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Everything posted by Mime.9308

  1. holy kitten, just as i decide to stop playing, ranger is s-tier
  2. just use second pet for plasma or stealth out of combat, or you get a pet that helps you better vs a condi matchup and a pet vs a powermatchup and swap to the one you need
  3. nice vid and thanks for the 48hours of your time for subtitles :) is appriciated
  4. ranger main here, agree, pets should only have an active cc. the times that smokescale accidently interrupts a critical heal are numerous and super annoying
  5. been playing meme melee markmanship and hitting 15k mauls, 25k axe 5s while taunting them into it, and the pig pet maul skill has almost no animation and also hits for 15k if used after interrupt. build might have only one cleanse but the damage is absolutely stupid, whats more stupid tho is core necro surviving it haha
  6. diversity is always big after big balance patch, just wait for the meta to settle. just wait a while. tho with how slow the game is now i think you have more room for some build diversity
  7. nah solo is fine, i like it, others like it. whining as a argument to do anything would shut down everything in game
  8. funny, was thinking about this today. would be be funny with gazelle who sometimes randomly breaks map
  9. Since all damage and stunbreaks are getting nerfed the longer CD to unflinching fortitude won't be a big deal + the extra stunbreak could be life saving. Plasma and boonbeast variants will still be powerufl, and the most important in my opinion is that the damage from pig maul is unchanged. A charge -> GS maul -> pig maul will still do about 15k... thats a big deal. yea basicly this, thats why i might go with pig instead of smokescale. right now i can petswap/merge at the same time and then have f2 and f1 for unblockable cc and interrupt, and have f1 hit for 15k. if playing mm. after patch u dont have to time your swap with merge and it will be even easier. the f1 is crazy damage for the amount of animation it has
  10. cleaving also has some benifits next to killing the downed, it pressures the ppl ressing and results in them blowing cooldowns
  11. you should read all the nodes, all passive skills like for instance the stance for warrior that is passive gets same treatment. u cant look at this trait with the lens of current meta and judge it. that being said, its a long cooldown and anet wants you to not use it, its kinda a lazy way, because they dont have to rework it this way.
  12. all in all, i really look forward to come up with some new builds/playstyles.
  13. Its very hard to judge the changes just by looking at ranger class, you gotta look at them in the context of all the changes to other classes, which all received nerfs and shaves. Too much changed, so i really gotta wait until the meta settles again.The soulbeast losing a pet is big, but also some fun meaningfull things come up with merging being a swap now, i am thinking off the lesser call of the wild, making you unblockable and merge being a blast and the quickness and condi cleanse(when playing wilderness) on merge.
  14. the greatsword trait gives fury on disabling an enemy, what this means basicly is that u proc remorseless trait and get def crit and 25% damage after every cc.I remember when i had to atleast use an active skill (petswap or survival util) to get this trait to trigger, now it just triggers passivly after a cc without me sacrificing a utility for it. it makes it too easy aswell @Eurantien.4632 said:
  15. honestly core ranger is a way to strong, i am talking about the markmanship build, its survival true stealth, superspeed, blocks, plenty of condi cleanse, passive protection/heal uptime makes the build super strong, combine that with the pet(gazelle but others work aswell) unblockable attack and def crit with stacked damage multipliers for pet and ranger. It can one shot yet survive too easy. I am hoping this will be tweaked/nerfed in upcoming patch
  16. It's literally just a few lingering veterans duoQ-ing rolling over the ever shrinking and unmotivated playerbase, all while avoiding each other(not that hard, given how there is like 10-15 good players left). Nothing fishy, just a dying gamemode. If you want this gone, remove douQ to make it more fair, you'll see that 90% shrink to 80-70%. how are we avoiding anyone when im streaming all my games and queuing at 20.00 everydayfeel free to queue vs me for good gameshaha well what i do when i see you or other good players stream is trying to get into the same matches. i mean, even if like godly duos are on enemy, i atleast know there will be interresting fights and maybe even a proper fun challanging game id take a good game losing it over a bad boring winning game any day
  17. you could use the dissadvantage u say as a oppertunity to bait enemy defense, maul is great for baiting enemies dodges etc, u also got enough tools to cc enemy hard or soft to set up burst.
  18. rating gain or loss is calculated based on the total team rating compared to enemy team rating i think. so if your team has total of 2000 and enemy 1200 you have high chance of winning. if you lose that game you lose a lot of points, if you win that game you gain little points, cuz your team was favored forr the win
  19. remove all ccs from pet and have cc only on f2's would be great, and nerf gazelle damage but fix its ai. rest of the allcaps post i didnt read.
  20. tbh, i played on multiple accounts, and sometimes have been placed low gold but never not been able to climb back to atleast plat 2 on solo q. the game doesnt keep you in low gold, and it might be that you not yet aware of what you personally lack. carrying players who not good yet is part of the skillset that makes you climb. its best to not look at the game as being faulty only but also factor yourself and the blindspots you might have,thats how you improve.
  21. a achievement title for solo q would be nice idea tho, to give solo players something :)> @bluri.2653 said: Yeah, something like this. Unique cosmetic rewards that reward success instead of the usual participation awards that turn Ranked into the single best gold farm in the game. And gosh, no, please. No more new titles until DuoQ is gone. That better stay at 0%. ? The titles will still go to the same people no matter what so i dont know why you think soloq would change this. true, tho a achievement title for solo q won games or something would be nice idea, to give solo players something :)
  22. you could drop wilderness and take markmanship, go shoits and stances, you get little sustain ,no passive heal and protection, less dodges, only bearstance for condi clear. basicly a worse build but with more reward for good play and more punisment for bad play
  23. yep waiting time is one of the reasons i dont do at's.
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