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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Well i just wanted to name drop the barons as OP also asked about playing the auction house in general. Sure crafting alone wont make you filthy rich. But it can make a decent amount of money. When the next legendary skin drops their is quite a lot of money to be made from having stacks of all the Research notes items. And that's just the first thing that comes to mind as a Non AH person. Especially if you play the ah. You an me can't play the game while crafting, a goblin like op can play the ah game.
  2. Fun and variety? You know kind of relevant in a GAME. You know there is also a Open World in the game. I'm not interested getting my OW build get gutted for a minor tweak in Instanced content, ala invigorating precision. Speaking of thief. I wouldn't want to give up any of my grandmaster traits for Quickness dodge as they are all highly relevant in one form or another. Deatheye has only banger traits. Even the worst is 10 man might. Its pointless anyways. Either you play hardcore so 80% of the elites are useless to you anyway, or you don't play hardcore end elite choice doesn't matter anyway.
  3. Its a 10 year mmo. So you probably don't run out anytime soon. Also depends what "boring" means to you. Fair warning: part of the linear story content is tied to dlcs called living world who are bought with premium currency named gems or gold converted to gems. Endgame content is pretty vast and will probably take you easily 100+ a lot to much? hours to progress through it. Dungeons are kinda defunct. Fractals are Mystic+ dungeon. Raids are Raids. Strikes are 10-man single Boss rooms. Yes generally rewarding. 10 man content suffer a little from how buffs work in the game. Hope you are in a cuddle mood:). There is a high skill celling in the game and <thanks to horizontal progression> a lot and i mean a lot of worthwhile encounters in the game. PvP is arguably the easiest why to obtain Legendary armor(one of the most sought after rewards in the game), if you are willing to get your teeth kicked in from time to time. Combat is great. A little more fast paced. Normal PvP ranked is 5 man conquest. There are 3v3 and 2v2 arena mini seasons but not all the time. Again combat is great. Sidenote: You can play PvP right now. PvP is accessible anywhere in the game (it is one of the symbols on the top left of the screen). Guildwars PvP works with stat templates of your choosing and level you up to 80 so you can PvP on a level 1 as you can on a level 80. WvW is the other form of PvP. Its is a mix between open world PvP and Alterac, uses your normal gear. We have AH Barons in the game, so I guess yes. Nothing a Pleb like me would know. Guild wars has the "responsiveness" that makes wow combat so great. I think the original Guild Wars 2 ceo made the warcraft 3 engine. I do however miss wow Jumps for kitting purposes. Protip: Dailys, PvP and WvW gives you exp items you can consume for levels. Between 60 and 80 the leveling gets a little tedious as you in a awkward position where hunting for gear isn't really worth it as you still level fast enough, but the power boost from the level up isn't as rewarding as it was 20 levels ago.
  4. - Me playing EOD in peace. - Marjory at the of top her lungs "Character i never heard of HAD A HUSBAND AND A CHILD" Shortly before forgiving Mai anyway. To never be mentioned again or factor into the plot in any form what so ever. Logan's love for his queen is the catalyst of the conflict in destinys Edge. I cant remember any hint of Sexuality or Romance in Rytlock. The only Reason I know he is hetero is because his son became the villian in ISB. Gorrik is for all intents and purposes Asexual, which will probably change so tami gets a Boyfriend. But maybe not? The last mention of Braham, basically a main character, Eirsson having any hetero tendency's was in Season 1? Canach has shown romantic interest in a woman when exactly? Gorrik's brother didn't make it out of season 4 so we have no idea. Trhaearne Relationship was the introduction to the nightmare Court. I probably missed something, but that are all male Protags i can think of right now. Besides Braham 10 years ago the male cast is mostly hetero for the plot to happen.
  5. And the Pendulum swings yet again. How is presenting something indoctrination. If just presenting a gay person counts as indoctrination, by your own logic we indoctrinate people to be hetero. We also indoctrinate people to wear cloths, cause its been a while since wearing cloths was being questioned in media. Is Presenting a family in media indoctrinating me to marry?
