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Everything posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. I have tested reaper and herald on those . They both are amazing at maintaining might and quickness , herald can give it to allies so it's a + , and for crit. chance is stacked a 100% , while reaper with my current build is at 75% without any fury source , but he is able to pull out 25 stacks of vulnérability which herald cannot , so a bit of a matter of taste . I choosed herald because the Gs with quickness is very enjoyable . If they add a relic for fury generation i would probably swicth reaper again , i don't like being a 75% of crit. chance , and ther is no way i will run "curse" instead of "spite" or "soulreaping" just for the sake of some fury and crit. chance , but i guess ppl run decimates defense as reaper.
  2. oh , seriously ... with that bugfix my mabon relic is going to the trash can without any doubt , cannot see the purpose of it (maybe in pvp or wvw for busrt timing) , gaining some damage for 8 secs then loosing maybe 750 power and condis and need to rebuild up the might , really not worth ...
  3. As a friend said , there is no logic behind many weapons design (in a bad and in a good way) , you have rev. who can literally throw a whole hammer at 1200 range (and magically rebuild it in 1sec), pistol for warrior who is max 300 range i think , dagger for mesmer who looks more like a minigun shooting knifes , staff who is usually a caster weapon used as a pole weapon or a spear (this one is more logic , i agree) , hammer for ele who is totally hybrid sometimes melee sometimes mid range . I wouldn't be surprised to see scepter being a melee weapon next , but it would be quite ridiculous or just funny , make your ennemy drop his weapon by savagely whipping his wrist. Think we all know it's gonna be 600-900 range for pistol ele, ppl are just making fun here because a lot of ele options are being melee while it is caster and in many other mmo caster are backline at long range doing damage , but in gw2 as catalyst it's more of a bruiser frontliner , not a bad design , but which for more long range dps option (way the virtuoso work), i really miss the meteor strike ... who has become "drop soft meatballs shower".
  4. Think mabon relic is designed for healers , cause the +25% might efficiency affects allies in your group (tested few days ago) if you play it as dps i think it's really not worth it , 8 secondes +250 power and condi (if you reach 25 might) , then loose 25 stacks of might ... (your allies don't loose any) as healers you don't care about your own might but increasing all your allies might efficiency , even if it is 8 secondes each +-30 secs( you have to apply might on the spot whehn mabon relic icd is off) is worth it . Can see it very powerfull on pulsing might healer like scourge , firebrand and herald.
  5. An uncomprehensive nerf , confusion was only good in very few cases , now it's garbage on everything. If you look at damage without skill activation , confusion deal even less damage than bleeding and the damage on skill activation is laughable like +-66% damage , not worth running in any content , no wonder why see no more mirage ,
  6. Just hope the pistol is not yet gonna be another melee weapon , like bladesworn . Tryed cata quickness with som célestial (i don't like playing without quickness , feel too slow), switched full zerk herald , can maintain 25 might , fury and quickness with 0 effort , the energy from cata is a pain to manage and is really not necessary on a 15 sec cooldown skill ....
  7. Very sad , the expac has been very enjoyable , but each patch , each expac is gonna come with this pletora of bugs , ruining the fun and especially infuriating as many of us don't know from the start if we are doing things correctly or it is just bugged ...
  8. Dude ... take a chill pill seriously , where do you see an insult in Warscythe post ? what kind of person are you posting in a forum ordering things like a queen , like the world owe you everything , you can report me if you want , like i care , but you ask yourself to be maked fun off . "I have a question for anet , do you even plan to get the summon back in any way in the game , i personnaly miss my golem , i am a casual chill player and i was used to let it tank for me , chill in the game trough storyline without any trouble , now i admit i have many struggles to get past some points , i just ask if you have the intention to put it back and if it possible to have a +- timing , ty." See , no Karen behavior , just a polite sentence you should have sent to anet , you can copy paste if you want ... but in this forum you just look like a fully entitled kid , and i really mean it !
  9. I am sorry but it's hard to not make fun of this situation (especially for me) , you refer yourself as story is casual , yet you complain about the difficulty ... of the story ? sorry i don't want to throw myself flowers over my head , but the story ? really ? think many players will say gw 2 story mode is like a no brainer , and it is supposed to be that way , for every kind of player to enjoy. You can just change your traitline , i know thief has a solid life steal playstyle with Invigorating Precision , yes you will loose dps , but if you think you can just pew pew trough the game without even moving , well forget it. Game requires you some adaptation , yes it will need you to rethink your build a bit , maybe switch some stats , will cost you some money , but every mmo has that kind of stuff , and trust me gw 2 is maybe the only mmo who doesnt need you to rebuild ALL your stuff every expac , and is pretty darn casual friendly (also bug friendly ...) Just take your time , read your traits , learn what possibility the thief has ... also i don't know where you gather the fun staying being a tank afar from mobs and kill them without using any evade or any other game mechanics , just the good basic "you tank i deeps" , personnaly i would be bored in 10 minutes... Either way i just hope for you they will add those companion again as relics , so you can enjoy your chill play , but i think that not the way to ask ... Also with the "any rude reference will be reported blablabla..." your asking yourself for the whip 😆
  10. Well if it is too complicated to fix they should just bypass this part of the collection , or just change the npc . Very weird that it isn't working because we made a choice many years ago (i should have throw that freaking shadowstone) , but i guess the spaghetti code is overloaded by bolognese after each patch.
