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Everything posted by Shazmataz.1423

  1. Game not launching with multiple copies "running" in task manager background processes keeps happening. Why are these processes running in the background and not closing when game is closed?
  2. I have had issues with multiple copies running on both PC and laptop preventing GW2 to launch. This is happening after logging out of the game normally. Closing them manually means I can launch the game but its annoying and frustrating to have this happen every time I try to launch game. Not sure when this started but has been happening for at least a couple of weeks.
  3. Same issue as other posters in this thread. TP terribly slow if it manages to load at all.
  4. Been having the "connection lost" pop up issue since yesterday evening NZ time It is definitely not fixed because it has happened constantly since I updated my game and logged in a few minutes ago. Also something funny happening with the login screen not being able to login sometimes
  5. AMD with TP either not loading or crashing game. I already run a command line argument for clientport, is it possible to add another command line?
  6. I have had shocking stuttering since the latest update patch. Makes me feel ill if I play for more than a few minutes. It needs a fix asap
  7. This has started today for me. Have tried deleting the GW2 cache and repairing game but my character models are 3/4 missing in the hero preview panel. Also the TP is working intermittently. I have to log out to reset the TP for some reason.
  8. I find I can start game if I delete the GW2 cache, also delete the local.dat from Appdata, roaming, GW2 and delete Bin64 from the GW2 program file. However, I have to do this every time I want to login or the login does the invisible window thing and I have to restart through task manager. Come on Anet, needs to be fixed.
  9. Thought I was going crazy with targeting/auto-targeting....then I found a thread on Reddit and here. Needs fixing asap, I find clicking on target only works some of the time too....
  10. Playing with friends and guildies is the only reason I play now. PVE long gone out the window but the comraderie of wvw guilds/friends lasts
  11. Lol, you must be the lucky one cos....I play wvw a few days every week with my wvw guild and I see exactly what the op is seeing a huge drop in pop. We are T1 this week and there is fek all to fight or do. Wish it was just an aberration but its been like this for a few weeks now. Our server had 2 queues on reset this week....and only the EB one lasted past an hour.... The pop decline is very real, I just hope that its better down the tiers (which I seriously doubt) or wvw is in real trouble, so sad cos wvw is my favorite almost exclusive mode in this game. I only pve to support my wvw habit.
  12. The lag has been alot worse since the release before the Halloween release if that makes sense. Something came into game at that time that has created a mass of lag and an increase in the memory leak that causes the "trapped in loading screen for 5 mins" bug....wvw has been alot less fun to play of late with the lag and the ever decreasing wvw population :( Sometimes the lag induced by patches settles down but this doesn't seem to be the case with the last lot.
  13. Marker was stuck on her camp spot last night and she was not to be found anywhere. Today revived her north of Brightwater Inlet WP completed the Help Explorer Jeppa recover lost supplies...The giant for the Defend event appeared as soon as the "recover"event ended and Jeppa disappeared as soon as he spawned meaning I didn't get to talk to her for the Lost Dolyak achievement.ip
  14. Agreed NZer here. So many OCX people that I used to play with and possibly players from Asia (not sure of these guys cos I don't play that TZ) have left game because the change to AWS finally tipped them into the lag is too much zone and game isn't fun anymore. OCX wvw used to have many players but since the change its dropped markedly. It would be wonderful to have a more local proxy for sure.
  15. If you get pulled off the wall in wvw your positioning is bad...it's that simple.
  16. Another "nerf" thread.....seems to me people get killed by something then want it nerfed.Mesmer pull is fine. Everyone knows or should know that you need to be careful on top of walls and such.
  17. Well of Suffering?? Which scourge would use that?? Not me or any other in our guild group..... and given that scourge relies on that same stability that the melee have....rip scourge too. Hard to cast anything when cc'd as a scourge. Scourges die just as fast/faster than melee....a fact which people seem not to acknowledge or accept. Even if they survive....they can't get away.
  18. We all know how easy is to 1111 from afar a scourge..... not every one playes mobility range with high damge classes... or has a zerg behind it. Still it is supid.... force the rock paper scizor in bad gimmick and pretend it is a rock paper scizoe effect, rather than make a gameplaay where skill from palyers side would matter. They need to loose something in exchange of other, and it isnt the skill nerf nor damage nerf that Anet does as fake balance that will sove it. Lol, you wont get many bags on scourge by pressing 1111111 from afar.....in fact you will probably get "binding roots" and pew pewed from 1500 ;) and die.
  19. Pretty much true, would be nice if necro could be successful without the babysitter. But looking at the proposed changes it isn't going to happen. Nothing there to improve the state of reaper either :(
  20. Scourge doesnt run all these at once and for goodness sake learn to dodge.If Sand Savant was nerfed....the scourge issue would be about solved instead of the stupid cd nerfs that Anet is proposing. Scourge is no threat unless space is confined atm....fix aoe of shade and boom fixed. Now if scourge had good options for mobility and speed in the current state of play then they would be over powered. But rip scourge very soon with the nerf hammer then all the complainers will be crying nerf about the next thing that they die to.
  21. SMC is laggy but then it is the same for everyone.... Openfield things are abit different, it all depends which timezone you play tbh. Playing OCX timezone alot of people are in the same boat ping wise so it levels out but playing as an OCX in NA timezone....it's doable but you are at a disadvantage, positioning and anticipation have to be spot on so we have to play better than an NA player cos we won't see things until sometimes too late. I realised how much of a disadvantage ping above 250ms is when I recently played GW2 wvw from the States at 80ms. Totally easymode in comparison to playing from ocx. Don't get me wrong wvw is still all that I play pretty much and I find it great fun with my NA guild but players from OCX will always be at a disadvantage. As for roaming, I roam with an NA friend in voice comms so she sees things before they are visible to me but we do ok and have good fun.
  22. Roaming is still doable and fun. You have to be a better player by anticipating and positioning than someone with low ping. Ping is probably less of a bother for roaming than is the current state of roaming tbh. Many servers "roaming" means running with 6-10 players....which is 5-8 more players than I consider to be roaming.
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