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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Hard no from me. WvW exists for a reason. There is no need to put that content into OWPvE. Just look at all of the blowback from Anet putting Raid-like content at the end of EoD. No thanks.
  2. LWS portal tomes - 2 Lounge Pass - 1 (you really only need one) Infinite salvage kit - 1 Fractal Omnipotion - 1 Position rewinder, white mantle portal, other misc - 4 maybe? Gathering tools - 3 Unid Gear - 3 Food/utility - 2 Add that up. 17 slots. Even if 17 aren't enough, that is a far cry from the current maximum.
  3. With the implementation of the mega-server system a few years back, server doesn't really matter for anything other than WvW, and Alliances (soon! tm) is supposed to resolve that as well.
  4. Sometimes this can be something that happens automatically if a player is using an Item Booster, so it may not necessarily be trolling.
  5. I don't engage in WvW, but I agree with this sentiment.
  6. Sorry, I must have missed the point of the thread? What's the problem? How does whatever this is affect players' abilities to complete content?
  7. This has been requested in many previous threads which can easily be found by using the forums search feature. That Anet hasn't addressed it seems to indicate that they don't perceive this to be detrimental to their bottom line.
  8. Been playing for over 8 years and have never needed max bag slots on any of my characters. Selling to the BLTC from anywhere in the map is easy. Selling junk to local map vendors is easy.
  9. Be careful what you wish for. Many players have had pictures in their minds of how things should be implemented. It rarely turns out that way. Fishing is recent example. So is the ranger "bunny thumper" spec. The list could go on.
  10. When the ranger is unleashed, there is an indication on the life/hp bubble. It's a bit too subtle though and easy to miss. Me, I just take a quick glance at the pet F1-F3 keys to see which one of us is unleashed. Not optimal, no, but I don't have to search through the buff bar to find the icon and then try to remember which phase means which.
  11. What guarantee is there that a player will actually get paid to leave the map? What guarantee that a player will actually leave the map once paid? I can see this as a potential problem that CS tickets won't solve.
  12. Sure, if you want to go against the forums CoC. Knock yourself out.
  13. There is nothing that a horse mount could bring to the game that isn't already covered, or exceeded, by the current mounts. Please use the forums search feature to see all of the previous threads on horses.
  14. Which is the correct way to handle this, according to Anet. If the OP uses the forums search feature, they would see the countless threads with this exact result.
  15. Yep. I have a good supply of statuettes from this over the years. This also speaks to the merchant not really having anything I find alluring or interesting, so they keep piling up.
  16. Sorry, I'm not sure that I understand the premise. I mix and match for all of my characters using both the equipment and build templates in tandem. I store a different look for each build so that when I swap builds it is easy to identify which one I'm using. As for outfits, then that is a different thing. Since they're made differently, I'm not sure Anet can work them in with swapping as they override whatever armor the character is using. If this is what you're asking for, outfits rather than armor pieces, then sure I get it and would be on board with it. I'm just not sure that it's programmed that way.
  17. No, because they would get burned by players whining "You said...." This silences helps to prevent them from making promises that they may not be able to keep.
  18. Maybe they're still working on fixes/updates that aren't currently game-breaking critical and already have planned to release them with the summer patch?
  19. And yet, here in GW2 Land, there were posts on the forum asking Anet to reveal plans for a fourth expansion within a week of the release of the third one. (sigh)
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