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Everything posted by Geronmy.3298

  1. I wish it's a cool two hander melee condi. But at this point it will be another ranged power weapon for virtuoso and chrono.
  2. Which they addressed on the worst way possible. By nerfing the clones to do 1/3 of the damage they were doing they basically put the skill floor on the ceiling. This mostly hurt to players that were not that good with the spec while high experienced players won't see that big of a difference. They legit made the spec worse to play than before the ''rework'' to axe clones. Before if your clones got the full auto chain you were rewarded greatly by both the third auto and the activation of seeking axes on your clones. Then changed to be more streamlined, we lost the big hit and the activation of seeking axes on it but we won an easier time letting our clones do their thing. Then they were nerfed to 1 third of the duration and now they do worse conditions while autoattacking than before the rework. Before 8secs of bleeding, 13.5 secs of torment and for each chain your clones did. Now 3 secs of bleeding and 3 secs of torment for 3 auto attacks.
  3. Sorry, devs will not hear any idea on improving Mirage. Try posting a virtuoso buff and you might see it in a few patches.
  4. They weren't. For what i've seen it peaks around 30kdps while burning your fingers off. You could play pvirt right now and it will be hundred times better.
  5. The only way to make it worse is to remove the alac.
  6. I know consistency is not your thing but I guess the balance patches are in line with the expansion's quality, i have to give you that.
  7. I think the slumbering is just the unsheathed version.
  8. I hope they go after then gen 3 variants and they cost only karma and spirit shards as account bound mats and everything else you can buy on the tp. I can't see another rift portal again, for my own sanity.
  9. As a recognized virtuoso hater™, this would be a cool change. They can even reuse the Mirage one they recently fixed.
  10. Wouldn't have said better myself. Mirage is a dead spec with no one on the dev side of things to vouch for. Is a spec trapped between two powerhouses in Chrono and Virt, doing their job but being harder to play for worse results. They have trapped one of the coolest specs in the game on the vicious cycle of being bad (either for the jankiness, clunkiness or lack of numbers for the effort put into it)>nobody plays it because is bad>no reason to waste dev time on it because nobody plays it. Will i still play it? Yeah, i don't like myself enough to embrace it will never get addressed as a real spec in the game and change to a real one. Also, just checked the benchmarks, Virtuoso actually surpassed Mirage, we just keep losing mirabros.
  11. did 3 pieces, have enough essences for 4th and 5th but i'm out of any other material. Currently doing metas and stuff to farm them out. I'm pacing myself to finish my first set in the next 3 months.
  12. It just took 9 and a half months but we got the UI fx back. Small step for a mesmer, but a huge jump for Mirage.
  13. Wish for the next step is the complete build inspector and this is just testing the waters.
  14. I think the big problem is the random part of the movement over the forced one. Axe 3 is basically unusable if you don't count on Jaunt to instantly reposition yourself out of whatever it randomly threw you into.
  15. This and having separate dye channels for each outfit and mount.
  16. Condi chrono is not only viable, it has less ramp up than Mirage.
  17. As i always say, you play Mirage because A)You actually love the concept even if the execution is not the best. B)You actually hate yourself C) A and B
  18. Off all the work axe needs, being ranged is not on the list.
  19. Is not viable at all. Rifle's ambush is just plain awful to use and gives no boons whatsoever. It's even worse on your clones.
  20. Ramp up damage is low but you can sit at 15k once you get it going. I can solo it no problems.
  21. But staff mirage is the posterchild for soloing the stuff you ask for.
  22. Elaborate, there was no changes to axe nor any trait related to it last patch.
  23. Hit the nail on the head. I've been asking for Condi Damage+Precision major and expertise+concentration minor since i started playing.
  24. Playing pvp is hating yourself. Playing Mirage is hating yourself. Idk, it makes a great mix if you as me.
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