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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Could people stop kidding themselves. "My idea to devalue gem Store items will Anet not cost money, in fact it will increase the Profit they make" - Person who states opinion as fact, based on wishful thinking. You care enough to post online, but already own a plot. So no it will barley if at all, increase incentive to buy plots, while decreasing revenue on Primers.
  2. One thing his habit forming. The other is people are idiots/addict's and will burn themselves out on content given the chance. Running as much as possible. Same reason the IBS chest is weekly. Short enough to be habit forming long enough to not burn out thanks to daily "IBS FC 250 Insight Alac, Quickness".
  3. One Quirk Gw 2 has is the boon dps. A Quickness scrapper for example is the hammer wielding elite spec of engineer. You do sacrifice some damage to provide the boon quickness. Which isn't really a support, you just spawn utility while you have team mates around. Uses the Diviner gear. Something like that increases the chance to find i spot while being dps. Generally speaking people aren't that picky about dps. You probably need to unlock a elite spec to get "viable" Dps/boon dps. While thief has sword as a Power DPS weapon it is not viable option in PvE group content. Core thief in general is really bad for PvE group content. So you run probably the elite spec with the corresponding weapon. I would recommend ENGINEER Scrapper specifically. Snow crow links: Benchmarks dps and rotations are absolute maximum so no pressure emulating that 100%, there just for comparison sake. Quickness build loses 8k(34k/26k) dps but its more or less the same gameplay you just give quickness around you. People like Quickness and alacrity. https://snowcrows.com/builds/engineer/scrapper/power-scrapper https://snowcrows.com/builds/engineer/scrapper/power-quickness-scrapper
  4. You can right click on an item and sell it to the trading post.
  5. The 320 Gold does include everything you may need. It is the maximum gold cost these items cost. Also the price depends on the current trading post prices. Everything that you acquired before hand will bring the price down. The cost include everything you can buy. To give some examples. You probably didn't hurt for Mystic clovers, but if you do run out you can craft them with mystic coins. Coins have a gold value so the site will calculate the value of clovers you got for "free". Also shard of glory can be traded as such they have a value you didn't pay. But if you FastTrack for legendary armor you can actually run out of normal shards and have to buy them. You can also run out of grandmaster tokens, which you also can craft in addition to the ones you get through normal gameplay. Another cost you probably didn't pay. As PvP reward track bring some t4-t6 you had to have some, if you not routinely empty your bank. Maybe you missed them being stored instantly in the material storage? Another thing that will bring the cost down. Lesser shard/grandmaster mark/Spirits shards all can run out for a variety of reasons. Sites will generally give you the max cost in Gold. So a rough estimate for your case: 300 g Base cost (you looked it probably up while TP prices where high) 300- 40 (cost of crafting Mystic Clover)=260 // Can run out if you do another legendary 260-35(cost of crafting grandmaster marks) =225 // can run out if you speed run PvP 225-30(all shards of glory you need) =195 //can run out if you speed run or you sold them for one reason or another 195-75(the value of the t4-t6 mats you had in your bank) = 120 Gold you payed.
  6. Why should i care. Do these new player steal the gems out of my pocket? Halve of the player base got it for free anyways. We apparently need to punish them for the grieve crime of not having played that game yet. Also DUDE its a 10 year old MMO new players are for lack of a better word "behind" the normal player base anyway. "Jo I heard Strikes are good, how do I get started" "easy, just farm a quick 250 gold"
  7. Lol guys tone down the snark. Unpopulated MMO are more or less just bloaty, bad designed single player Games. I wouldn't fault a Person to not realizing UI blink #12 is actually important. Remember kids: games are for fun:).
  8. You are not everyone. Plenty of people want to explore on their own and not be shackled by cut scene and instances. If they do the may be more at home at final fantasy. But that is beside the point. Why are you not playing with your friend? Make a new character and go out on a adventure. Throwing them alone into a 10 old MMO and acting as a voiced guide wont hook people. It is an MMO.
  9. Well the game not holding your hostage in Cutscenes and story mission is as much a feature as it is a (perceived) flaw. I don't get that. Just make a new character and play with the person you want to hook. Every single person complaining about not able to hook people either gives them basically homework or shows up with their 80 and trivializes the content. She doesn't find something NP just walk her to it in the game. It is an MMO just play with the person.