  6. Horrik got killed to make room for Anka. I mean for the longest time he was seemingly romantically devoted to her, while his queen just gracefully accepted said devotion. I know bla bla politics, didn't stop her from lamenting that it is not possible to go out on adventure with us the commander. More affection Logan the simp Thackery ever got. Also the whole hero of tyria, leader of the Seraphs and Pact Marshall is not a suitable match for the queen just seems silly. Meanwhile the treacherous Caudecus is a influential Court figure. Sure Ignore the human man who commands on of the biggest forces in tyria so queen Jenna can marry some snob who owns 5 grape fields. In the end it doesn't matter much. An MMO story is not something i go to for good story telling. I'm just mildly annoyed by the cherry picking going on. Leader figure- "we take that", bumbling fool - " you can keep that" getting comical squashed like an inset "that's icky" Even the Aetherblade agent we beat up in act 1 is of course some male cat, because got forbid we would harm are Raiding, Pillaging and murdering woman.
  7. "Rules for thee, but not for me"
  8. Farming in general would be consider Endgame. So would be working towards Legendary. Yes. The thing is MMORPGS are really Efficiency and progression driven. So some people will dismiss unprofitable playstyle that don't progress your character as not real endgame. Example: if you do a couple of Expansion HP or champions to challenge yourself most would probably agree that is a form of valid Endgame activity. The same couldn't be said about repeatedly doing Core tyria Hero Points on the same character. Functional the same, but with the lack of challenge and reward people would question the validity of this gameplay loop. Or in other words: Can someone else pls define gameplay.:) At it's most broad: Everything you do after 80. At its most undisputable: Instanced content for which you need to be max level, people and gear etc. like Raids for example.
  9. Endgame in MMos is the gameplay loop after you "finished" the game. Mostly repeatable content, but it could refer to long portion of the game. In case of an mmo finished could mean max level. It could also mean after finishing the story. Or some other arbitrary point. I let someone else define that. Examples: Raids are Endgame content. Repeatable gameplay loop. Same case with PvP and WvW. Getting mounts isn't really endgame content as you do that once. People could argue getting skyscale is endgame content thanks to its lengths. Doing A achievement isn't endgame content. Doing AchievementS is endgame content. The term is rather vague in MMOs. MMO endgame is what you would call Postgame in single player Games. Think catching all Pokémon after beating the Game, 100% GTA or fighting optional side bosses in a generic RPG of your choosing.
  10. That is mostly the case for rebooted stuff , where female leads get retroactively inserted in historical male focused property. Game of thrones has a ton of female leads all 5 seasons are widely loved. Rom coms have female leads nobody complaining. Avatar(the cartoon) has tons of female leads widely loved. Warcraft's sylvana is a fan favorite. Ghostbuster gender swaping the cast in an halve assed attempt of a reboot not gonna work. Female leads clearly work, but finding them in Fast and the furious 19 and Call of duty 33 won't happen. That's why i think searching in mass media is futile. When halve the kitten is rebooted stuff from the last century, where the western world was significant more conservative hoping you get your fair share of representation and a good story seems unlikely. You have to wait a couple of decades till the back catalogue of inclusive and good ips it big enough to milk them consistently. Avatar gets a netflix adaptation not because feminist demand more female representation, but because its just a good ip who happens to have a strong female cast. Why ask for more gay characters in star wars when torchwood is right there. Why even bother with the Gw 2 cast, when dragon age lets you kitten halve the line up.
  11. @Lincolnbeard.1735 Well i dint try to disprove you. You asked where the person is coming from, I just tried explaining it to you from a neutral standpoint. If people are starved for #relatable content let them vote with their wallets:). The thing you and me seem to struggle with here seems to be we are a minority too. The kind of people who don't give much thought about the relationship stuff in story's. Same mate. Cant be mad at Relationships dragging the plot down, if the plot wasn't good to begin with.
