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Everything posted by JDub.1530

  1. Hearts are the biggest impediment. Some are fine, some are a pain, some are conditional based on events being up or if other players have removed some of the options to progress heart contribution.
  2. or just eject the idea of aquabreathers altogether. Maybe just act like backpack straps: for skin application only.
  3. I wouldn't put much faith in housing at this point. It felt like Sun's Refuge was being marketed as ANet-flavored housing, and it turned out rather disappointing. What reason is there to go there? I thought they might keep adding to it each release, but it looks like it's just going to be left to collect dust.
  4. Quite possibly, but I don't think we can assume anything. Last time Warrior got main hand AND offhand. Unless that will count as a de facto "2 hand"
  5. I never really fleshed out this idea, but I was thinking some sort of Dark Guardian spec ("Justice at any cost"). Offhand dagger. Designed around single target damage. Either F1 or a new F4 ability puts a mark on a target, which buff you virtues, damage and utility against that target. Like lifesteal, or teleport to marked target. Or maybe attacks against the target grant 1s swiftness. This has the potential to be a lot of fun.
  6. Not 100% true. The JP used to have full character models. So that bulky Norn or Charr would obstruct your view. Since year 2 everyone else just appears as a wisp. You probably knew that, but a nice historical fun fact for everyone. :D
  7. It's not a mechanics issue, or a waiting issue. It's clearly an instance boundary bug. I tried going as lightning quick as I could, tried waiting until the last possible moment, and tried going at a slower pace. Each time approaching or passing through the archway killed me. Only by hugging the right outside of the arch was I able to get through. Until ANet fixes it, it's a pathing issue.
  8. Alliances are for assigning matchups for WvW. Multiple alliances don't make sense. I also doubt they will create the concept of an alliance leader. That has the potential of all sorts of bad blood as one guild sees itself as superior.
  9. I'm not sure why this is an argument in every "New Playable Race" thread. It's not as if ANet will read this and suddenly go "Egads, he's right!" and get right to implementing it. I'm sure they're aware of the effect it might have on their player numbers. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh............ Would they though? If they were to add a new race, I'm sure they could force players to accept concessions, like no cultural gear. Not necessarily. A better story implementation would be to insert a new playable race character into current events. Yes, they would still need new personalized story, which they could use to introduce the character to the current cast of NPCs, and perhaps have you take over for their former "slain" commander, then by the end have it flow right into the current story that core race characters experience. Not that I'm advocating for a new race, personally. Although I wouldn't say "no" if one were dropped in my lap. :D
  10. My guess would be number of tickets filed relative to support staff size. I filed a ticket that took 3-4 weeks for a response (probably didn't help that it was filed a few days before the turbulent LS4:E3 release). But it was based off my own screw up that they didn't necessarily have to do anything at all about, so it may have been filed as lower priority.
  11. These are exactly the reasons I liked them. What better way to get a really good look at the character you meticulously designed? Camera controls are only so good in game if you want to get a good closeup of yourself.
  12. I like my male human's voice. Although I've always wondered if they (any voice acted game really) could effectively add voice modulation filters to the base voice actor so you could tune your character's voice in the creation screen. But it might just result in an artificial sounding voice, or completely degrade dialog altogether.
  13. I'm not a great fan of this fight. It's AOE spam and endless adds in a very confined space. Had a heck of a time completing it on my Guardian. I ran through again on my Druid and it went much better. I don't know if it was having a pet to do damage when I was scrambling around, or I had a better build for the encounter, or I was more familiar with the encounter, and staying on top of throwing the bloodstone shards, thus shortening the fight. Without knowing what factors made it easier the 2nd time through, I can't really assess the overall difficulty of this boss.
  14. Basically this. Until ANet shows a willingness to introduce skins that break the base mount's skeleton (maybe THAT would be worth 2K gems) I wouldn't expect any charr cycles, or skritt in a hamster ball or anything that isn't a round, hunchback creature with stubby limbs that can roll into a ball.
  15. My guard has always had a clean cut look that has hardly ever changed. I've had the shoulders since level 1.
  16. She was interesting in the beginning. I don't necessarily dislike her now, but she is way overused (for a character who is rarely there physically), plus the Taimi ex Machina aspect is often a cheat to advance the story or enabled new game mechanics. Also, I really feel like her disability is being emphasized less and less. Overcoming a disability is great, but it seems like at times we're nearly ignoring it's even there. Maybe this is just observational bias, but it feels like back in Season 3, she was practically dragging a leg through the Rata Novus lab, and this episode it feels more like a case of arthritis. I certainly don't want her gone as a character--I take great issue with what Joko did to her in LS4E1 (from an in story perspective, not from a writing perspective)--but I feel her character needs a slight retooling.
  17. It seems unlikely at this point. Anet will probably want to capitalize on an expac by adding new and unique pets, rather than simply utilize a creature that already exists. But if they did add one, that'd be cool.
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