  10. Well my old machine did handle minimal settingsXD. Visual became better after the upgrade to a new pc and better again with tweaks to settings. But seeing a AA chain in the blob is still quite hard and not worth the concentration. And we know the answer. No they don't. The part of the player population who is willing to join a raid guild or go thorough lfg hell is tapped. Strikes outperform Raids by sheer accessibility. And the not so smart people at Anet made halve the new Strikes basically Raids. Overlook and Harvest temple both could need an easy mode as they both are way to complex and long, for the median player anyways. And with new player cut off from IBS Strike will stagnate like raids. With the weekly limit and the KP Eod Strikes like Raids are just to much of a hassle. Yeah i agree, but why would i want to do Raids if I can do Strikes with a 4th of the waiting time. The hart part is to find a group to learn the hard part. I know joining a discord or guild is the answer, but apparently people don't want that. Me included. Which creates a negative feedback loop. PvP for all the neglect and salt it causes has at least short wait times. PvP is probably more unforgiving then Raids which is one of the many Reason people don't do it. I did because i really like it, but the progression was horrible as in Raids. And the people willing to go through the Mountain of hurdles these mode brings is tapped. All that is left is the slow dribble outweigh by people leaving the game or lets be honest dying of natural cause.
  11. Testing their eyesight, flinger dexterity and ability to automatize rotation depending on the class of course. Learning to Pressing buttons almost subconsciously is hard work, but it ain't calculus. Your brain didn't get bigger when learning a rotation, the pressing abilities part just uses up less space in the brain. Same with mechanics if your are on your 50th run of wing 1. Maybe your vision is 20/20, you have a nice setup and "correct" graphic options. For people who didn't automate a rotation, have suboptimal setting and/or average eye sight seeing a que like that isn't easy in the visual vomit while concentration is split. Don't misunderstand me i'm not saying raids are hard or impossible. But they have a hard barrier of entry for the median player, and visual clutter is one of then. You may can manage 12+(maybe you come from a normal mmo with 20/30+🙂) buttons in a visually busy environment, while being in a high stress situation with instant death mechanics the median player can not. GW 2 doesn't has a nice path way to go from median to top 25 percentile. Anyways Raids are of course doable especially with a raid guild. But they are pug-unfriendly and almost impossible to get into as "solo" player. Which is way Strike even the ibs ones who are made rather cheaply are more popular then Raids. Sure not all of them but none? Come on, i know the wiki is wordy and a bit bloaty on information/ just look at that:
  12. Yeah if you play like that it is probably fine. But mmorpg are way more Sandboxy in nature, with a wider expectation from the player base. I for example don't like most story missions so instead of "i come back later" it is "i have to do hours of content i don't like to get there" which is fine if it is something end gamey or optional like map completion, but it does really sting if it is Masteries or HPs. The nature of being a multiplayer games doesn't help. If you get blocked by snorlax in a Pokémon game it is fine. It would be less fine when pokemonlover69 just bunny hops over it while your stand there watching him. Not all. But when they do they generally feed into themselves. Exploration into Exploration. Story into Story. Even if they don't they are more focused. Something like Zelda has a cross between story and exploration but that is all the game is. Not like GW 2 where you have multitude of Reason to play the game and story my be none of them. Or you want to do just story and the big cool events. That is way people are so split depending how you play that system can range from good to slightly annoying to down right evil.
  13. Is that some meta joke about Warrior unable to do math I don't get? You know you can get easy quickness with some boon duration and/or tactics. 1. As you need 3 utility slots and tactics do go full dps it should be fine. If it is not, the fix is in the first paragraph: reduce to 0.5 instead of 0.75. Or just start with a 0.5 pulse and increase only if needed. Also going into tactics is a trait choice:). While bladesworn already runs tactic i don't think it can drop all 3 utility slots and would rather go for some diviners. So it will be a dps loss for the strongest builds. 2. As the top dps kinda needs some of there utility's i don't see how that is much different from 2 harbringer, renegade who just changed 1 trait or something similar. Again a problem that cant be fixed with 0.5 adjustment if it is really to high. Also the quickness out of tactics isn't 100% reliable so its should be accounted for some seconds of overflow.