  12. Because people ask for gay relationships. People don't ask for hetero relationships or characters. Don't need justification if you don't ask for anything. If I could thanos snap halve of all hetero romantic sub plots out of existence I would without a second thought. In addition to that no Author goes out of the way to make sure the audience knows random side character #17 is hetero. In this century at least. You think the average hetero can't wait for the introduction of rox boyfriend? Don't see how. Because you need a Reason for the Inclusion, while almost every mainstream movie has a (hetero sexual)romantic sub plot by default. By definition Mass media appeals to the majority, the masses and the most common denominator. Romantic subplots are rarely stellar and most of the time barley passable. But they are #relatable. That is why mainstream media do them so often. Relatable is a powerfull tool for mass media. If that subplot loses #relatable its just that: a unnecessary subplot. There are of course also the people who don't like the gays, who are not fond of gay subplots in general. Even if we highball the gays at 10% i don't know how #relatable Male action is for the average kitten licking woman. Which means we are probably back at 5%. Look at son Goku his gender is training and his sexuality is battle. His relationship is just there to produce offspring and further the plot. Nobody looks at character like goku and thinks "yes pure hetero sexuality". If your disregard reproduction and weak romantic sub plots there aren't that many displays of hetero sexuality in media.
  13. A Ergonomic mouse can come with 2 extra buttons. If even slightly moving your thump is an impossibility I'm wondering how you are playing right now. The problem seems that people want the game to change around them, instead of adapting themselves. What build are you running? What are possible buttons you can press? I refuse to believe open world is to hard with enough preparations. Even if you are one armed arthritis ridden old timer. Celestial Daredevil will probably kill most elites with 2 buttons (3 and dodge). Mechanist rifle is functional with the right click. If you cant work harder work smarter. Battle scar renegade will be fine auto attacking while leisurely pressing 2 and 3 from time to time. Do you want a build recommendation? What hurts more F1 or shift-1? Do you already have customs key binds or do you use the normal ones?
  14. Lies and slender. The anti front is either in disbelieve or asks for you build. A monkey can do open world with a properly geared and traited revenant. You may not want to play a revenant, but you also are not a monkey. There should be builds for you class to compensate age or disability's. I did skimm thought the threat and not single mention of equipment? A mouse with extra buttons increases reaction time by a mile. Especially when your are older the difference between pressing dodge on v and dodge on mouse button is enormous. Player power is so absurdly high right now. People should just come up or ask for build to compensate instead of complaining.
  15. No you just repeatedly state that the inclusion of your issue in media(in this case same sex couples, gender etc) is the most important thing and failure to comply is equal to active hostility. With some vague explanation about feeling pride, while not giving a flying kitten about anything or anyone else. I just wanted to mention there are other people who feel unheard of or could need a sense "awareness, acceptance, and pride" like you put it. And including everyone all time is not feasible. A point you fail to see, as you honest to god think gender and sex are the most important thing in the world. You don't give a kitten. You care about yourself only, while playing the noble Victim. Yeah as they are all groups of people who often feel unheard of and ignored by society. But you can't just help yourself painting the situation as the noble oppressed defender who valiantly fights for his self interest. No just the type of person you are needs to be included. All the time. Without exception, otherwise we are actively against you. Because your are apparently a self-centered brick.
