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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Thief double Pistol, Thief Deatheye rifle, Revenant renegade shortbow and Engineer Mechanist Rifle. For OW Ranger is kind of a trap for ranged combat. Auto attack are kind of weak so you basically wait for Rapid-fire and barrage to come of cooldown if you want to keep your distance. Good in PvP with longsword but meh in PvE. Short bow isn't much better as you do way more damage up close or from behind the target which is tricky in OW. Thief has a simple rotation: Press 3 for double Pistol and rifle. Kind of lame but as Thief doesn't have cooldowns you at least don't have to wait for your cooldowns:). Renegade is mostly just pressing shortbow skills of cooldown. Mechanist also does more damage up close but it feels less serve then Ranger shortbow. Rotation is clicking most of your weapon abilities of cooldown and up close pressing them all. Mechanist big plus is rifle Autos do respectable damage. To Avoid: Warrior. Rifle and longbow are awfully underpowered. Honorable Mention: Virtiuoso Mesmer dagger. Your throw daggers on short range simple rotation and strong, but you are kind of close.
  2. Assumptions? Op Alone wants the same time frame(timegates) as WvW but with around 1/4th of time investment. And tagging worldbosses is probably one of the very narrow pools off activities that are actually less effort then flipping camps in WvW. He clearly states WvW takes to long and he wants something shorter. OP is at least honest and flat out states he want a shorter version. Many people clearly underestimate how long it takes to get Legendary armor. Like someone already said Raid armor on top of the whole raiding challenge also does need collections and OW metas to complete. 600 PvP Shards are a lot of intense gameplay for 1 Piece even if you like PvP. While some clearly would be up to the challenge, most responses make it clear the just want an easier/less effort legendary armor if they even understand how difficult it is to get legendary armor with the current Methods in the first place.
  3. That is exactly my point. In your example the non Mesmer has to have deep class knowledge about his opponent, counting stealth seconds and even then its only effective if the Mesmer plays like a monkey. In general correctly playing against a Mesmer is harder then playing a Mesmer thanks to his kit. The same is true for going into stealth in clones, when your opponent has a weapon who needs a target. The Same is true for confusion if it would be strong enough do justify a place in AT. Which is a hefty contrast to for example Bladesworn, where the counter play is "just" dodge the somewhat telegraphed attack. @ano nimo.3948 I know Mesmer has counter play more then most probably, that is exactly the problem. Not in a vacuum of course, but in conjunction with using AT or plat 1 as a measuring stick. The top 1% are absolute animals, its like they play another game altogether. If they barley can contain mesmer power or not at all, what chance stand the normal people. That's is true to a lesser extend with other profession and class mechanics. Thief stealth combined with mobility for example. Combined with the fact that Mesmer lacks good mobility the power you would need to give Mesmer to make it meta in high level off play would break it. In my opinion at least. Mesmer don't seem weak and are plenty in my games at least. It is a great duelist who lack mobility and falls off if your opponent know what they are doing.
  4. The Big Problem with Mesmer in my opinion is: The class is riddled with mechanics that scale negatively with the skill level of your opponent. Confusion, A lot of on demand invulnerability, Stealth, Clones and a pretty unique 6 sec cc in Moa Signet. Mesmer are an absolute pain to deal with at gold level of play(75% are gold or lower btw). All that stuff has of course counter play of course. The thing is if Mesmer is on a power level that 10 year old veteran, 200apm player barley can keep up and it becomes best in slot in AT, it lights out for gold players. And everything below gold might as well start afking when the mesmer show up in the opponents team. Mesmer is probably the closest profession to its class fantasy, which makes it a nightmare for the average player to face of. I remember starting PvP and just flat out avoiding to fight Mesmer cause their whole kit punishes inexperience and missing class knowledge.
  5. Oh pls tell me Wise One. How to you convince 9 other people to carry you through raids with neglectable effort on your part. Or how you get any PvP pips while standing in spawn.
  6. Yes. It is significant worse per hour. About up to 40% worse. With opportunity cost in mind it may not be worth at all in comparison to a similar activity. That is an absolute fair point to be made. Its facts guys look it up, nothing to be confused by.
  7. Hilarious. You and infusion missing the point, yet you accused him of missing it. While confusing him with the op of the threadXD. Missing the context of the previous post. His point is: Ticket gain is fine, when you can invest 15+ hours in a week. Which is a tall order. Ticket gain is less fine if you only have 6 hours a week. As such the backloaded reward structure my discourage All rounder Player from participating in WvW. Even if you somehow scratch together 15 hours you may not want to spend all of them in WvW.
  8. Yeah the burden of being the most leachable game mode. I too wish ticket gain would be at least static instead off back loaded. I doubt that would affect the number of leeches by much while being great for people who want to play some WvW without living in it. WvW armor is the easiest to get in effort and as such the longest to acquire. All these pure hour comparison are useless without context. In PvP and Raids you generally can't avoid the challenge. Player hit normally a little harder, but you don't have to organize a squad to get beat by XXXWintrader69. In WvW you literally can work towards legendary while killing NPC. You can't do that in Raid. You can progress that way in PvP, but doing so will triple your time needed putting it back on par with WvW. All modes are somewhat equal so it comes down to preference. Everybody who states there is a grieve injustice didn't try the other methods.
