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Everything posted by Ashen.2907

  1. I've never considered going to the same place over and over and over again to be exploring. If that is exploring the I explore my bathroom every day. Perhaps thinking of my job as less a matter of, well, doing a job and instead as an adventure exploring my office...repeatedly....might add some spice. /s
  2. I expect that the key is in the title. "Treasure Hunter," is an achievement while the other nodes are just purchases from various vendors and such.
  3. One could take a single page short story, write it so that each sentence is a separate chapter, resulting in dozens of chapters, and still only have a single page worth of material compared to a full novel, with the same number of chapters, and its 400 full pages of material. Number of chapters is irrelevant.
  4. Every legendary, other than relics, give access to expac specific stats whether or not that expac is owned on the account. And then there is the fact that ANet said it would work as you did not expect.
  5. I enjoy, "Achievements," that are actual achievements requiring some degree of skill or mastery of an aspect of the game. Unfortunately there are few such in the game so I tend to ignore the achievement system.
  6. As long as it takes to recoup initial development costs. Anything after that is gravy.
  7. It was announced on Jan 25th, one month (and a few days) in advance. Otherwise, yeah, people are going to find something to complain about.
  8. Does living near the game servers count as P2W as well? How about having a better diet that fosters quicker reflexes, stamina, better eyesight, etc?
  9. The design of the most recent CMs gives the impression that very little time is being spent on them. Subjectively not, "objectively worse." You are of course entitled to your opinion on the matter but that doesnt make it an objective fact.
  10. Never was a fan of Destiny's Sludge so I dont miss them. Except for Braham (and Caithe if she counts) I cant say that it was the characters themselves so much as how they were used that was offputting. I would absolutely love a cast of characters, a main supporting cast, to bond with. Such characters are often my favorite aspect of fantasy literature.
  11. I think that there is a significant distinction between hearts, optional content available for those who desire a touch more lore and engagement with the wider world in between story elements, and being required to complete events in the open world in order to be allowed to continue the main story. I do not mind being asked to help out defending, attacking, etc while elements of the story percolate behind the scenes...but it can be overdone. Note that the OP's title references, "the amount of filler comtent," not that filler content exists at all.
  12. Personally I prefer my sinks to be less annoying to engage with so as to not encourage me to avoid them. I think that sinks can be managed in a manner that is actually enjoyable, or at least not offputting.
  13. Id rather that the necro sword attacks didnt count as projectiles at all regardless of animation.
  14. There are a lot of business models that work for a while and then not so much. Every business model works until it doesn't, at which point the company adapts or dies...or adapts and dies anyway.
  15. I am going to have to take a look at this myself. I only recently decided to use legendary skins on my necro and hadnt noticed an issue yet. Thanks for bringing this up.
  16. This. Everyone I know uses this method. It is both quick and easy.
  17. That may vey well be the best summation of the concept I've seen.
  18. This. If Peitha doesn't turn out to be a trap/betrayal/whatever then this becomes the worst writing Ive ever encountered in a computer game story (perhaps worse out there but Ive not seen it). If it does turn out to be a trap then ANet is officially declaring that not only are our characters gullible morons but they believe we as players are as well.
  19. I completely agree with your view of "prestige" items (even if I dont see much prestige in an item acquired as is the obby armor). I call such items trophies. They represent effort spent on their acquisition. That said, I think the odds of ANet adding other rewards to a meaningful degree post launch are slim.
  20. Got it. I guess it could be useful then. I keep mine in shared inventory slots with cheap tools slotted on each character so that switching is quick. Not account wide use would be enough fo drive people to the legendary process.
  21. In what way is this significantly different from existing infinite gathering tools other than reskinning freely? Do you for the legendaries to have free access to all glyphs?
  22. This is an important distinction in my opinion. I think it would be unreasonable to expect no filler content in an MMO, but it is best used when there is a greater proportion of non-filler. A few events between story steps is ok when the story steps are more significant in scale, scope, duration, and/or engagement factor. I genuinely wouldn't care about filling an event bar in between truly unique or otherwise engaging story steps of significant scope.
  23. Hmm, a tumbleweed rollerbeetle skin as part of a plant themed set would be hilarious.
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