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Tanner Blackfeather.6509

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Everything posted by Tanner Blackfeather.6509

  1. The commander varies from the class you choose. The power is given by the gods of tyria. For example reaper is power from Grenth. Since Grenth is the god of death, necromancers get power from him. I don’t know every god by heart, but every single class has power from one of the gods of tyria. Read on the lore of the classes, which will probably help you. I would also assume warrior or berserker is given power from Balthazar, the god of war. In the start of making a character, it does tell you the gods you get your power from. It doesn’t matter what you choose in selection since it won’t effect your stats. But in actual tyria lore, specific classes get their power from specific gods. No, the powers of professions does not come from the gods. A Norn Reaper doesn't get their magic from Grenth.Humans (and only they) worship the gods, and attribute various magics to different gods, but the magic is simply a fact of Tyria.
  2. You can learn all crafting disciplines on a single character, but only 2 (or 3/4 w licenses) can be active.
  3. What utterly blows my mind is that this was a constant request in GW1 (probably much of what Gaile is refering to, actually) - especially during the "sunset years" waiting for GW2 - and yet they didn't design the GW2 character select screen to be easier to accomplish this!?!
  4. Warriors don't cast spells. ;) Arguably they do, all classes uses magic according to lore, and this game (afaik) doesn't separate "spells" as a skill type. (Unlike in GW1, where some things interrupted spells but not other skills)
  5. Stat changing armor/weapons in the forge does that too, of course...
  6. Ah, didn't know that! Definitely will then! They have, at different times, been available directly in the gem store (200 each or 1500 for 10), in Black Lion Chests, and for Black Lion Statuettes (35 each).I don't remember if the Commemorative Sprocket was a guaranteed drop or not, but as I recall it was fairly common to get more than one.
  7. The Season 1 Memory boxes returns sporadically, keep a lookout!
  8. Have you looked at the wiki article? The wiki have info on pretty much everything in the game.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chilled It only increases the cooldown while the condition is active. For each second a character is affected, remaining cooldowns only reduce by approx 0.6 seconds.
  9. Now I hope nothing of this comes off as condecending. I mean it as advice, sometimes firm. ;) To tie it all back to the actual topic title: each character can have a potential max of 320 inventory slots. If the "standard" 90-100 slots (base bag slots with 18-20 slot bags) aren't enough, there are the 5 additional slots, and bags up to 32 slots in size. Pick which way you expand. If you're running out of space when actually maxed out, you need to change your inventory habits rather than get more space.
  10. Ah ok, that's probably the problem then :p ty Nope you are correct that used to be daily reset but was changed have you tried what cyninja said?No. Feeding the hatchling still has a reset-based timegate - 4 per real-world day (it was originally 3). What was reduced to 2 hours (a Tyrian day) is the time to wait between collections.
  11. You probably already have these - but have you finished the Personal Story? There's a MP for each "chapter" (10-lvl block of story) so 8 points there. The Silverwastes offers 5 MPs from the Legendary bosses (1 each + 1 for all). Likewise do the Golden Badge collection (very easy now with mounts, just a bit tedious) offer 1 MP. As for the Living World MPs - half are hard, half are easy. You get 8 (1/chapter) just from completing the story - no achievements needed. So if you have Season 2 unlocked, I strongly recommend playing through it once if you're short on MPs. There's also a few available in the Side Stories category. Transfer Chaser offers one, and it's really easy. Conservation of Magic and Justice of the Blade are harder.
  12. I am not sure that's what OP meant. I believe OP is talking about stacks in inventory of crafting mats to beyond the 250 per stack. Which I could rock with. Edit Or maybe not. that's not what they meant.... I think that you're actually kind of right - the OP did imagine increasing how big a stack would be, but only in material storage; but the OP was unaware of the Storage Expanders accomplishing essentially the same thing by allowing multiple stacks in Storage.
  13. Since the title of the thread is "Help Getting Warclaw" I'd like to clarify for anyone looking for info about the mount that the Warclaw Lorebook is not needed for that, this book (gathered in the achievement "Savage Scholar") is simply called "The Warclaw".
  14. There's enough situations where I'd like to switch traits but not need to switch any gear that separate templates seems best. When switching both, you just load two templates. As they can be keybound, that's not significantly slower than loading a single containing both traits and gear.