  11. Yep bug is still there , and "not high priority" ? That bug lock down 3 whole achievements : knowledge of the elders , honorary astral ward and Amnytas mastery . So maybe not as high as giving back skyscale to ppl who made the two collection for it , but plz be quick that bug is there since launch and made me waste a lot of time wandering around and trying some bypass over Tranton , thats pretty lame considering at first time you think you are doing something wrong but it's a bug .... especially frustarting about it locked down cause we made a choice to use a shadowstone many years ago ...
  12. Yep ty , i can confirm it , you gain 1 stack on might application every 3 secs . The icd is for each stacks , ofc i was pretty dumb to think you can have this effect like ... permanently up . tested on the golem with a mate , and his power and condi ranked up to +250 in 1 sec... there i saw the stack of "mabon" going up slowly realising i did missread the relic. It's still strong but not op , and i really appreciate that those relics have such good interaction with specific gameplay , eager to see new ones and a bit of more precise epxlanantion on them , like true damage , condi damage and duration , range etc . But so far i think those relics are a great addition to the game , not enough effect atm , but anet will add new ones , eager to see that.
  13. Ty , that means that buff still works and on allies you share might with . Reason i would take it on a healer is to maximize efficiency , if you take it on any damage dealer even support dpses , the loss off all stacks of might every 8 secs will deeply decrease your own damage , that wich you don't care much on a healer.
  14. Just a question for this relic , did the +25% might efficiency affects your allies , and still after this patch , is it a bug , will anet fix it ? Cause to me it seems pretty kitten busted on a healer , you don't care about your own might fading away but giving +250 power and condi damage to all your subgroup , even for 8 secs is kitten busted . But i really like that kind of interaction , means that even if your might is way above the 25 treshold , spamming it will still get some good results and it kind of replace the unique buffs some specs were giving , like banners , old assassin's presence etc ...
  15. Personnaly i enjoyed (and enjoy) this dlc , i never made a dayli again when i reached the 15000 cap , now i have a good reason to do them , i was happily surprised that the mount skin in vault is a pretty beautifull one. Relic are a bit a mess , not much explanation on it , what range , how long the condi , how many damage , etc etc , but that kind of stuff could be easily patched and new relics added up without thinking off runes , pretty sure in few months we will have way more options for relics. Maps were a blast to explore and are beautifull , i like it vertical and was not dissapointed in that way and fights coupled with mount jump use + mastery who allow leyline use is a pretty good addon (endboss of méta map 2 caught me off guard , didn't expected that , really nice ! ) And story ... ty anet , that was a really enjoyable one. Eager to see Febe strike in cm.
  16. It is written in tooltip if traits activate while finishing an overload , like healing ripple or sunspot , fresh air doenst have the tooltip , but yeah it could help power tempest to go decent power dps. And fresh air is not the only one , elemental attunement from arcane traitline doesnt trigger neither while successfully overloading , but that could be kind of op if it was.
  17. Noted , hope they patch it , ty for the answer . As for your comparison against a hybrid scourge and firebrand , scourge shine more cause firebrand deals 0 damage out of his f2 tome , while scourge can pull barrier and condi cleanse without any cast time , making a good hybrid support damage , able to susatin damage 100% of the time while supporting. but i am pretty sure today with the power creep any group comp with a minimum of healing can pull out a sloth kill without shroom mechanic , maybe it's a bit easier as scourge.
  18. zeyeti.8347


    I hope we can , at some point , go trough one of those rift and inside the twisted world of those creatures , will give nighfall Abbdon realm vibes.
