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Everything posted by Geronmy.3298

  1. The damage scales with your condition damage and duration, so if you go condi or celestial it becomes impossible.
  2. unequip your gear, unironically it you just start spamming 1 when you get to 75% the first time you cant die.
  3. They won't make it.Mesmer must suck for the sake of the gods. They COULD have made it on the last patch that addressed the changes on ambushes, but they didn't. They added extra torment. My guess is, if they ''fix'' underwater alac Mirage (easy as flip to do) then other specs like Mechanists will ask for fixes to their underwater combat (not as easy to do) so yeah Mirages stay mad.
  4. In pve is no different. The seeking axes are so bugged that most of the time they just wander off and hit nothing. I haven't played Axe in months and tried to bench last night just to find almost all my ambushes were wasted thanks to this issue. And staff works almost perfectly and just keeps getting nerfs, the irony.
  5. So, since June 28's patch where Mirage's dodge was balanced out we lost the screen fx that happened after getting Mirage cloak . I have not seen this addressed at all, thought that this would be fixed by July 18 but it wasn't. Is this change intentional and is the way that will be moving forward (boring and lame, totally not cool imho) or will be fixed when the xpac drops?
  6. In ffxiv even if the storage is trash by itself, you can freely change skins for dirt cheap and have up to 20 free transmog templates. The transmog is infinitely better outside of the storage. Dyes in gw2 are better tho.
  7. Playing the game means interacting with the pvp community too, because is the only way to get them. I'd rather look like a clown. Is that or ask players to join objectively abandoned content for months to get a legendary armor set for just 1 weight class. So they have to do it 3 times. And also get one or two legendary weapon of each type. Just so you can freely do fashion. No other mmo has a shittier mog system.
  8. Confusion is ok even with the changes. They should unnerf chaos vortex for the clones.
  9. I still use a few ritualist pieces so i can make it easier. That or concentration sigils if i just feel like having more crit to proc bleeds with my clones. As i've said before, now that Anet destroyed staxe (could have made a better job if the trait was competing with IH while giving us a mega ambush in pve) and neverj reverted staff nerfs. We basically have a mega slow damage ramp up, are limited to condi builds and just 1 weapon to generate alac while other adps have more reliable and easier ways to generate alac, can even play power or condi while using basically wichever weapons they feel like using and that is still not enough for you know who to give us less of a pounding.
  10. And i am 100% on defense of cutting alac outside of staff ambush. Problem is they nerfed staff due to staff/axe. Destroyed staff/axe and never reverted staff back. It right now needs more numbers and unnerfing CV could do the trick. Also not a fan of Speed of Sand trait. It should be mixed into mirage cloak by default and add a more interesting one imo.
  11. They should revert the changes to Chaos Vortex, at this point almost all the other adps builds hit th e30k or more while having more reliable access to it.
  12. Hey, i use tormenting staff/staff cele Mirage and now i feel offended. /s.
  13. Expertise is needed on every condi build, it helps you do more damage by prolonging the duration of your conditions.
  14. Axe mirage benchmarks are not even impressive.Condi Virt should be doing around 30k dps on golem if we are going to be honest. What's the difference on Cvirt and prenerf Power Rifle Mechanist? Simple press anything rotations. If they hated so much Mech for doing ok damage with your brain turned off, Cvirt should have the same treatment. And they have it so easy, reduce the 100% bleed chance on crit to a lower %. And Anet seems to want for all mesmer players to play Virt and forget about the other 2 specs so let's destroy the other 2 that are pretty unique for our own copycat of a WoW Frost mage that has no flavor.
  15. You can just check out the bug threads where we are reporting Mirage's dodge breaking (mostly on core content) and having to change maps/spec to fix it.
  16. So axe clones' bug just got hotfixed after 2 days but the dodge is still bugging on core content and the screen visual fx is not yet fixed after 3 weeks. God forbid a bug is actually improving mesmer.
  17. 100% agree on this. They should revert the nerfs to chaos vortex at this point, all other adps get into the 30k easy so there's no problem.
  18. I prebought SotO just to mount in combat. I can't care less for any other feature tbh, hope is not a long cd.
  19. I did my first raid last month. Not advertised. I was just on EoTN after dragonstorm and someone whispered me about how they liked my character and how is it that i wasn't on a guild yet. Invited me over and two nights later W1 was done. Out of nowhere, got kidnapped into a raid and did it with a bunch of newbies as i am. They do get done more than people think, lfg is nowhere near evidence of how an scene is doing. I also do strikes weekly. You don't see 10 groups listed at a time because they fill up rather quickly and people do them naturally as they have time. If you are like me and like to see lfg randomly over the day you will see how groups form and fill pretty quickly. They are obviously more active after reset, but not that much because almost everyone is doing some farm that also starts at that hour.
  20. I for sure miss it too. It is one of those things that although are not essential for the class to be playable, it just doesn't feel the same without it. Please give us our shiny purpy screen back!
  21. The solution was provided on the same post.You get extra abilities if you already have the skyscale fully maxxed out. If players that unlocked the skyscale on SotO want these new abilities they will have to do the old method.
  22. Is impossible to say open world damage mirage was buffed when all the numbers just went down. I think it was just the sigil change that boosted the damage giving it access to more stacks of vuln.
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