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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. I tried to make peace with it... but I cant, I hate what theyve down to engi rifle. -No self cc on skill 4 is just lame, it was a fun gimmick haded a bit of skill ceiling and could be use as some kind of dodge isssh. But the worst for me is now, its tasteless, becore it as personnality and felt unique, now is just the same excate skill as the ranger bow skill 4 wich I always felt was lame. -The auto 2x just feel weird, I dislike it so much. The 3x burst was way better in feeling and look. I rather have the old hipshot than this weird 2x scuff animation. Mechanically the added explosion is nice that said. -The skill 5... just why..? The new animation is fine, but I rather have the original, against felt more unique and had more personnality, now its ridiculous. As I said its fine, but the original was better. My wish is for anet to rework the sad rifle we have nowday. It as lost all its charm and personality, I dont like it compare to what it use to be... I cant stand using it, its the worst engi weapon for me in term of gameplay, I hate it. I use to love the engi eifle before anet start butchering... So yeah... PS: Im not talking about number those are fine, Im talking about feel and visual/animation.
  2. So kinda random generated and repeatable achivement collection? Im up for that! I like the easter egg gameplay in this game 🙂
  3. I prefer to look and the gameplay of the melee one so Im happy to see that it does more damage!
  4. I dont know the gold value in wow. But in guild wars 2 a fiew thousand gold is huuuuuuuge. The most expensive item in the game are like between 10k and 20k. You can have a ready endgame character for less than 100 gold. 200 to 300 gold if you want best in slot. And if you go for the omega god armor, wich is legendary, youll have it for like 3k. Maybe your perception of value in gw2 is wrong? I think an account cant even hold more than 99k gold.
  5. Hot release week was one of my best memory in term of gaming! The map is awesome, visually and gameplay wise. I actually really enjoy the mastery progression and the fact that some part of the map where blocked and felt like a jp!
  6. At this point the only thing I want is a staff/range support and for them to bring back the rifle skill 1 3x burst animation. Also the self cc on skill 4 was really cool. In fact I want them to rework most of the rifle, it does not feel good at all now. But really the only thing I really want is for a staff weapons with 1200 range heal/support focus.
  7. I run it in raid and strike as the main healer. Comeback cure is useless since you can easly have perma regen with mace 3 and heal kit 5. The healing it give is not massive true, but its does give more healimg dot at the end of the day. Via the trait that share self healing every 3 sec.
  8. False theirs also one in the sunspear HQ (dont remember the excat name of the map, the solo hub from season 4) You can invite your friemd in your instance and their a tiny arena were you can pvp with pve build.
  9. 75% of the game nowday is basically end game XD
  10. As the title say, afk farmimg is getting out of hand, some map have more of those sad bot than active player. Its the good old kitten that kill mmo. Anet you should realky find a way to stop this before its too late. Rampant afk farm is a bad sight. It make playing in those map such a bad experience... If anet dont care about it, why should I care about your game. Tyria is getting invade by zombie and the GM arint doing anything. Its not a good sign... :,(
  11. What the point of scrapper at this point XD Eacial elite skill, bordeline useless f5. Why would anyone play scrapper over holo lol.
  12. I agree with you honestly engi as everything it need except boon rip, and maybe a less piano condi build, a fun long range damage build that does not need to press 1 constantly like with grenade kit or mortar... Dont know what the could really had mechanically that would be cool... maybee hologram (aka engi version of mesmer?)
  13. I miss it aswell, miss the old 3 mines on dodge too.
  14. It could have another life bar like necro core/reaper, the skill could be glyph isssh that change either on foot or in suit. It could be more long range than holo, with a 1200 staff. As role hmmm boon ripe, plus power, with good cc maybee?
  15. Its not clunky, its just balance to be bad. I want a well balance class mechanic. I would not ask for it, if the asura racial skill was actually usable. And in wvw I use siege golem all the time!
  16. Theirs no titan/gundam/mech. At least not directly in the class and espec. My poor engi just want to pilot a golem
  17. As for mechanical genius... yeah its not great, its hamdicap the pet/hunter playstyle since you know, you have to stick in the mech kitten...
  18. Yes I would like to have the 3x burst rifle animation back, its does not feal great right now. Also scrapper not giving quickness in pvp mode is weird and kinda lame. I do not like this choice, would be better to only self quick at the very least. Thats said bring back tge 3x burst animation anet please!!! Anet I would buy gem for this fix...
  19. The fact that scrapper dont have quickness in pvp is sad. Hinestly its inconsitent and thus is bad design. At least make it self in pvp only. Last time I log in wvw I was so confuse why my quickness was not existent. Or remove quickness in pvp from every other class that give quickness. Seriously give us back the quickness. And for the record pve scrapper is good, for the rest of the game it suck.
  20. Mechanist underwater turn into a engineer level 45! Amazing we can have at least 2 traitline just for us!
  21. Agree, having an elite skill of an elite spec being worst than most racial skill is just sad.
  22. I voted staff because Im a golemancer and every golemancer in game run staff. But I also want a long range weapon that its not mortar. (Rifle does not count cause all the kit is melee/mid range. And the only long range attack is rifle auto, but anet decide that our animation must suck, so we have a lame auto attack on rifle now.)
  23. EoD is not really a water expansion. That said, yes the mech should work underwater, its lame that it dont.
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