  19. zeyeti.8347

    The Kryptis

    Here is a video i just randomly found on youtube (ty to sugarwraith) , be aware spoilers , for those who don't want to see what the the new enemies look like before the expansion They look super well done , very threatening and seems to have a variaty of differents roles and attacks (some maybe recognize even samarog first attack) , eager to see what they can do in game , for the look on them for now only , good job to the devs. (edit : didn't now if it was available somewher else . If someone had even posted it before me : sorry for 2x post)
  20. Thats pof ending and season 4 ending , want to compare that to "what lies beneath" end ? i can't even find a battle against the last boss ..... but a lot of complains .... Just tip what lies beneath on youtube and you ll find a lot of complaining videos , now tip pof and you ll see the complete opposite. Ty for your points all , but i ll stick to my mind , what lies beneath is a mess and i know alot off ppl complained about. Hope story will be a bit more epic in soto , leave the emotional damage , the gender politics and the poor snowflake writing , there is nothing wrong with putting some of it in the game , but that last part was obnoxious and cringe
  21. I paid 0 attention to the history at some point , cause it failed to get me hooked from the start , after the gathering flower and fishing part i was already off and the instance were we had to test the "anti oni engine" was completely messed up , what the hell where those skills , a skill who give 1 or two stack of torment , a skill who fear and a skill who lure , you use this one just once just to lure the oni at the start of the instance , then it's off , and you can do the level without using this function , cause the oni is stupid and attacks npcs ... then he goes honga bomga big purply pinky jellow , at least the mechanic to kill it was kind of original in open world , a bit long and boring if you do it too often . Just compare that to pof story and season 4 , you start pof with an amazing vew of a big pyramid and inside you meet your new enemies and face a boss right away , then you unlock raptor and zoooommm everywhere and just look at the ending , you face a god with his titan size machinery and you have kralk roaring in the background , that is what i call epic , joko fortress when you see how deranged he is , torturing ppl he disguised to look like you , kralk destroying everything in thunderhead peaks , he carshing in the sea making a whole new map out of his body , i applaud anet at this time for their amazing job , but there has been a huge let down since dragon response missions in term of story telling. I bought a game who is called guild "wars" . Not guild gathering , nor gathering wars . While you all say it was a tiny part of the story , what was the remembrance of all the old character , blish , vlast , mai trin etc etc , there is literally no gameplay in 75-90% of this part of the story , thats just lazy , this could be a professor layton game , but with clues for blindfolded decerebrate ppl. End up with matter of taste i hated this part and will try to erase it from my memory (should not be difficult , seing the poor content it was) , you enjoyed it , good for you , i kind of repeat myself , but i am happy we ended this part and start a fresh new content who seems to be interactiv and thrilling , just to watch how the map seems to be laying out . Remember you die against that god ? even if you came back , in term off story telling that mean huge dread for your character , it's just my point of view , but i like my character to be bada sses , fighters with a mind of steel . Truly did you really enjoy that part of the story , did you really enjoy interact with runes , read the books , go to rata sum for trying to find blish echo memo , where is the fun in doing that and have batte even my nefew off 4yo can do ?
  22. All you state comes with trade offs , if you take dwarf , you have no ventari , does the hfb has such a trade off ? you have everything all rev's legends have for support purpose in your bag as hfb , condi cleanse , bubble , aegis , stab , resistance , +x% healing and condi conversion and avaiblable 100% of the time , so you sure you have it anyway in any situation , on the other hand if you need a bubble as herald and you just switched to brill , well you have not access to the tool for 10 secs . And you are right about the healscourge i made a pre made stupid opinion i recognize it , i have tested it and actually enjoyed it , i must have stayed on the hfb for so many years that i can't see any other potential healer going near him , i still believe it a bit tough. Franckly i cannot understand why hfb has skills like stand your ground , who is 12 sec 5 stabs ona 24 sec cd vs druid who is 1 stack for 10 sec and ele 1 stack 10 sec with a 30 secs cd, yes those skills have other effeftct , but don't fool us thinking you take those skills because there is some condi cleanse on it or 5 sec superspeed... not even talking about the absolutely non reactiv mechanic hherald has to go trough to put some stab in ventari. but i have also tested the healherald and personnaly didn't enjoyed it , too depending on energy management , especially with brill , the might goes up to 25 , but it is slow compared to other healers and having too many facets active result in a quick swap while using any skills who require energy is punished . Maybe i need to train more with it to enjoy it , but i don't really like the way it heals and provide boons , so guess i am gonna skip this one.
  23. Sorry i do not agree , healherald is a bit new so it's coming out step by step , but think you forgot aegis ? healherald is also very depending on his energy management , especially if you want to upkeep the boons from brill , also what does hherald has that hfb doesnt have ? cc ? 5 sec super speed ? Hfb has his tome that he can go in anytime in the game , hherald is hold by his energy management trough elevated compassion , meaning you will have to move from a legend to another at some point , also i doubt that they will keep this 40% boon duration for free , that is insanely overpowered , but as healer i don't see the big deal taking it instead of a hfb , he has more cc and access to superspeed , while hfb is a monster with stab and aegis and have indeed little cc , but no access to superspeed. But i should try this one too , it seems that for tanking peculiar bosses it's quite effective with brill healing , block from staff and shield 5 , just regret there is very little stab (hard to use with good timing needing tablet special effect with ventari ult costing 35 en) and no aegis.
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