  16. Ah the classic "your bias make your opinion wrong, ah fact i'm obviously excluded from with my superior objectivity". Also making wide reaching claims about sexuality based on a survey(citation needed btw) of people who have just finished developing their sex organs is at best naïve and at worst self-serving Propaganda. Yeah of course hetero sexuality is the norm. We don't life in star track. If that wouldn't be the norm most of us wouldn't be here. You know for most of the human history and honestly still for most of the human population hetero sex is literally a prerequisite for the continuous existence of the family/country/Bloodline whatever. Sitting in one of the riches country in the world, where something like artificial impregnation and the likes is even possible, ignorant to the fact that if same sex relationships would be the norm most countries would lose their population in a generation. I know everyone is the center of there own universe, but people have to understand they are not the center of THE universe. The audacity to demand Sexuality is the single most important issue to include in storys, just because they themselves make it the most important issue in their life. Don't misunderstand me, being gay is fine. But just because you life in the bible belt you don't have to overcompensate online with wild claims to validate your existence. If the next piece of media you consume has yet again not 2 dudes making out, you still are valid as a person. You don't need the screen's permission to exist. I understand being gay in a environment where it isn't generally accepted sucks. But so does having a gen defect or an amputation in an environment where people can't understand or care about your struggles. Do we have to include an Amputee in every story from now on so they don't feel excluded? They are less important then your struggles why exactly. There are so many sucky circumstances you can fall into during life that will alienate you from the "normal" people around you. If one your loved ones would suffer from MS you wouldn't be sitting here complaining that every piece of mainstream media has to include you. Its 2022 and you have access to the internet there isn't exactly a lack of gay media if you search for it. Needing the entirety of mainstream media to include your specific target group is a losing move. Edit: While it may come off as an anti gay rant, it is not. Not being normal doesn't equal wierdo. It also doesn't equal bad or good. Murderer aren't normal neither are astronauts. I just think leaning on big cooperation as clutch to feel validated is backwards thinking. And being angry at not being presented all the time is needless suffering.
  17. No i did not want to go into that. The word woke literally triggered any reason out of you guys. I made fun of the statement that the absence of a facet of life in a piece of media equals active hostility or planned erasure of that aspect of life. Because that is just silly. Anet clearly is in favor of lgbt promotion. They even retro actively made 1 captain gay. The reason there isn't an on screen gay parring is most likely thanks to the too small male cast. Braham who is basically a protagonist has 1 meaningful interaction with another male character over multiple season and expansions. But apparently the real reason is male on male erasure and a fetish for lesbian? From the same writers who ended a whole saga with a lesbian wedding? What? Why would the mention of taxes and poverty line create greed? Because it is uncomfortable for you? You only can care about the poor as long as they are gay poor? Anyways I didn't came here to discuss politics. I just found it funny that that their wide cast of females leads, lead them into A situation where there are not enough relevant male characters to form a male on male romance on screen. Proving ones again you cant make everyone happy:).
  18. Generally the truth. But in this specific case no. With what is we are given there are just not enough single male characters. Logan simps for his queen. Rytlock has had a child. Gorrik gonna get it with taimi probably. Soo? Braham interacted with who besides Taimi and his mother? Our favorite Playboy billionaire genius gambler vine boy was the longest time the lapdog of the Humans spymaster and hangs out right now with the chick from the living world. Non of the male EOD characters interact with each other. Even the engineer dude who I would vote most likley to be gay has to, in a cruel twist of fate, share his meta event with a chick. I guess in Rylands wargang had 2 mal charr who had the chance to get it on. But they were so forgettable i don't even know if there were 2 Dudes. Sure from a fanfiction perspective there are barley enough Dudes here to make A parring. But from a story writer perspective there aren't many important character to make a parring without the story having to bend to make it possible. If the sky pirate would have been a dude. Canach could be sitting right now with his Pirate boyfriend in a Pile of money/coke making sweet sweet manly love after being freed from his female overlord. The story wouldn't have to bend an inch for that to happen. But right now with the cast at hand, is there one organic gay parring you can make?
  19. Anet too woke ironically. They put to many woman as leads. There just aren't enough unbound male in the cast to form a meaningful male on male relationship in the main story. But hey some death gay captain got a shout out during the eod Story, so there is that. Taxes are highly political, you may be surprised i didn't fill out a single tax form in gw2 to this day! We somehow made it also without disturbing the wealth so tyra poorest don't have to life below the poverty line. I don't think the word poverty line was uttered once. ARE WE DENIEING THE SUFFERING OF THE POOR?!! Just because something wasn't included doesn't mean it is excluded. If the lack of confirmation is interpreted as proof of hostility people gonna have a bad time.
