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Everything posted by Orthonen.9470

  1. The promo art for Willbender shows a human in Warlord's armor, Mark of the Throne, and dual wielding Purifier.
  2. It actually paid off in the end to do the chak gerent, I ended up getting 2 chak egg sacs, just out of extreme luck. Those Chak egg sacs I ended up trading for various items I'll sell/use over time.
  3. I personally know the guy who made this, I was even there on discord while he was making the thumbnail for the first video. Also I do not believe in raiding not having to be a requirement for the armor, I actually support the idea that it should be. Also why is this thread not dead?
  4. No, at least not in the context of guild wars 2. You're not supposed to "farm gold", you're supposed to cooperate with other players to get gold. While your reward won't be a boost to make your character more op than another person's can be, the game's skins are technically through non-techincal means, vertical progression. Also as you play the game, you will have to unlock mastery points to make your character more OP. Some mastery points are by definition a lot harder to get than you'd originally think. IE the raiding challenge modes (CM) each are designed to challenge you to a greater extent in raiding and so on. Just recently there was a new Junkyard Strike CM that comes with a title and it is quite possibly the hardest achievement to obtain as far as strikes are concerned. Now why are mastery points/achievement points important? Because they give you account bonuses, in particular 455 mastery points (at the time of writing this) means you have a full set of mastery points unlocked. Comparatively this also means you have a boosted amount of exp you get. Every exp bar you complete after level 80 gives you spirit shards. Wealthy players will want to make use of those spirit shards, but conversely you can convert them yourself into things you want for more profit. But starting off the more spirit shards you have, essentially the more gold you have. I'm not entirely sure if all of this is starting to click in your head, but spirit shards (and the other account bound currencies in your wallet), not gold, dictates the progression of the game, because you can only get spirit shards by playing the game. There is no other way around it. But those spirit shards in your wallet right now, is worth a lot of money to players, you just have to find someone who you can build a relationship with in order to cash them out. This is where guilds come in, typically some guilds will have a number of rich players who can make use of said spirit shards you have. In exchange for your spirit shards they will give you a sum of gold. Then the dynamics of how both WvW and PvE tie together will sink in as most likely they will ask you for things that require both modes of gameplay. If you want to find out more, consider joining a WvW guild, typically they will get you started. But there's a lot of complexity as far as how progression in this game actually works, because you as a player have to progress in the social aspect, as well as how you play the game. And obviously, you get rewarded out of it. I can only imagine the number of people who don't socialize, and don't work with their guilds, and mindlessly farm thousands of gold while the creators of the game didn't have that in mind. Here, I'll give you an example, If I am low on spirit shards, I go onto meta trains that give the highest exp, or I will do instanced content that gives exp/spirit shards as a reward in some form. If I need Karma, I will join content that gives a lot of karma in return. If I need a gift of battle, I will join a WvW zerg. Then I find a player that needs all the things I listed in some form and cooperate with them to trade gold outside of the Trading Post in some form. That gold then becomes my capital to make whatever legendary item I need, and the process repeats. The shinies you get as a part of all of this, then becomes the reward and the progression.
  5. I think this where I can introduce you to Blish HUD, it will make your life 10x easier. You can thank me after you make your legendary by paying me in globs of ectoplasm or mystic coins.
  6. I remember bringing up this concept multiple times, the person in charge of choosing armor concepts is not artistically adept. I got tired of fighting it. Just pick your favorite armor in game and stick with it. I promise you not gonna win. The armor from the guardian concept the guy with the shield, never came into fruition either, sadge.
  7. Alright guys I did it, I finally got my freedom to play the game any way I want, I got all the chak eggs. But kitten that took a lot.
  8. Guys it is now day 3 of mindlessly grinding out every TD meta event. I am now so bored, I literally finished my runic cape collection just for the hell of it. It looks pretty cool, and I think goes great with the precursor armor. Today I accidentally disconnected midway through one meta. I didn't get the egg for that meta. It was such a soul crushing moment having to acknowledge that I needed to wait another 2 hours for it to re-appear. I feel like I am no longer mentally here. Just 2 more chak eggs I keep telling myself. Just 2 more... who am I? What is my purpose? I don't even know who I am anymore... I just wish, they'd let us see our backpieces on the log in screen. I don't understand why they don't just let us see it when we log in.
  9. As others have said celestial is pretty good, it's a stat set that gives you a bit of everything guardian needs, guardian is about fire and protection, it's a guardian's interest to bring a healthy balance between both condi and power, toughness vit healing too. Especially in open world, considering you only have 12K HP it's not going to last long without some form of damage mitigation. I wouldn't necessarily run it in instanced content since typically others will provide healing and other boons, but you know.
  10. Trust me when I say this: a skyscale in WoW is not going to save the colossal disaster it has become. The game is so bad and grind based, and the worst thing is RNG gear. (Even after the new announcement, killing a boss 20 times to upgrade an armor from normal to heroic quality, still not worth it.)
  11. No they are not worth it. You're better off getting the enrichments instead. The guards pose little to no threat to you with wvw mastery unlocked.
  12. Yeah at this point I'm just using an event timer for TD and getting each meta I can along the way. After I get the last 15 eggs I need, Dobby is a free elf.
