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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. Engi core but with superspeed basically, that how scrapper feel to me.
  2. Scrapper does not feel like a real elite spec... And what does it even mean "strong in open world". What cant be strong in open world? Scrapper need a total rework, since the hammer can be play on all spec now, Ive lost completly the reason to play scrapper. I only run it for quickness and then play excatly like a core engi with an hammer...
  3. Would have been really lame, glad its not what we got. Just anotger holosmith 2.0
  4. I was there for the pink catmander party! Was 1 of the commander! 😄
  5. Engineer not having weapon swap make no sence anymore. Kit do act like weapon, but it would hurt to have a real weapon swap, would open a little bit of fresh air on engi.
  6. Im in the same boat. My name is Zzik The Golemancer... Maybe I should change my name to Zzik The Jobless... anet I want my golem back pls... :,)
  7. No, youre totaly wrong. MMO mean Massivly Multiplayer Online, wich to be fair gw2 is probably the most mmo of all mmo. I dont remember in any modern mmo running in a zerk of houdred of player beside gw2. All mmo have single player element, this is how mmo had survive.
  8. People on forum, complain theirs nothing to do, release a new bunch of achivement, people complain about being new stuff to do. God kitten it guys.
  9. I feel bad for anet, theirs just no way for you guys to be happy. The game aint dying, we have another expac on the run, dev are updating their tech. Soto was great quality wise, a bit smaller but that was the point. Some system were not fully fleshout but at the same time anet try to fix some huge pain point in gw2. No matter what anet will do, people here will always cry. I think its more a reflection of their personnal live, rather than the quality of the game. Is the game perfect? No of course not, no game is. But its still one of the best and consumer friendly mmo out there, its probably the mose friendly game. Its oky to have opinion, but jizzz you guays are doomer.
  10. What about dragon kryptis? But back to op, yeah mace is the engi condi melee weapon.
  11. That sound like a good idea! Its already pretty short anyway. So it would nt be op or anything to make it last longer over 100 heat.
  12. Yes it as been change, before it was using a basic rifle skin, nowday, its has its own unique skin. That said its pretty similar to the placeholder, its like 95% the same as the placeholder, but theirs slight difference between the 2 models. They never add this change in any update note and Im not even suprise nobody on the wiki page as not even saw that they change the model. Look really really close and youll see some detail that were not there before, and youll see the texture is higher res than the basic rifle skin that was use as a place holder.
  13. Mortar kit was done a couple years ago in fact, I know I complain about it till someone pointed it to me. Its look lot like the place holder, but its not.
  14. Not reading all the other comment. But yeah I would love to have weapon swap on engi, thank.
  15. I dont think they ruined the game but I want my golem back, summon could stay on rune I would be happy! But dont remove it, its lame.
  16. You can easly solo tier 2 rift, your just not good enough at the game/build craft. Sorry it may sound rought but the the easiet way to tell you.
  17. Are you talking about the skin or the weapon itself? Because you can only equip 1 legendary sword if you only crafted 1 bolt, but you can use that skin on other sword weapon.
  18. My opinions of the relic system will greatly improve when they GIVE ME BACK MY GOLEM!!!
  19. Why not get the expac? Its like 25 buck? I mean its not free, but its not expensive either. If you cant put 25 dollar aside for a hobby you enjoy, maybe try to look into your financial education. Dont get me wrong, its not free, but its not that much either.
  20. Bare with me for a sec. Maybe Scarlet was the anti-Hero that Tyria needed, she saw the eternal alchemy, maybe the chaos and destruction was just a way to unified Tyria so they could be ready for the dragon/void crisis. And since mordremoth was trying tocontrol her, maybe the path she took was the only way to achive it wihout mordremoth forcing her to stop. Ok Im probably looking to deep into it, but I love Scarlet character design. Would have been super cool in Soto to see a fractal where Scarlet didnt die and was still alive during the void crisis.
  21. Dont take your opinion for objectivity. Im a vet since pre HoT. The first new map is so original and amazing to explore, the second one I dont like it that much, but I got the feeling it will grow on me. The tower is a cool new hub, full of little stuff here and there. Maybe your just playing too much and need to do something else?
  22. Tell me you were not there at HoT release, without telling me you where not there at HoT release XD
  23. I would like to know whats the statue of my Golem. Its was funny anet but... the joke lasted long enough, wheres my golem?
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