  9. Thief. Daredevil in particular. It is simple to play but intensive. It is great for story and most open world content. Jumping and dodging through mobs with Staff with berserker/marauder gear is fun as hell. if power damage is not your thing you can go double dagger and dodge almost indefinitely through mobs while bleeding them to death. You said melee, but you can go condition damage/celestial Deadeye Pistol/dagger. Combat loop is going into melee shadow striking, which triggers a back port and allow you to pump lead into your victim per Repeater. Going into stealth pumping more lead lead into your opponent and going in melee again repeating the progress. Allows you to solo most OW Content. At last Specter allows you to join group content as alacdps/dps/alacheal. People always state blind as the thief trick, but with the right exotic gear and traits thief is so strong everything without a defiance bar(which ignore control effects of any form) is a cake walk anyway. On Power you go Staff/rifle/double Pistol on Condition you go Double dagger/Shortbow for aoe/Pistol dagger for single target. I know i talked a lot about not melee, but Daredevil Staff power Autoattack, 2 and 5 give you all you would ever want anyway. Thief <After you unlock the Elite Spec> gives you quite the variety in OW. Just know that acrobatics i a death trait line to never be used.
  10. Low player population. Also funnily enough the high skill expression of a 10 Year old MMO. If you have like 10k people in ranked, 9 trait lines per 9 Professions with different gear and utility options there are many things you can do right or wrong. In addition to that you have noobs and 10 year veterans in the q. If you add to that the normal variance PvP Games can have, tilt from players and matchups diff it is a wonder we even get even games. Also lacking game knowledge is likely kittening you over. Especially with the to be expected powercreep that did happen. Examples: Shoutsworn is high value in rare "stats" with all its sustain and decent damage. So you either have to ignore or focus it no in-between. If you or you team fail to do that you gonna have a bad time. Similar with harbringer who needs to be fought with Steath, range or projectile denial. The spec is high value and needs to be fought around. A couple of season i played a Meme Daredevil Dagger dagger build with the trait that cleanses condition on dodge. People as high as gold 2 happily attacked into my 12 dodges cleansing me. Giving me insane value I shouldn't have gotten. Speaking of thief and incompetence. People to this day don't know how Points work in Conquest below Plat. If you play a mobile class like thief or similar and know how the points work you can stabilize most games. A plat player playing placement may still kitten some games over. The weakening of Bunkers and the mobility creep just reveals that halve the PvP base doesn't know how Conquest functions. 90/500 in bunkerless, mobility meta would have been 250/500 a couple of years ago. Tldr: MMO PvP is hard. Veterans are in the q. Game knowledge is king. PvP is in a reasonable spot actually. With a little bit of "Homework" and an eye on Points you should be able to stabilize most game and rank up to your actual skill level. Don't forget: halve the people in the q play the game for 5+ years:).
  11. Yeah. People love the game a bit to much at times and get a little defensive. English is not my first language so I may have misread your post. "This is a good answer, that if because you gave me information" is what you meant I guess. My Apologies, Ignore the sass and your welcome:).
  12. Ah look at you pot, calling the kettle black:). Which information? What do you already know? Hope you have fun with the suggested Metas/Encounters.
  13. Aren't we awfully specific. Good Gold in raw currency? Nothing beats fractals. If you don't do fractals you generally have to sell something on the TP like the rest of us Plebs. Also Fun is very vague, with not real explanation what isn't fun with other Methods. I am assuming normal metas are too monotone because you just follow a train, without challenges. Because Metas and farm trains with high value are generally the first thing you should find, if you search for making gold. Drizzlewood comes to mind. Alternatives I personally like: Silverwaste: Only 20%% of the Meta is static and most of the time you running around on your own doing events. Octovine: Short and you can choose 4 different entry's. So you don't have to do the same each run, besides opening treasure. ISB Strikes easy 3(or all): Ice Shard-> Mistborn mote-> Volatile Magic->Trophy shipment-> sell trophy on TP done in under a Minute. Dragon storm Private 10 man: 2 gold, Memory of Aurene you can sell instantly and Defense Seal-> buy kodan supplybox-> sell contents.
  14. The DPS of your main skill got increased by 50%, you should be fine. The 3 stacks of 15(30) sec bleed on death Blossom will make up for it. They should have halved the shared stack instead of reducing the power in general. The nerf would have been contained in group content, instead of once again spilling over into OW. Your build should actually be doing better. Pistol/dagger and Scepter are the victims of the venom nerfs.
  15. Kill flavor so people with to much time in game aren't mildly inconvenienced? From the same folks who think human Home instance is bad because it isn't optimized to farm run Home nodes. I mean I get it, it can be a little annoying. But I am not a fan of killing any form of character the game may have in pursuit of optimization.
