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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. Each trait option should visually change something on our mech like the arm.
  2. Wvw should just be remove/rework into matchmaking 50 vs 50 pvp or 75 vs 75. The core design of wvw is flaw.
  3. Is it me or the engi is pretty useless in wvw, I cant find a single build I enjoy playing in wvw. Its either to melee focus to be able to do anything, or support and I get 0 loot. Mind I hate roaming, only play in zerg. I feel I cant do anytjing except getting farm. PS. I hate this gamemode, each time I have to get a gift of battle I want to uninstall. Its always a huge quit moment. If the pve was not so fun, I would have rage quit long ago... -_-
  4. I hate the fact that we need this gad kitten gift every time for any legendary. I hate it. I dont hate wvw but I dont like it that much. I always only do the wvw gift of battle track because I hate when I need one and have to be force to leech a gamemode I dont really enjoy.
  5. All I want is they give us back the 3x burst animation on engi rifle, this new one is badly made and feel amateur. Also 3sec stealh on 60 sec cooldown for an elite skill... really? Its worst than racial skill... Can we have the bubble that fellow us around like it was before?
  6. Indeed, its not content and as far as engi is concern, its even the other way around. Theyve remove so much fun stuff during the last fiew years and add almost nothing (a fiew really generic and boring trait here and there mostly). Its minus content
  7. Yeah anet decide that scrapper does not deserve an elite and they aslo gut the bubble from bulwark gyro because anet p.p
  8. Never had issue doing frac as Ham... Well I often more tham anything do my own group. Or if they dont want Ham I got a milion viable build on engi for any role really ready at all time, just missing a good scrapper gealer because I dint make one yet... and Ham exist I guess XD But yeah no never had issie joining as Ham really? And yeah Im talking about T4, Im not a peasant.
  9. First time was in HoT, I was a bit more noob, but I join a group with a commander so toxic and unlikable. Second attemp was when wing 4 release. This time I command and it took me more than 30 min forming the squad. But then everyone left after like 2 pull. I was sad that it took me more time to form the group than play time. Third time was when embo release, I did every raid wing week after week. Now Im exp and can easly command any boss on any wing. I guess I just had 2 bad experience.
  10. I want wing 8 and wing 9 😄 With a new legendary ring that will upgrade our floating ball even more! I use to hate raid, but sibce this summer Iv done every wing, every boss multiple time, and ya they are really fun! Now I need more... MORE... and yeah strike are fun but they indeed dont feel like an adventure.
  11. Dont get me wrong hipshot was bad. But this 2x weird thing is awefull, worst than hipshot.
  12. The engi rifle auto does feel laggy. I completly drop rifle till they change the auto. Either with the 3x burst or hipshot. The one we have now is the worst it ever was. This section is for Sobx only: Dont waste your time quoting my comment, Ive stop reading your answer awhile back. Im tired of seeing your quote in my notification.
  13. I want my 3x burst animation back... I hate the new rifle auto... I hate it... I also dislike the new animation on rifle 5... it was fine with the nice new 3x burst animation. But now auto and skill 5 look ugly... it was better before you change stuff... miss the self cc on skill 3 its had PERSONALITY. Now its lame and generic.
  14. Beeeurr no chaange for engi rifle, we still have the worst weapons of the game, still have auto attack on f1/f2/f3 on mech wich is stupid design, scrapper still have an awecull elite drone in wvw, bubble still pretty useless in wvw. Some support mech buff, for some reason?
  15. I get it but they could have kept the 3x burst rifle and just slow it a bit. And maybe not had suck a long pre cast time.
  16. Not everyone try to have a perfect rotation with meta build. Some people play ge casually even in endgame. Gamimg aint suppose to be a job where your performance are recorded. As lomg you do your job aka doing mechamic amd not dying, people should be left alone. Its not like gw2 is a hard game amd have tight DPS check. People are way to obsede with number these day. I mean if you like gaming like this more power to you, put dont try to push it into other player if you pug. Im not talking about trolling the group or anything, and honestly 3k you probably exagering, anyone with hybrid support build without following a rotation will do about 10k.
  17. Thank, honestly yeah aim assit on mech was fun but I tend to agree it was a bit high on damage. Auto cast on mech should be remove no matter what, it was a bad descsion to add this, I still dont understand why they did this.
  18. Well yes and no, since you have 0 key boon and you dont have the juicy revive trait of blood scourge. Youre free to try in your group and tell us how it go.
  19. If you command a squad, youre free to play whatever you want, but in my squad I prefer keyboon + heal. Im not convince by a heal dps... feel like in that case both heal and dps gonna be scuff. Maybe wrong but Im not sold on the idea. Blood scourge is probably the closet to what youre asking but even there you go full DPS for gear and just use slot in blood trait line.
  20. Rifle would be the answer but it super unfun to use now and the auto make you feel like the game is lagging... so just pick whatever for stat and use grenade kit. At least till anet fix rifle.
  21. Make it 360 aoe around the player And go with 240 range
  22. Anet look at the poll, more than half the player want the 3x burst back, give us a candy after all the stuff you remove from mech. Give us back the 3x burst and maybe aim assit on mech.... pleassssssssse...... :3
  23. Yeah maybe not release version XD Was kind of op back then but yeah... I want the 3x burst back and pls the aim assit rocket on the mech too if possible. :3
  24. Yeah is weird, a ranger can fire quicker with its bow that an engineer with its rifle. If anyone ever shoot a bow and/or a gun will know that this is silly. The argument against rapid fire on engi rifle are just dump. I understand for balance, just split the damage between the 3 bullet instead of 2. Dont care about number honestly. The fun factor aint there at all on rifle.
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