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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. I'm personally completely horrible at carrying but the matchmaking randomly thinks I'm supposed to carry silver/gold players against A plat, silver/golds, which I can never do. It's just really unfun even if it's "fair" and not something I'm personally capable of doing.

    When I get games full of players at my skill level or above, I have no problems contributing enough to win and have 100% win rate in plat 2-3 games.

  2. It's not his fault the skills team gets to put their changes into PvP and WvW for absolutely no reason. Any change they do, should absolutely not go into WvW or PvP without first asking CmC if it's ok. The skills teams changes shouldn't default to "all game modes" - that's why the game was horrible.

  3. @wevh.2903 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:Really hope condi thief is deleted from the game entirely in PvP and WvW and goes back to a meme spec. It's currently completely dictating the meta, as any build that can't 1v1 a condi thief is farmed all game and unplayable. That's why everyone is a necro, condi rev(especially this), and bunkers. Dying instantly from the most mobile class isn't fun at all.

    Signed, thief main.

    Apart from warrs there isnt any other good 1v1 matchup for thieves kitten u saying , maybe holos but holo is meta xd

    Condi thief deletes DPS DH, every ele build except support tempest/bunkers(lol), power revs, dps warriors, s/d thieves.

    There's a reason you don't see those builds much, if at all. Condi thief makes sure they aren't allowed to play the game.

    The reason you think condi thief can't 1v1 is because people only play builds that CAN'T die to it 1v1, and if they didn't, they wouldn't be able to win games.

  4. @Lightning Xv.8705 said:In the twitch stream yesterday CmC admitted the shade change had a bit of an oversite and they didn't tweak target caps so it will be hot fixed probably the same week.

    Love how people kitten about scourge yet when players ask what to play in wvw people point them to uhhhh oh yea SCOURGE. Even on these boards hurr durr play scourge ez and still 9 out of 10 you see in zergs can't dps for kitten. You guys are a riot.

    Also in the stream he also mentioned dragon banner nerf, siege damage, and warclaw(finally).

    The skills team should not be able to touch ANYTHING WvW or PvP related without CmC's approval. They have proven time and time again they do not understand these modes. I have no idea why CmC has to react to their changes, why are they allowed such freedom?

  5. Really hope condi thief is deleted from the game entirely in PvP and WvW and goes back to a meme spec. It's currently completely dictating the meta, as any build that can't 1v1 a condi thief is farmed all game and unplayable. That's why everyone is a necro, condi rev(especially this), and bunkers. Dying instantly from the most mobile class isn't fun at all.

    Signed, thief main.

  6. Deadeye is fine as P/P, and Daredevil is fine as staff but you need to take invigorating precision and acro with assassin's reward to have enough sustain to solo champions and not randomly die to dumb stuff as staff daredevil.

  7. @"Trigr.6481" said:Resistance : All conditions applied on you, or already applied are halved in duration.

    Personally I wouldn't mind the absurd uptime on resistance on condi rev if the effects of it didn't completely negate half of the damage spectrum, including soft cc such as immob. Not to mention that in demon stance you don't even have to think, you press your heal or any utility and boom, mega resistance uptime because of demonic defiance. I'd rather see the effects of the boon itself change rather than condi rev getting nerfed into the dirt by drastically changing every trait regarding resistance. I honestly wouldn't mind fighting it if I could actually land an immob, but simply because of res they can just have sloppy mindless reaction time and rotations because they know one boon will save them.

    And in A-net speak changing one boon instead of reworking several traits should be easier on you anyways. My suggested change would still make resistance a very strong skill, and something you can more widely use on all classes since the effects are not as mindlessly potent. Please consider this.


    The issue is condi rev and rev in general is balanced around resistance as it's condi "removal". It doesn't really have condi cleanse, it's why power rev is awful to play right now.

    However, I think one single build being unplayable is better than every match being 40% of a single build, so I'm all for gutting resistance.

  8. @Dantheman.3589 said:

    @Stand The Wall.6987 said:then theres the fact that this game was never designed for competitive modes in the first place, when you look at the damage system and business model.

    and that was the biggest mistake. the gw2 combat system only shines in pvp. raids or pve in general in this game is terrible and boring. class rotations are a snoozefest, there are no procs, rotations are stale and all cooldowns are pressed according to priority. raids are way too easy and there is no reason to run them more than once if you're not interested in legendary gear. the other problem is that they kept adding stupid stuff to the combat system like resistance or stacking conditions.

    the best thing arenanet could do at this point is make a standalone pvp game with the combat system. a new game, free to play with skins and new classes/elite specs from time to time to make money. a good pvp mode, not an abomination like conquest. hire some people for a good balance team and some good designers.

    frustration is high right now because people feel like they're being ignored. which they are to a certain extent. communication is something that would help a lot, but people lost faith in the balance devs (rightfully so) so even if there was a certain amount of communication, some people would just lash out at the devs. you reap what you sow and it becomes an endless spiral of devs not wanting to interact with the community because of toxicity, and the community getting even more toxic because the devs are not interacting with us.

    it would help a lot if devs asked for feedback for all the classes, and i mean pvp feedback. create a thread for each class so people can express what's wrong/right with stuff. as we've seen with the new patch notes, some changes are just random and questionable.

    i'm gonna be blunt here. it's really not much effort to get one post a week from cmc. take part in a discussion, if you're our balance dev then at least try to be part of the community too.

