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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. Now we can finaly put the rifle right beside them. Engi rifle is provably one of the less fun/good weapon. Anet at least bring back the cool 3x burst animation...
  2. Power DPS mech is trash tier dont play it, anet also buther the rifle auto attack. If you want to play mech either play AlacDPS or better learn the amazing omg fun AlacHeal version. If you really really want to play mech pure DPS yeah power is trash, learn the condi variant.
  3. I could not have said better! This is the excat fun of a pet class in mmo!!!
  4. Mech in pvp is mostly unplayable to be honest... so yeah... just cc the bot
  5. Yes 1 tap to tell him to go there and stay, another tap 2 but in "free mode/pet IA" or just get ride of the mechanical geniaus crap, that could also help. Does anyone at anet even try play mechanist once in any end game content? Mechanist is useless in wvw, its useless in pvp since the mech just got cc to hell and in pve its now a hardmode for healer/support player. Anet should not listen to people that dont play the spec to balance the spec...
  6. Mechanical genius as a whole is just a bad unfun mechanic to work around, before when it was just a stat penality, it was mostly ingorable, now its just plain unfun and annoying. Anet is killing the spec, that with the mace wtf change... plus all the previous nerf...
  7. Not hype for a shortbow, I would rather have a staff to complete my golemancer dream. That said, I hope the short bow feel a bit like the renagade one but instead of portal, you shoot drone that fire laser or something like this, hope its more power, we dont have a great power range weapon, lets face it rifle is mid range and in my opinion, I cant stand this god awefull skill 1 animation. (2x burst is lame and weird, bring back the 3x burst animation).
  8. I also hate it wtf anet?!?! Hope this is a silly bug
  9. Best of both world I second this idea!
  10. I disagree with elementalist, waaaaaaay to much skill tied to weapon. That said engi would be pretty nice and not really game breaking, it only give us the same acces of skill as putting another kit on the utility. So yeah weapon swap on engi!
  11. HealScrapper is running mace for sure, power holo probably giving this good old hammer some swing, the sword outside holo... hmm not sure... even now I struggle to see holo using sword, hammer seem better, but if you really want to use holo with shield, I think mace would probably be more intresting for the shorter cooldown on the leap and the great cc on skill 3. That said power sword will probably give an higher DPS than mace, so thats that.
  12. If this change go life, Ill call it first. Scrapper need a rework... again...
  13. Just bring us the 3x burst animation at least and Ill stop comlaining about rifle. XD
  14. I agree strongly! Quickness on super speed was not the best, but it was better than this. Its going to feel so clunky after this patch. Also wtf scrapper dont have quickness in wvw, thats just stupid.
  15. Yeah it sad that they destroy pve scrapper for wvw... Since cmc took control engi got worst and worst to play...
  16. Nerf is not the word... hmm... let see... its more like they bring scrapper to "its need a rework" level... again... for the third time...
  17. No I dont want anet to make quickness scrapper worst to play. Having quickness on leap/blast finisher going to tunnel us into even more mandatory skill. At least quickness on super speed give us choice for ou utility and we never have to take only gryo. Sure we needed at least 2, but thats fine, I m running 2 gyro for the super speed anyway, quickness or not.
  18. This is going to be annoyimg to play on DPS quickness and mostly kill heal quickness... Im now fully convince that nobody in the balance team play engi. All the change in the last fiew years just made engi less fun.
  19. Yop and they did mechanist for those that dont like toolbelt, does not mean to remove it from the entire class. Im a mechanist enjoyer but I would not want anet to remove them from the rest of the espec.
  20. Did forgot those 2 about elixir gun. That said, as a support you dont really run that many elixir and as a DPS you dont run this traitline. I grt your point but I dont think its mandatory as op suggest.
  21. Well gw2 is still the cheapest mmo out there in term of cost. Arenanet mistake was giving way too much content for free for way too long. It does not help that the free content was super good in general. Ill gladly pay for more content to support the existence of this game and this fictionnal univers.
  22. True but toolbelt elixir base cooldown are super long already, so its not as overpower as you make it sound. Dont forget that hgh is on a support traitline, so to get the cooldown reduction on elixir, you have to sacrifice 1 DPS line wich in itself make it useless for DPS build. As for healer/support build, you dont really run elixir, maybe 1 or 2, (the elixir gun kit only have 1 skill thats is consider an elixir).
  23. But you could stab for the skill 4 to not get self cc, its give us a great skill ceilling and option, sometime it was usefull to move your character. But I respect your opinion even if its different. The minimum I wish for is to get the skill one 3x burst back.
  24. I stop reading at remove toolbelt mechanic... just no, go play another class if you dont like the toolbelt mechanic. Its like saying I like mesmer but I want the clone mechanic to be remove...
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