. Like game balancing. Like PvP or WvW, whose communities have been begging for help for years. Those are just two examples of where I believe developer resources would be better spent. As to the rest of your post, it's nothing more than extreme examples to mock my point of view and not worth addressing.
  14. So, after the TTF, your brother can use it again since he's spent 2 hours on the HP train?
  15. Going to the bathroom is also a part of life, but we don't need to add that to the game either.
  16. I'd guess that the 1 hour cooldown is to keep players on a map once they have teleported to it. /shrug
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