  14. Teapot enjoyer spotted:). What is your expierience? Doing challenge mode raids/Strikes? Skipping boss mechanics with obscene amounts of dps? A geared virtuoso does 20 k DPs without doing a Rotation, counting cooldowns or looking at the screen. That does qualify your for all(almost?) any content in the game. Even something like Power daredevil, who to be fair has to be a little bit more careful with positioning, will still do obscene amount <20k+ with boon support> of damage with 5 buttons. Sure power daredevil is may considered "grief tier" but i struggle to think which content is not doable with 20k dps. There are so many way to simplify build while still staying viable. And many builds who don't demand much of a rotation to begin with. Druid had to "count" the weapon swap cd and did heals in a sequences for might. That's it. Your team will forgive you if your druid dps rotation isnt on point. People who execute rotations to near perfection, while doing mechanics obviously outpace people like you and me. But that doesn't stop us from doing content does it? Bringing the skill celling down doesn't really benefit anyone.(besides my ego looking at arc dps) Bringing the skill floor up sound silly to me when almost every profession has a LI build nearly doing 20k. Also you can't really bring the floor up without increasing the celling anyway. People have to think about the solution. Why are there even rotations? Because GW is a cooldown based game. Everything has a cooldown besides Auto attack and thief in general. So when you want to maximize dps you use everything that does more dps then AA chain as soon as possible and prioritize based on highest dps to lowest. So when you don't want complex Rotations you need to make almost all Weapon skills and utilities do less then AA chain. That would many people consider quite boring. You could also make the highest dps attack the one with the lowest cooldown so you don't have enough time for many different abilities in-between. The only way to stop complex rotations from a developer perspective is do make most abilities and traits not worth it or normalize damage over all abilities so it doesn't matter which button you press. And lets be honest even with only a 5% dps different between all abilities snow crow will find the 64 step Rotations to maximize it. P.S. If you don't like the complexity of your class just switch to thief. While snow crow may give you a 32 step rotations for specter to follow it is not really needed.
  15. Just make Banners pulse 0.75 sec of quickness, remove quickness from the Elite banner and make the quickness not be affected by double standards. Ship it, if Full zerker quickness build monopolize Quickness in 10 man content reduce to 0,5 in the next patch. Reasoning: It allows a support build to only run 1 Banner with 60% boon duration warhorn and soldiers focus. It Allows dps quickness builds flexibility in utility slots depending on how much they want to invest in concentration. Full zerker/Viper but 3 Banners + tactics Martial cadence. Some boon duration+ 3 banners etc. In Open world it allows good enough quickness support without gear requirement and only a change in utility slots. Might open up some quickness solo build for HP/elites. Having the elite Pulse quickness is clunky game design and should be avoided People shouldn't choose between quickness upkeep and reviving people. Elite should get some boon durations back when it loses quickness. Also having the elite banner give quickness limits what the utility banners are allowed to give out. Decoupling quickness from Double Standards is needed to make room for build diversity. Not a warrior main, but did read the patch notes and was confused why banner don't pulse quickness, because that seemed like the obvious Implementation. Not the Perfect change or long dreamed rework but something that could possible happen till the next patch.
  16. How do people get the idea that this is Anets doing. Its entirely player made. The lead balancer doesn't even want to switch his weapon in combat when he plays. Almost any Content can be cleared with simplified rotations. It is player who want to go even more beyond the limit who design these rotations. People trying to copy them have no one to blame but themselves. Obviously with skill and a lot of finger dexterity you can push hard, but that is rarely needed for 95% of PVE content. Edit: For the people downvoting me: Just look at grenade kit. DO you think the developers did sit down and think yes we want people to go into the kit press 2 and go out of the kit? NO. They just made a weapon kit and made the damaging ability focus on damage. What is the solution for that? Nerf shrapnel grenade, make kits have cooldowns or a windup time. If you don't like that just finish 1 more auto attack chain instead of going into a kit its not like your damage suddenly goes zero when you don't follow snow crow rotations. Player choose to squeeze as much damage out of these classes, they weren't indented to use that way.
  17. Obviously yes. But it is horrible design. Most masteries feel like an artificial problem was created so the mastery can be the solution. Especially frustrating when people on mounts ignore path entirely different over the map anyway. Same with the POF masteries getting easier to some place with full powered springer is nice. Having a mastery Point gated on a Pillar that is impossible to reach otherwise feels like kitten.
