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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. The only thing that I absolutly hate about soto... if you know me youve already guess........ THEY TOOK AWAY MY GOLEM!!!! Soto is a 0/10 But if my golem come back, I would considere giving it more like a solid 8.5/10
  2. I wont like relic until I got my Golem back... And yes I will try to comment that I dont have my Golem on every relics post. If youre tired of me, help me asking anet to give back my Golem. (》◇《)
  3. Its not a huge issue since they are all account that need to be bought. Its just a nerd wasting quite a lot of money on the game so yeah 😛 Botting is a huge issue for sure but anet rather destroy functionnal system rather than fixing this. Been like this for over 6 years already so yeah...
  4. Hes right I was using my mech, a golem mini, and the wonderfull golem from the rune. I was toying here and there with the racial skill but even if I dont care about number... The racial skill are beyong crap, its like they dont even exist. Theirs no cutting it, I want my golem from my rune back, I would prefer for them to just let the summon on rune tier 6 and add relic on top. But since anet does not like fun and unique stuff, they can slap it onto a relics. I didnt bring it in hard content (for the very fiew hard content that exist XD). But in open world, he was my buddy, just seeing my robots team running around was enough for me to feel relax and happy. Now I cant and it make me sad. Its oky that you dont like it, I dont try to convince everyone that summon are the best thing ever. But I did like him a lot, for personnal reason I wont really get into here (spoiler: As weird as it sound, it help me a lot with my depression).
  5. Was using the golemancer rune on my engi(mechanist) and the rog dog on my ranger... I lost both... So both my favorite build lost a friend. Dont forget, some people play game for fun and immersion. Is it a hard concept to understand that some people play a bit rp isssh in a mmoRPg? I would use the racial golem if it was not that god awefull crap. Obviously I care a little about power creep, but not that much, its just a video game. I care about loosimg what I use to enjoy.
  6. Same, I got only disapointement and boredom out of the new relics system... like why did they didnt just slap it on top of everything, who care for power creep, the game is already overpower creep.
  7. Its not just the golem, barrel cake gone, double tap mine on engi under water weapon gone, triple mine on dodge gone, 3x burst rifle gone, self cc on skill 4 witch was fun gone, stationnary mortar got replace by a grenade kit 2.0, unique buff gone, etc...
  8. Its not just that, its what it represent. They have remove so many intresting mechanic for the sake of balance. They have streamline all class to a point where its only a color choice mostly. They are killing the personnality of the game. I dont want to play a generic mmo, I want to play gw2... But the more the year advance, the more generic gw2 is becoming. Removing summon rune was my quit moment after 8 years. Im waiting for a confirmation if I must jump ship or not. Guild wars 2 combat system is getting more boring and simple... this is just another removal of flavor for what? None of the new relics are special they are either bigger number or more boon/condi... borrrrrrrriiiiiinngggg... The game is already laughably easy, dont make it also boring...
  9. Honestly at this point I just want to know if anet plan to give it back or no. I want to know if I must jump ship or no.
  10. You dint like pet/summon good for you, other do. Ive lost value by loosing something I really really enjoy... The game is loosing part of its soul and charm. I dont give a crap about number going up or down. I play game for fun and escapism not to stare a spread sheet and number, thats boring
  11. Wow because you dont like it, other should not have it? Imagine playing somewhat rp in a mmoRPg... I did every content in the game, every cm (no HT), commanded every run, help plenty of player, commanded a lot of meta. Probably have more hour and achivement point than you and you know what? My favorite rune was the gilemancer for the pure taste of it. Number going up is the most boring and souless upgrade you can give a player. If you dont like it fine, but being happy because other player have lost something the like is just gross.
  12. Yeah still no word about my golem, this should be the highest priority of the whole studio! Are they mad!?!
  13. Thats lame... Summoning as always been my favorite type pf class. I love running with my little army... but I hate necromancer cause Im not an edge lord... my golem was pure, perfect, beautifull... :,(
  14. Dont say that, they have till the next expac to undo their mistake... Loosing my golem was the worst "quit moment" anet force me to endure...
  15. And they still didnt add back the golem...
  16. I dont, I just see people on yt and reddit talking about upcoming relics, like they know whats coming? Im as cluless as you are, but some people seem to know.
  17. Apparently people know what the upcoming relics are going to be... It does not seem like the golem is coming back... if thats the case this expac is starting to look like the worst... If the golem never come back, Im not sure Im going to buy the next dlc. Not paying to get stuff taken away... Imagine how cool the relic system would have been if it was simply added on top of rune... Now rume are a total mess (we have so many double set that does the same thing and name does not make sence with only stats boost, rune are lame now) and because relic have taken away my golem, base layer they come with bad taste in my mouth... Anet carefull, your walking on egg shell right now.
  18. Pretty cool skin! Extremly garbage that its in a lootbox, got 15 keys and absolutly got nothing only pure garbage... Anet, Im not buying gem for a loooooooooong time, kitten off with you gamble addict magnet kitten.
  19. Tho the quality of Soto is way higher than any season they ever did... ok season 4 was pretty good not gonna lie tho.
  20. Maybe but the map and specialy the meta suck hard in my humble opinions, easly the worst map of all of gw2.
  21. This actually look pretty fun! Also update the gyro visual. Make them actually visible XD
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