  13. But it's not that simple, let me backtrack here, I want to stop working on my legendary armor, but I can't. It's so mind numbing to think that the countless hours I spent raiding, and acquiring wealth all to acquire this armor is reduced to quite literally, doing the TD meta another 10 times, and getting another 325 spirit shards. The Cairn achievement alone for the heart, took me a week and a half just to get. This armor has in fact been the second most frustrating thing I've ever had to build in this game, actually no, this armor is literally pure hell. PURE HELL. I had to deal with the toxicity of DPS boasting psychopaths in raid groups I didn't even care about. I thank myself enough that I bothered to even find a forming static group that didn't give two cents about people's dps and still managed to clear every wing with a sound mind. Alas, after finally having acquired the precursor armor, I felt a sense of not caring anymore because getting gold in this game, IS HARD. There's no easy way of getting gold in this game to a meaningful degree, you'd have to farm A LOT in just one hour to bank 70g in your pocket, and it's grindy and tedious. Lo and behold, I learn from the best about how to make A LOT of gold. And I do just that, took me nearly 4 weeks of absolute hell, but I made roughly 9000g. 2000 of that went into a weapon for myself, another 2000 is sitting in liquidity, and the rest was reinvested to make more gold. Anyway, that's not the point here. I looked at Legendary armor, right, and it took A LOT to convince me that this armor was worth the effort. To this day, I am not fully convinced that this armor is worth the effort, especially, when you don't have the account bound mats. I do not recommend the average player even remotely put themselves through the utter stupidity I went through raiding, like bruh I spent 4 hours trying to kill Xera with a static that didn't care about DPS checking and etc. We didn't kill Xera that day. Prior to that I had killed this lady a good 10-15 times with groups that did these raids for fun over the course of a few years of playing on and off. But again, that's not the point. Right now I am going CRAZY, CRAZY to the point where I want to quit so badly now more than ever but the feeling of leaving this garbage endeavor unfinished will haunt me as time passes by. I spent HOURS killing stuff in HoT maps because I needed the currencies for the 6 gifts of the pact I got. But now I am wholesomely regretting this stupidity because after I wasted TIME and I mean BIG TIME slaving away for Ley-Line Crystals, nothing will get me beyond the fact that I am missing Chak Eggs! Spirit Shards aren't a problem, they never have been because you can get them from doing any content in some form, for playing the game and having fun, you can rack up spirit shards in PvP, in WvW, in Fractals, whatever, but CHAK EGGS, YOU CAN ONLY GET THAT IN TANGLE DEPTHS. THIS IS NOT FUN, HAVING TO CRAM MY WAY INTO TANGLE DEPTHS METAS FOR 10 DAYS STRAIGHT JUST TO FINISH MY ARMOR IS NOT FUN. And the worst part is that the Wiki LIED about these things dropping in the crystallized supply cache, NOPE, there is a 0 chance of them dropping you have to do the meta. This reminds me of getting my Dragon Eye Infusion Box, the achievement for it was by far the most abusive implementation for ANYTHING this game has had to offer. That "Champion's Mastery" achievement to get this flaming eye, despite being worth the alternative (paying 2400g for it), WAS GRINDY AND NOT FUN. This achievement was slave labor, SLAVE LABOR. AFTER THIS ARMOR I AM DONE. I am sick of these stupid awful time gating slave labor mechanics players have to put up with just to get the things they want. Everyone wants to come home after work and play the game, not work another JOB, thank god that the new legendary amulet is easier to get than most of these other convenience crap, because holy smokes is the armor anything but a screaming pile of hell nah. Making gold, I kitten you not, is literally more fun than building this armor.
  14. When I made my Charr Warrior, it was because Charr are built for warfare, and honestly plant people and cave dwelling midgets are not that enticing as an option. I don't play it anymore now I'm Norn, but just answering your question.
  15. Seeing the cringe ensued after playing Bladesworn, where the focus is becoming an anime character whose purpose is to build up to this one slash while sitting there asking to be knocked down and laughed at by Nelson from the Simpsons; I had no issues switching to a warrior assassin fire magic teleporting Willbender as my main. Granted I have 4k+ hours on guardian, but still, I had no issues saying warrior is dead to me. War still does big damage, but really it's just a cringe spec and I don't care.
  16. You know initially I was surprised to see how many people willingly put themselves through literally slave labor through the ambergris farm, I tried it once and after two leviathans I was done. I can imagine the lengths people go through to get what they want in the game. There's people here who literally have 10+ accounts, just to get rich off of them. Mighty Teapot I remember at one point showed how he gets 4k gold every two months just from the login rewards of his 40 accounts.
  17. The thing is steam is a gateway to advertise the game, there's people out there who you can ask if they know what guild wars is and they will have no clue, a large majority of steam really has no idea what the hell guild wars is. Even on the chance a new player arrives they have at least 3 weeks worth of stuff to go through alone in just the story content if they buy the expansions. And of those players, many a few will stay for raids/wvw (if they find out how to play it correctly)/pvp/ shiny crafting.
  18. The talent tree was actually the same thing we have now, just a different UI by the way.
  19. I bet I could still kill you even without using willbender.
  20. Lord Hizen's Willbender build is pretty good.
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