  18. First and foremost I don't like the blob meta. Its fun to be good. Challenging content even if not needed attracts optimization. The meta way will always be 5 wells or a 12+ step rotation. People go the way of least resistance and are at least 50% responsible for the state of the blob meta. Like didn't people cry out to get their profession quickness or alacrity so they can be relevant? Weren't many engies happy they could give quickness? Increasing boon range doesn't to much anyway we just become a less dense blob, but a blob all the same. There isn't any non drastic solution for that problem after years of player meta gaming and forcing content creation around them. Kill perma boons: That would be a colossal player outrage and rebalancing of a lot of content so not really an option. Increasing radius: Just increases the blob in diameter with all the same restriction the dense blob has. Making new content that just ignores or disables boons: I think that would be cool and would open up so much more encounter design, BUT it would force a split in PVE to balance around 2 type of content so also a NONO. Nobody forces you to do boring rotations and manage boons, but yourself and other players. Wanna have new never before seen PVE content do Boneskinner like it was indented. But do you really wanna do it? Even if yes, can you find 9 other people willing to do that? Remember DRM when Prismatium was worth something? LFG was full with people wanting to run content with hfb. Player will chose the meta way and as long as boons are somehow worth it boon meta will persist. So it is either centralization or giving boons to everyone. Sure everyone being an alac is lame, but so is bringing guardian on every encounter. Player force the boon meta on the devs not the other way around. The time the dev could reasonable put a stop to Boon meta has passed a long time ago. On the point of rotation: Besides some wow style procs Guild wars kinda has exhausted what they could possible do with their game in the case of rotations. If you don't like Managing heat/Stealth/shroud or filling up Malice/Blades/adrenalin or Switching between Weapon swap and kits cooldown there isn't much the game can give you as an rotation that isnt already there.
  19. Do people that? I'm pretty sure PvP conquest was never a big focus to begin with. Tournament Panel is unfinished since i started playing the game so i think they never cared much to begin with and just care even less with each coming year. Also just because you hate the low population argument doesn't make it any less untrue. The real reason is Anet disinterest in Conquest, but the low population makes many things just not possible. Unranked and rank is different then normal ranked, 2v2 ranked 3v3 ranked. Lets say we have 1000 people that play ranked on a mega server you need to have an influx of 2000 people to keep the same q times. Or if we say 2v2 and 3v3 is the same crowd an influx of 1000 which still seems silly for a game as hard to get into as GW 2 PvP. Everything less will have a strong negative influence on the already broken matchmaking.
  20. Really? I quite fond of a non seizure inducing weapon. Slight damage buffs and quickness on 2 would make it a great weapon OW Hero point and elites. Kill shot feels really stratifying in PvE sadly core warrior isn't that good.
  21. I too like rifle. Sadly the steady pump style dps conflicts with the design of all elites. In berserker case Gunflame has added velocity so your burst skill is the fastest ability with is quite jarring. Also brutal shot(your back evade) has a slight delay which can feel clunky. The fact that gunflame has reduced Power damage for added burn on a pure power weapon is pretty bad too. Rifle suffers from the archaic notion that range weapons shouldn't do high dps so numbers are a little low and could need a buff. Also the lack of quickness could be annoying if you dont run around with protocols. In comparison to Gatling gun engi autos and zephyr Longbow ranger rapid fire, volley does look a little slow:). If you want fast paced action you could run bladesworn rifle with lush forest and tactical reload.
  22. Cant post in game, when you are not logged in.😎
  23. If we would be firing every person who did call a part of their customer base idiots their wouldn't be a single service person, Mechanic or whatever left. Look in any forum were tech support employees or mechanics post, do you want them get fired too. Or when service people tell their horror stories about awful customer we fire them too? Or teacher who unaspiringly may slip that kids in general can be a pain in the kitten we fire them too? People in elderly care who complains in the break room and uses a bad word, after getting kicked by a senile resident, fired! Kindergarten teacher who utters any negative opinion about any parent in any semi public setting. You guessed it, FIRED! Imagine your loved ones losing their job because of the kittening word idiot and an internet mob.
  24. Well from what i read you don't want to force, just heavily influence it. Which is almost the same in my eyes at least. Preferable class treatment shouldn't even be an option, this a systematic failure. Are you really asking why a employee in his private time thinks his customer are idiots? People ARE idiots in general. This is a systematic failure of the company as a whole. Focusing blame on a single person based on a PRIVATE chat log is not only morally wrong, it is also unproductive. Will firing that guy ensure that banners don't go out buggy? NO. Will firing that guy stop the next person from being biased? NO. Will firing that guy make them read more feedback? NO. What positive change do you and other people think will come from firing that guy?
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