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Everything posted by Geronmy.3298

  1. They should just give the option to ride the leyline once you approach it instead of being automatic.
  2. If they do that then they will no longer be able to sell lvl 80 boosts /s?
  3. Not even that. If they had them for a while they have enough tomes that it doesn't matter.
  4. I am having a lot of fun with axe/pistol/staff Mirage. Runes of the trapper and the relic of peitha/mirage/akeem. It has both the defensives and range from staff while switching to the fast paced and agile axe when you feel you can all in in melee.
  5. I do understand. You want free things because you bought the game a decade ago while crying that new players (and by defect you too) can get item easier.
  6. You should value the activities you did to get that item. And you took 10 years because you wanted to do it that way, people who do the wvw leggies take less than a year. Hell, i crafted 2 legendary weapons and i am just 1 year in. I know a streamer that got gifted 3 and you don't se me posting about having Anet remove them from her because i feel mine are less valuable. And, little secret, nothing in this game has any real value. Is just a game.
  7. Haha yeah, i forgot to double check before posting.
  8. I agree. If they changed the proc to be on dodge it would be good af.
  9. >Why does Anet give things for free to players that don't meet my criteria? >Anet give players like me (Me specially) free things!!!!!!!
  10. I mean you can always try dueling/chaos condi Chrono. Axe is fun despite all the bugs but i think most of its powerhouse is in the ambush.
  11. I don't think it would have been used that much because it needs you to evade an attack, if it was on dodge it would be meta no questions.
  12. I agree 100% on every point. Everyone always say how easy Adps Mirage is to play but never stop to see how Cvirt plays while topping meters. My guess is at this point Mirage is so bugged that they rather guide mesmer players to play the other specs. The only competitive weapon on pure dps that Mirage has is Axe and staff as boondps. Both Chrono and Virt both power and condi at least have some choice in the matter with Sword, GS and or dagger. Not even talking the slow kitten buildup Staff mirage has that Chrono doesn't. I know i could always play Chrono or Virt, but i find those specs just as boring as any other spec in the game. Hoping Rifle is a decent Cdps weapon if is not a heal one.
  13. Up to this day we still don't have the screen fx on gaining Mirage cloak and there has been not even one mention of them recognizing this issue. It's mirover.
  14. Playing the xpac on full cele axe/shield/pistol Mirage and having a blast lol. Shield gives some might so i don't have a use for staff.
  15. The damage scales with your condition damage and duration, so if you go condi or celestial it becomes impossible.
  16. unequip your gear, unironically it you just start spamming 1 when you get to 75% the first time you cant die.
  17. They won't make it.Mesmer must suck for the sake of the gods. They COULD have made it on the last patch that addressed the changes on ambushes, but they didn't. They added extra torment. My guess is, if they ''fix'' underwater alac Mirage (easy as flip to do) then other specs like Mechanists will ask for fixes to their underwater combat (not as easy to do) so yeah Mirages stay mad.
  18. In pve is no different. The seeking axes are so bugged that most of the time they just wander off and hit nothing. I haven't played Axe in months and tried to bench last night just to find almost all my ambushes were wasted thanks to this issue. And staff works almost perfectly and just keeps getting nerfs, the irony.
  19. So, since June 28's patch where Mirage's dodge was balanced out we lost the screen fx that happened after getting Mirage cloak . I have not seen this addressed at all, thought that this would be fixed by July 18 but it wasn't. Is this change intentional and is the way that will be moving forward (boring and lame, totally not cool imho) or will be fixed when the xpac drops?
  20. In ffxiv even if the storage is trash by itself, you can freely change skins for dirt cheap and have up to 20 free transmog templates. The transmog is infinitely better outside of the storage. Dyes in gw2 are better tho.
  21. Playing the game means interacting with the pvp community too, because is the only way to get them. I'd rather look like a clown. Is that or ask players to join objectively abandoned content for months to get a legendary armor set for just 1 weight class. So they have to do it 3 times. And also get one or two legendary weapon of each type. Just so you can freely do fashion. No other mmo has a shittier mog system.
  22. Confusion is ok even with the changes. They should unnerf chaos vortex for the clones.
  23. I still use a few ritualist pieces so i can make it easier. That or concentration sigils if i just feel like having more crit to proc bleeds with my clones. As i've said before, now that Anet destroyed staxe (could have made a better job if the trait was competing with IH while giving us a mega ambush in pve) and neverj reverted staff nerfs. We basically have a mega slow damage ramp up, are limited to condi builds and just 1 weapon to generate alac while other adps have more reliable and easier ways to generate alac, can even play power or condi while using basically wichever weapons they feel like using and that is still not enough for you know who to give us less of a pounding.
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