  16. Its good. Teleport are fun and make a couple of stuff easy. Namely some puzzles in story and traversing to high ground on map. Daredevil is a blast and excels in killing packs while dodging 80% of the time. Thief is a little squishy, but with all the dodges/range you should be fine. Thief is generally low complexity, high intensity. Hero Points are somewhat problematic to solo. Deadeye and Specter excel, but you need hero points to unlock them. Core Condition Build with trailblazer/celestial will do the trick. Just try to keep your distance. Shadow Strike into repeater. Stealth for sustain. Pistol stealth attack triggers syphon 5 times and 5 of your 6 venom stacks. Build becomes busted for soloing stuff, when you unlock deatheye. For OW/story thief has a great kit with much variety.
  17. Did you try murder? If it is for farming just run something like this: Stealth dps. Sure stealth is nice, but non elites die in 2 seconds. You can drive by normal mobs who are in the way while getting quickness and reduced cooldowns. Thanks to payback all your stealth abilities should be off cool down if you need them. If you get offensive protocol from EOD you have alac for stealth cooldowns and more quickness for gathering. Also 4 times Death retreat normally loses combat anyway. Have to be a bit careful about positioning.
  18. Yes player should use the mount. Yes story should teach how to use the mount. Missing the point a little HoT was worse in that regard. I think op stated that somewhere too. "I want to do the story, not grind mastery" Seems like a understandable complain while doing story. You may disagree, but you all act like op is crazy/lazy for not wanting to grind. Like guys, come on, get some Air. I know we are all MMO players. Grinding flows through our veins, but it is shocking how many people can miss the point that grinding to progress the story may not be enjoyable for everybody.
  19. You may forgot that Mechs are not only Easy dps, but also decent healer with insane boom coverage. You may looked at ham dps? In Strike pugs dps mechanist are on the top of my arcdps. Sure the one who got some coffee during the encounter "only" does 20k, while Tryhards actually rotation enjoyer does 30k+. A variance of 50% is absurdly low for Pugs in Guildwars. In Strikes Profession performance generally goes from 10k to 30k not 20k to 30k+ like in the mechs case.
  20. Steam doesn't happen in a vacuum. I'm pretty sure they gonna go with an ad campaign or whatever. Steam release is not just the release. Its gonna be the last push to reach people. Its just the point in time where Anet blow their loadout trying to reach as much people as possible one last time. If you are annoyed by word steam release just think "last big new player acquisition". Lets be honest: who the kitten knows what guild wars 2 is. Think off steam like a supermarket. And Guild Wars 2 as a piece of fruit. Sure you may walk to the farmers market for the slightly better fruit. But many people just grab a couple of Apples while their are already in the supermarket and don't bother. You can accept this explanations or not. You probably heard it before. You probably will hear it again, when your are angry next week at another steam related threat. I don't want to argue. You asked, that's the rational behind it.
  21. Steam makes stuff easy. Its a good platform. I rather play and more importantly download on steam instead of gambling a days worth of pc time on an unknow launcher. Also there are more good games then i can count. I don't know why you think Guild Wars 2 alone deserves to be sought out over other great games. Also Guild Wars 1 still runs thanks to Guild Wars 2 in addition to the fact GW1 is easier to run then a full fledged MMORPG. Make no mistake, the servers gonna shut down eventually.
  22. If you have the End of dragons expansion Mesmer can get the Virtuoso Elite specialization. It Simplifies the Mesmer kit a little. Your main weapon is a dagger, which you shoot at mid range at opponents. Damage is high, playstyle is easy. Instead of clones you get floating blades you can also shoot at people. As long as you build correctly (Condition damage and crit) you will do good damage, while having good sustain. So the likely hood you gonna drag the team down is slim. You don't need to reach the Eod Expansion to get access to the elites, just have bought it.
  23. Mod in what way? Making it more beginner friendly? It is to your own benefit. One day the Server will shut down. All Your gear, items and achievements will crumble to dust. A good steam release will prolong the inevitable End of Guild Wars quite a bit. Next living world 6 months earlier or adding a couple of years to the life of the game that seems so dear to you OP. Seems like an easy choice. Also steam players are not a sub-species of gamers like you seem to imply. LOL.
  24. I did skip to thief and warrior rifle so i may be wrong. All these changes are painfully instanced content focused. Deatheye buff seems strong, but Premeditation only gets its full effect in a stacked group. Daredevil are only damage modifier and increased defiance damage. Venom nerf is uninspired and a needless nerf to OW. Increasing or keeping venom stack and adding the effect "share halve of that with up to 5 people" would have been a better solution for a skill who only overperformance in group play. Core Thief weapons skill got only looked at if they part of a Rotation, besides dancing dagger. The trend in last year of patches seems to be: If it doesn't gets mention in snowcrow it might as well not exist. The chances are not bad per se, but I don't like the direction of building Professions around Strikes/Raids/fractals. Also WTF is up with Warrior rifle. Minor damage increase and 1 group might on Auto???? Core weapons needed an update so i'm not to mad. It would have been nice if it would have been a general update and not a Golems number balancing patch.
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