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Salt Mode.3780

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Everything posted by Salt Mode.3780

  1. What...? You mean movement skills that every class has....? You make it sound like Jaunt is something new and exclusive to Mirage only.
  2. Its not about the one dodge or 2 dodge its the fact that they massively nerfed Mirage when it had 2 dodges, then removing the dodge while keeping everything else nerfed. Vindicator was made and designed on one dodge, Mirage was not. Its as simple as that.
  3. Jaunt is not for dodging there is no evade there is no iframe. Essentially they took a normal dodge and split it into 2 things, the dodge and the distance and shipping it into 2 whole new things. Even before the 1 dodge nerf, other classes had more ways to avoid/mitigate damage then mirage ever did. This includes : block, invulnerable, evade, reducing damage to zero for a duration, reflect etc. People are so hyper focused on Mirage cloak that they seem to forget that if they remove the evade on stun mirage will always be chopping block for any AoE (thus jaunt is the distance that was removed from a normal dodge), normal dodges are not as hindered by things like root/chill compared to Mirage cloak.
  4. This is said about EVERY class, unfortunately the majority of the player base is not high level and more casual. No mesmers dont do well or better in zergs because clones die to miniscule damage, clones often die as soon as they come out so no your statement shows how utterly wrong you are.
  5. Dropping illusions over chaos is a sure dps loss, however in rare cases you can drop dueling for chaos.
  6. Uh what? The changes on SA was to divert passive playstyle into more active playstyle. In fact those who had an active playstyle benefitted more on this SA change then the old one. I don't know what you mean by repeated nerfs because at the end of the day thieves will ALWAYS counter Mesmer in ANY spec. The moment they gave ecto to thieves was a clear indication that thieves will always stomp over Mesmer at equal footing this isn't even a debate.
  7. I will say this, crit on hit builds are always terrible when you have stuff like weakness.
  8. and thats the reason why it got changed 🙂
  9. There is nothing to look forward to, Virtuoso in Beta had multiple bugs that still havent been addressed months after launch.
  10. Thats how the devs should be working their game. Now shall we push our luck with competitive game modes...? 🙃
  11. So several boss namely 2 is the justification for the nerf...this isn't a Mirage problem, this is a boss encounter being made poorly problem. Even after the nerfs if Mirage HEAVILY outperforms other classes, all it will do is make the kill time lower because Mirage will still HEAVILY outperform other classes for those fights. Your logic for balance is quite strange.
  12. The game is already a joke with the Feb patch. I've said it many times and it will always be right, they nerfed Mesmer clones and phantasms with the excuse that they don't want AI to do the work, yet we have Mech running around doing more then half their dps. Vindicator is a slap to one dodge Mirage because clearly they know how to work a class around one dodge, yet when Mirage's dodge was remove they did nothing to improve it.
  13. I mean I'm pretty sure in a actual fight scenario unless the boss in not moving and there is nothing to dodge or step out of to do your rotation, I doubt actual numbers can stay that high consistently. I don't understand why ANET insist on braindead I wouldn't even call it rotations and nerfing actual hard rotations with high numbers. Like do they even understand how hard it is to pull those numbers in actual fights?
  14. Axe mirage has a more complex rotation then Virtuoso, naturally this should have slightly higher dps then Virtuoso not lower or equal. Not to mention Axe Mirage dps falls hard if the target moves whereas Virtuoso is consistent. So no this should not be the case ever. Stop looking at Snowcrow's dps on a golem.
  15. Literally does nothing to your dps. iWarlock is the most useless phantasm and is only ever used as clone fodders.
  16. Then again its working as intended and its how the devs wanted.
  17. Dragonslash is working as intended because it is intended to make them ignore blind, block, and tracks stealth.
  18. I think the last 2-3 balance patch has been PvE focused? So the cornerstone of your game is just words? I would expect some competitive play balance considering you guys are undergoing another beta for alliance. FYI for those who think they might have something later for other game modes, note that this is a overall balance patch considering Firebrand got changed not only for PvE but for WvW as well.
  19. You know just in balance perspective if there was open world PvP the devs cannot sit idle on class balances to be strictly PvE only like the upcoming balance patch, or the previous 2 balance patches.
  20. Staff is also getting a nerf. Again all PvE nothing PvP or WvW how dreadfully boring.
  21. staff mirage is easy as it gets...if you are thinking chrono might be the answer then no there are more APM on chrono then any other mesmer specs
  22. Yes because sPvP balance is removing amulets, runes, sigils, and more importantly build diversity as if there is any left in the game.
  23. I've already answer this, yes on a golem it is the highest dps, but in nearly most to all fights condi virtuoso has the most consistent numbers across the board.
  24. There is far more consistent numbers with Condi Virtuoso then there is Chaos dueling Mirage as Mirage has a higher skill floor then there is for Condi Virtuoso. Considering you say that Mirage clones, don't benefit from Alacrity or quickness then do you understand why this is bad? Let me answer that for you, its because their attacks and animation is slower then your own because you have alacrity and quickness meaning its not uncommon for players to fail their clone ambush before shattering them which results in a dps loss where as Virtuoso does not need to worry about this. As far as solo content goes any build works, you can have a full trailblazer or celestial build and it will work, in fact it will work better then axe mirage build as you have much more survivability. The person who made this post suggest that Chaos should have more condi traitlines and I simply pointed out that no Chaos should not have any condi stats to begin with nor should ANET add or buff it anymore. This was a mistake on ANET's part by giving alacrity to Staff mirage. The DPS that you see is on a dummy in a perfect scenario if the boss is standing still and you dont need to do anything besides dps and do your rotation which is not the case, but boss mobility does not hinder Virtuoso's dps as they are range which is why I said there are far more consistent numbers with Condi Virtuoso then there is with Dueling Chaos Mirage. Please be mindful of your posts as there are new players who are seeking answers but are muddled by confusing posts like yours.
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