  20. Quite possible. I just thought with the abundance of Ini, lead attacks (15% Damage) beats Executioner (20% halve the time) and exposed weakness(0-6% in solo play). Also a little more quickness which is always nice. I just assumed they had no access to expansion. SA + Deadeye gonna slap no matter how you build. But it is gonna be a damage nerf as SA, besides the venom on stealth, offer no damage increase.
  21. How come berserker gear is dirty cheap. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nika's_Pauldrons Nikas gear has good enough runes to test stuff- 3.60 Gold for the whole set. Berserker amulet ring are easy to come by with laurels , fractal relics and/or living world maps. If you just want a core build to mow down non elites Double pistol would be the way to go. Something like this Core thief lawn mower build. Ignoring trinkets the cost should be around 5g(cheap Pistol). Sigils and runes included.
  22. Little reminder GW2 is a game with a lot of skill, knowledge expression. On top of the normal distribution from effort that player are willing to give. People who are willing to join a discord have a high probability to also look builds up. Knowing and/or providing boons. I gonna talk about dps because it is the easiest to quantify, but the same applies for buff provider, rezz and defiance Damage. One random who is willing to go to discord will probably to double the dps then a random average OW player. The median Player does double what the bottom 25% percentile does. And the top 25% does double what the median does. So depending how you select these "random" players, there will be massive differences. If for example 10 top 25% leave the map after people almost fail the essence gathering phase and get replaced with bottom 25%. Its like 20 people left and got replaced by 5. That is normally not a problem because 95% of metas are Childs play. Depending how you sample your "random" people, they can be worth 4 times as much. Like you see people on platform not having a food buff, not clicking one of the ascended feast that got placed. While on virtuoso can hit one of the in-between champions so hard multiple people have to back off because otherwise other platforms wouldn't catch up. One "random" group of 20 people could be way more powerful then another group of 50 "random" people. The meta wouldn't be hard with a truly active random map of average player. But for multiple reason that doesn't happen to often.
  23. The kittening forum censor my god kitten language because its a kittening safe space. A Movie will censor exposed breast if it is aimed at kids. Country xyz censors their news paper to push their propaganda. Country abc censor their media so the people don't see the warcrimes they commited. The Person you responding too means censorship like points 1 and 2, but doesn't like the word because many people who care about politics lean to link the word censor more with stuff like 3 and 4. The majority of people in this post seem to think it is a censorship in the vain of point 3. So yes while the model may have been changed because censorship. It seems to matter if it is propaganda driven or age rating driven.
  24. If you want thief. There is the build I'm running to solo stuff with my thief. Deatheye With maleficent seven and the reworked Shadow arts trait line you almost have perma protection with a little celestial gear. Utility's are changeable depending on preference and what you are facing. With Eod came jade bot, which you can upgrade for a little vitality boost. Pretty nice for thief. Something like HP arrowhead in auric basin is joke with this build. Otherwise every revenant build with battle scars and toughness is a kittening tank, even after the selfheal nerfs. If you want the literal Terminator feeling, you could go Bladesworn Warrior with a rifle. Not the most optimal build. Put pretty funky. And with range, some toughness, Lush_Forest and Immortal dragon your biggest concern gonna be the timer on some champions.
  25. No, only you know, the whole male norm race. Who deadlift dojaks and eat grow hormones for breakfast with a side of testosterone Pills. While i get where people coming from with the high heels and +1 in boob sizes, I'm really confused that people unironically think these robots are "sexy" or "Sexist". They were grotesque which I like more then the female model with metal texture taped on. But I think it is silly to think the sky is falling cause of a panic about sexuality, as i never saw someone complaining. Maybe it was 1 employee having a personal interest Bullshiting a reason for the change. Maybe some PEGI rating they want to play safe before steam. Maybe some appeal to be as inoffensive(boring) as possible to reach the most common denominator. It certainly isn't a companywide policy. If i had to guess it is just the personality of a employee bleeding into the game. Like the old guy in echowald getting "owned" for his "xenophobic" Joke. I understand it sucks that Anet is kittening with your items. But to think it this grand conspiracy is just silly.
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