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Everything posted by ZenDrake.8316

  1. Again, the problem is neither might nor quickness. The OTHER boons are the problem. You barely have healing on Glint, but if you swap to Ventari or Jalis too quickly (you know, like a reactive support playstyle might require) you drop uptime on prot, regen and swiftness (yes, swiftness is relevant to some builds, and it also feels way better if you have it). The other boons also only pulse every 3 seconds, which brings back the same problem we had before the recent changes for quickness.
  2. Just revert the "rework". Makes qdps herald a bit more challenging to play again while also restoring the fun in heal herald (especially the ability to reactively swap legends, because your prot, regen and swiftness uptime are bound to Glint for the most part - shield 4 is borderline useless for prot since only the projectile gives prot, not the AoE).
  3. I do see a point in them not auto recharging when out of combat in WvW, since recharging the mantras prevents you from mounting up for example. But, why not auto recharge them when using a waypoint (maybe excluding emergency ones)? If I swap maps or port back to the keep, I am usually nowhere near any enemies.
  4. It's definitely a good thing that the weapon stow "mechanic" is no longer required to achieve the best dps numbers. I am not really a fan of aftercasts, but if they decided to keep them in the game, the weapon stow bs had to go.
  5. Not having swiftness in combat feels pretty bad tbh. I consider it one of the "core boons" a healer should try to keep up. The free boon duration is irrelevant for heal builds. Right now, keeping protection and fury up is pretty annoying, and regen is also something you have to look out for in ACTUAL encounters where you have to reactively heal and swap legends. You can't stack these up quickly because they tick with a fixed rate, and as soon as you need to swap legends you are locked out from giving those boons for quite some time. They should make qdps herald have to take boon duration (like how it used to be) and remove the free boon duration imo. If I am playing heal, then it's the expectation that I provide the majority of boons. Builds like alac bladesworn don't do much apart from alac for example.
  6. It's still a pain to upkeep protection on fights where you have to reactively heal (swapping to ventari). Especially protection is hard to come by since shield 4 is kitten, meaning your only source is the Glint elite skill. You always want to keep up regen, fury and swiftness. That's just a pain at this point if the boss has high damage pressure (like VG). And prestacking obviously isn't a thing for raids and strikes. This would solve so much already. Allowing heal heralds to swap to another legend (for stab or heal) while still pulsing some boons would honestly be enough for me already to alleviate the stressful boon management when you also need to heal a lot.
  7. Actually having fun in WvW would have been a nice change after 2 weeks. Not gonna happen with UW/Vabbi sadly.
  8. Just a tip: A lot of people don't WANT to fight you due to the playstyle of certain guilds. It's just unfun, especially with the 4v1 ganking groups throwing siege on opponents. Apart from that, we just don't have the numbers if it's not prime time. Elona is practically dead after 10 pm. And even for this reset we were only able to fill up 2 maps.
  9. I assume you are on one of the servers in T5 - since this is the lowest tier, no one can be demoted to a lower tier. The winner of the match can only be promoted if the next tier (T4) has a loser (someone to be demoted). T4 had two draws in a row though, which meant that no one got demoted, leading to no one from T5 getting promoted. And thus, we are stuck with Underworld/Vabbi for a 3rd week... Time for a break from WvW, I don't wanna play against those annoying people again.
  10. You misunderstand the point. We are not talking about out of combat, we are talking about phase transitions WITHIN a fight. Like a phase where the boss is not attackable and you have to do some mechanic or something like this.
  11. Quickness is usually irrelevant in phase changes, Alacrity on the other hand is still beneficial because cooldowns keep ticking faster.
  12. You've also lost a lot of potential for utility. Instead of being able to put down 2 stab roads on Jalis you are now basically forced to just put down one and turn on the hammers immediately for quickness. Oh yeah, I can imagine all the pugs that will offer to sacrifice their own dps in order to actually be useful to the group outside of quickness... With most pugs just blindly copying what SC is saying, this will not happen. It's already the case with Vindicator, where barely anyone takes a staff for CC heavy fights (like Samarog).
  13. Do you have 2 factor authentication with mobile authenticator enabled? Because my codes aren't working when using a VPN (Proton VPN Netherlands).
  14. Same here. Once I try to add a code the navigation bar just duplicates.
  15. Remove the stupid after cast cancel mechanic first. Same for Guardian, the need for weapon stow in COMBAT is such a bad thing to have.
  16. To everyone saying that their internet connection is very good: It doesn't matter. The long "download" times comes from patching, not the download itself. The recent patch had over 100k small files that needed to be patched (probably for the DX11 transition according to that_shaman), and every single files needs to be patched into the Gw2.dat file. One by one.
  17. Range is not Radius! You can place it 900 units far away, but the radius is still a measly 240.
  18. That does depend on the boss though. Tanking KC, Dhuum, Gorse or other bosses with low damage pressure? Sure. But I wouldn't want to tank Qadim2 or VG with that tbh.
  19. Same here. Dungeon Master achievement yet all vendors are locked. I even did Ascalon and Twilight Arbor COUNTLESS times for the runes.
  20. Haven't changed any settings, so I don't think so. And it suddenly works perfectly after one specific player left soooo yeah I don't think that's intended. I also haven't targeted anyone at all and it still sticks to the player.
  21. Usually you can place the Warrior's banners wherever you want like a normal AoE. But for some reason, the AoE stuck to one specific player yesterday in the Kaineng Overlook Strike Mission. The banner's AoE would automatically attach to one specific player (and only that one) and basically always spawned where he was standing. It was not possible to place them anywhere else, like they locked onto it as a target (similar to that one option where you can make AoE fields attach to enemies). Since I am bad with words, here's a video of the bug: Unfortunately, I don't know what causes this bug to happen.
  22. Adding the EMP was one of Anet's biggest mistakes. Most classes have WAY MORE CC available then the EMP, but people still don't use it. It isn't necessary.
  23. The Dragon's End Meta is just hard (which isn't a bad thing at all), but the Aetherblade one is bugged. THAT is way worse. You can improve your skill to eventually win a hard fight, but you can't win against a bug...
  24. I have noticed some pretty strange graphical bugs while playing WvW: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/564566908528099446/891076737528631356/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/564566908528099446/891073476314693632/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/564566908528099446/891074088913735710/unknown.png Also, some skins have the wrong color. The Glitched Adventure Greatsword is supposed to looks blue, but it's greenish with DX11. Win 10, Raden RX 5700XT
  25. Well, what can Anet do about this? Most people can speak english anyway.
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