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Everything posted by Nightcore.5621

  1. As long thiefs remain a meme this game havin perma stealth than i don't care.
  2. Its been Bugged for more than a week cuz i been on leaderboad for long time but it dosent show
  3. https://ibb.co/hcCrDy8 I should be 208 or something but the whole week my name not been on and i have been on top 250 for long time ? can any 1 explain?
  4. Yeah anet have lost so many money from me make me wait for so long to have the items i wanted in gemstore so i stopped care about it
  5. yeah thats how i got my top 100 pvp title last season just play in mornings and the title is given for free sadly
  6. yeah i dont buy that at all. i seen my friend play at nights also havin i dont know how many win rows.. so dont give me that. also when i do all the meta events in the mornin there still 100s of players each map to do them so is not about there is not enouth players on
  7. i dont know i just play casuel evey mornin when i wake up ... pvp just begind gettin more and more borin sometimes i dont evne have a loose from playin 2 haours and i log off play something else more COMPETITIVE games .. something just dont feel right anymore in pvp ... most the time i see the same people over and over like no 1 really plays it anymore
  8. so eveyday now playin pvp i get like 100s of win row https://ibb.co/BzpvvRk i can only play in the mornin and not prime time cuz of work. is pvp just totaly dead now or whats goin on ?
  9. so this is what happens when i queue in prime time https://ibb.co/dpZ1kXB when is not prime time this is what happens https://ibb.co/QHbsck8 So in other words i never queue in prime times is simple more faster and easyer to get wins and farm gold not playin in prime time. i think they really need to fix how matchsystem is workin.
  10. Yes i don't mind premade teams but they should not be matched agienst People Who do random
  11. Premade orginazed Team should never face People Who do random is just bad and a unhealty way to design pvp. And don't give me this there not enoguth players to have 2 separate queues maby if u fix things more will be playin.. Thats normal what happens. Premade orginazed Team always have a bigger advantage than People Who don't and is not fair to the players playin
  12. 2 of the dye slots dont work also u cant dye the red stars comein from it? something most be wrong
  13. I have said the same also so many times No Matter where u go u always get attacked.. The fact u cant just walk around and enjoy the world with out bein attacked 24/7 really not joyable
  14. I Played this game almost eveyday since it came out i pre ordered hot and pof but eod i have not payed for yet i don't know but bein half afk on a boat move My mouse from side to side to pick up a fish Thats not why i play a mmo its boring to me.. Not worth the money if u ask me. I can fish in real life if i want to but I cant slay big dragons or fight thug raid bosses.
  15. https://youtu.be/VVmYthOmMI0 Anet did not think about this loool
  16. Yeah me too lol... To late for me to care about wvw now
  17. The return of livin world season are not bugged is the normal in story tab that dont work
  18. The Achievement is bugged no matter how many times u kill Suneh Stormbringer it dosent count.
  19. Evey other mmo games have fishin.. I really cant see the fun in that. No raids or cm fractals No end game other than some Strike missions. I am more hyped for ff14 expansion for sure
  20. pvp is what it is is not great for sure. gw2 the only game i can think of that have more bots than diablo2 has. same goes for pve 1000s of places where people afk farm even youtubers have dedicated videos where the best places to afk farm is. just stupid. but that what u get for a cheap game like this
  21. I wish the new expansion ultimate Edition had something like the Lily of the Elon so you can fast travel to the map a vip Pass. Thats the only thing holdin me back not buyin it.
  22. This game was different from other mmo games not havein dedicated healers tanks and so on as they said long time ago. A shame this game turned out to be just like evey other mmo out there. it runied the game. thats it. have a nice day
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