  15. It comes down to player personality. Some players prefer to play one character and do everything on that. For those there's hardly any point in even making other characters, let alone levelling them up. Others, like me, like the variety. I have one character of each class, two of them not yet 80, and they're all in various stages of story completion. Most have done the lvl 30 story, but only my main is actually "up to date" with the story - the rest are scattered between those extremes. Some goes further than that, either continually playing the story with new characters, or making additional characters to play different builds without having to retrait/regear one. In short - because of fun. If it's not fun for you, don't force yourself!
  16. What tools in the gem store are 700 gems? Are they marked as discounted? There are bundles, and that of course tend to offer a discount compared to single purchases. Bundles such as the Unbound or Volatile sets costs 2700 gems, or an effective discount of 10% compared to buying 3 single tools. There's also a bundle of "plain" unbreakable tools that don't offer any special animation, and correspondingly is slightly cheaper than bundles of those that do: 2400 gems for the set, so 800 gems/tool. As for glyphs - all tools, infinite and regular, have a glyph slot except those vendor-bought ones that have a glyph-effect "baked in".The prices for gem store tools have not been updated after the Glyph system was introduced, so the cost the same as they did before, whether they include a glyph or not. Glitter Bomb Harvesting Tool, andThresher-Sickle 5000 Both are listed at 700 gems on https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gem_Store#Utility (towards the bottom of the utility section). Strange, I'm pretty sure I've seen at least the glitter bomb at 1000.I note that the gem store history of both have their latest appearance as 30% off. I wonder if someone updated their price to what was actually the discounted price. Could be, but there's also the Chop-It-All Logging Axe at 700. Someone would have had to make the mistake three times. However, your post got me interested, and I looked at previous versions of the table. There are dozens of items missing from the table now AND the table a year ago. I'm going to flag it on the wiki for someone to take a look.I finally found the right place to check History. All three tools were edited at once, July 5. I'm not 100% sure of how the gem store is supposed to be reported on the wiki, so good that you flagged it!
  17. What tools in the gem store are 700 gems? Are they marked as discounted? There are bundles, and that of course tend to offer a discount compared to single purchases. Bundles such as the Unbound or Volatile sets costs 2700 gems, or an effective discount of 10% compared to buying 3 single tools. There's also a bundle of "plain" unbreakable tools that don't offer any special animation, and correspondingly is slightly cheaper than bundles of those that do: 2400 gems for the set, so 800 gems/tool. As for glyphs - all tools, infinite and regular, have a glyph slot except those vendor-bought ones that have a glyph-effect "baked in".The prices for gem store tools have not been updated after the Glyph system was introduced, so the cost the same as they did before, whether they include a glyph or not. Glitter Bomb Harvesting Tool, andThresher-Sickle 5000 Both are listed at 700 gems on https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gem_Store#Utility (towards the bottom of the utility section).Strange, I'm pretty sure I've seen at least the glitter bomb at 1000.I note that the gem store history of both have their latest appearance as 30% off. I wonder if someone updated their price to what was actually the discounted price.
  18. What tools in the gem store are 700 gems? Are they marked as discounted? There are bundles, and that of course tend to offer a discount compared to single purchases. Bundles such as the Unbound or Volatile sets costs 2700 gems, or an effective discount of 10% compared to buying 3 single tools. There's also a bundle of "plain" unbreakable tools that don't offer any special animation, and correspondingly is slightly cheaper than bundles of those that do: 2400 gems for the set, so 800 gems/tool. As for glyphs - all tools, infinite and regular, have a glyph slot except those vendor-bought ones that have a glyph-effect "baked in".The prices for gem store tools have not been updated after the Glyph system was introduced, so the cost the same as they did before, whether they include a glyph or not.
  19. It's to update the name so they get grouped with the other PvP / WvW dailies in the Daily achievement category. As they're called now they end up among the PvE dailies.
  20. Since there exists scrolls (however overpriced) to travel to all 6 main cities+Ebonhawke, a tome to store them in wouldn't exactly be out of place.
  21. I'm unsure if it spawns between mordrem attacks or during one, but remember that with the increased damage output from players the legendaries do not live long. Get the fort upgraded (higher level fortifications increases spawn chance) and camp that fort! You probably won't have time to get there from elsewhere on the map if someone calls out that it's spawned!
  22. It's never been in chests before, so not likely. Even if it were added, there's absolutely no guarantee that it would be cheaper than the 2000 gems it normally costs in the gem store.
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