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Everything posted by Turk.5460

  1. I don't like what they changed it to, but I do think that Steal should have been changed to something else anyway. It only makes sense, why should DE get a brand new mechanic, but DrD was always stuck with the same one as Core? Perhaps if they made swipe inherently cause some conditions, or at least give it a lower cooldown for its reduced range. On top of that, it should have a all new stolen abilities.
  2. For the 900th time, no. Tournaments in WvW are not won by skill and teamwork. They are won by numbers only. Were you not around for the first one?
  3. If you are ok with swapping builds, DE hard-counters Reaper, and has an easier time fighting Holosmiths. DH is still pretty much a counter to every thief build as it has been since its creation. And as mentioned above, don't bother fighting Scrappers, it's not worth your time. They can't kill you and you can't kill them.
  4. I remember EU smallscale/roaming being full of potatoes, but it's been a while. Are they really still that unaware?
  5. It would certainly make sense to have a new set of stolen abilities.
  6. Specifically for GS:I can agree that Bladetrail needs a straight up buff, whether it be cast time or projectile speed.The AA chain could use a cripple or weakness, but not both.100B would need to have its damage shaved if it were to be usable while moving. It is a skill made for stationary targets, and Warriors have a few ways of making targets stationary. Lethal when combined with a well timed BC.Rush does not need a buff, it has a very high damage and coefficient for a mobility skill and often exceeds 1200 range.
  7. That was one of the selling points of the game for me. However they have since implemented dedicated healing builds such as FB, Druids, and Tempests, which have completely skewed the small scale battlefield in favor of whomever has more support. Whereas before it used to be skill and combo-teamwork that gave you the edge.
  8. What off-brand dollar store games are you playing? Hmm people dont seem to understand the difference between just "one shot builds" and "one shot builds like thief,rev,sb". What a silly and pathetic reply. I wouldn't be surprised if you played one of these builds and trying to cut down other's opinion. Turns out i was right teef player. :)What a fragile ego...I'm sorry I didn't know you would be offended so easily. One shot means one shot. DAoC and WoW had this as well. If you are trying (poorly) to imply that other games didn't have classes that could burst down a target in a few shots rapidly then you are also incorrect. DaoC, WoW, Shadowbane, WHO all had these. And those are only games that I have personally played, there's probably a myriad more.
  9. No greatsword, scepter, or focus for Thief please...they are not very Thief like. We're not soldiers, mages, or shaman. Mainhand mace = burglar/highwayman style - very bandit-esque which follows the Thief flavor.Offhand Sword = swashbuckler or mercenary style - less bandity, but still follows Thief flavor. (Though Mainhand Dagger/Offhand Sword seems very silly) Mainhand Axe could fit the profile somewhere, but not as easily as Mace or o/h Sword
  10. Extending no downed state would be fantastic, and continue to breathe fresh air into a stale game mode. The fights this week have been much more fun than the previous months.
  11. No downstate is the only thing that's brought me back to the game mode since mounts were introduced. If you want to play in a PvP mode, build your character for PvP fights.
  12. Cry me a river. 2s of reflect on evade has made fights vs projectile-reliant opponents completely one-sided for the past 4 years. Honestly it should have been reworked into something completely different - that type of mechanic on a simple evade has never been healthy.
  13. Nice video. Your build link has Impaling Lotus equipped, but you're using Unhindered Combatant in your video. I think you'd also get much more utility for your playstyle out of Trappers Respite, rather than ~1k Mugs in Dire gear.
  14. You also only have 12 Initiative when you dismount, if you are using the Trickery line.
  15. I didn't realize that this game restricted you to one profession. I think he's looking for honest feedback from the people who dont have an extreme prejudice or bias and only want to nerf mes for the sake of their main class. Like some thief and ranger mains who jump into this subsectionMany players on this subforum consider that anyone who suggest anything that is not a direct buff.
  16. I didn't realize that this game restricted you to one profession.
  17. ANET has never been in the habit of making WvW content exclusive to an expansion. Core-only players can even glide in WvW, something you can't do in PvE without HoT. *Looks like they can't. In a similar essence, core players can use mounts for events and races without owning PoF.
  18. LOL, if I had a gold for every time I've heard that from every single profession...I'd have all the infusions!
  19. Yeah a very questionable change. At least cut down the recharge time from 30 seconds. It doesn't necessarily feel elite with his change now.2 Charges, each one clears a condition, damages foe, conditions foe, leap finisher, 450 Range, usable while stunned. Hold on a sec, let me go find the world's smallest violin.
  20. Just do the winterberry reward track a few times and blammo, new stuff.
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