    They tried to do a big balance session with cmc and the community and it failed utterly.

    It failed because everyone he was discussing the game with were blatantly biased for their own class. Like you had a ranger who wanted to buff greatsword.

    The discord it took place in also mutes anyone who disagrees with them, meaning they aren't looking for discussion and just want their own personal echo chamber.

  9. It doesn't matter if thief is weak and useless in everything else, unfun things should simply not exist in games. Perma stealth, perma immob, etc are all super unfun to fight. I'd rather a class be useless than incredibly unfun to fight.

    There is 100% a thing as perma stealth, equip p/d with shadow arts trait line and you can be stealthed forever.

  10. @Kosmo.3468 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:Jack of all trades master of all is not good game design in any video game. Jack of all trades, master of none, however, is. Right now, holosmith is jack of all trades master of >>ALL<<.

    Engies are definetly NOT master of all, but master of some. Holosmith gave them viable DPS, while Scrapper made them viable Supports.In the other hand, being master of none is just being suboptimal in every stance. You might as well kill the Profession and turn it into a crafting skill like in WoW.

    Holothsmith is currently the strongest class in the game with no real weakness and both the #1 player on EU and NA leaderboards play Holosmith.

    Eng players are always the most biased.

  11. @Svarty.8019 said:

    @"Orchee.4850" said:

    Stop toying with random things and pretending you're balancing the game.

    Please understand that although the team is called "Balance" for the purpose of player interpretation, their role is really just to make the game a bit different every now and then. They've said as much on the WvW livestream many, many times.

    Think of them as "Meta Mixers", rather than developers who strive to "Balance" the classes - whatever that nebulous term might mean to you.

    This would be true if holosmith recieved nerfs, but it doesn't get any so it remains the top class and none of the nerfs to other classes are enough to change anything.

  12. @Kosmo.3468 said:

    @Shiyo.3578This game needs LESS superspeed. It's already given out like candy for absolutely no reason, we absolutely do not need more in the game. Do NOT add this to the game.

    lower cd on hammer
    by 3-4s than or at last add personal super speed on Flame Blast
    as compensation

    No compensation needed, scrapper needs zero superspeed.

    LOL, these guys are unbelievable. They just want to leave engineers out of the game. Only Thiefs can have everything in their kits, but when it's another class that instantly becomes "too OP" for this game.Get a grip.

    Show me where thief has superspeed, protection,(outside deadeye @ 7 malice), insane sustain, barriers, res utility, etc please. Thief is very much a stealthy scout mobile burst stealth DPS with a clear defined role. Unlike eng, the jack of all trades. master of ALL.

    Also holosmith is currently the best class in the game for PvP and both rank1 NA and EU players are playing holosmith. Holosmith is also getting buffed and not nerfed. How is eng "left out of the game"?

  13. @Supreme.3164 said:-They nerfed core ele and not tempest? I don't see how a core ele with focus could be such a threat to anybody up to this point, if you want to nerf the support spec..nerf the actual support spec?

    This is the issue. They nerfed tempest(barely) but why touch mist form and focus 5? Was wever, dps tempest, and base ele strong enough to deserve nerfs?

    Just the same devs that gutted everything about Ele in vanilla/hot due to bunker specs, as you can see its the EXACT same type of nerfs with zero though behind them. Not sure why CmC allowed this...btw CmC is an ele main(or was).

  14. Grenader Holosmith has enough condi cleanse(actually condi converted to boons, much, much stronger) and can slot more if it's really overrun with conditions. It is not helpless vs conditions at all.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prismatic_Converter + https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enhanced_Capacity_Storage_Unit + Cleansing sigil + https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Transmute

    This is more condition cleanse than most, if not all classes take In PvP, and you get it from your DPS/survival tree(alchemy) and your main elite tree.Do not complain about conditions as a holosmith.

    Berserker amulet is irrelevant because you have 36s CD aoe stealth, an invul, and a shield block. You are not a free kill. You also have some of, if not the highest burst in the entire game.Other classes could only DREAM of doing the amount of burst you do while using a zerker amulet - they also don't get the obscene amount of sustain and survivability your class gets for practically free while wearing one.

    Grenades do not have a very noticable graphic, they are basically invisible and incredibly hard to see in the midst of battle.

    It's very obvious you are a holosmith and engineer main.

  15. Thief main here. Perma stealth is a global game issue, and not just a WvW one.

    The original design of stealth(or so I thought), and why it's usable in combat unlike other MMO's, is because you were only supposed to have limited amounts of stealth and never perma stealth. However, now after shadow art traitline buffs(why? no one wants to fight SA thieves) and some other changes over the past 5+ years stealth has gotten too easy and spammable on thief. You now can just perma stealth all over the place.

    At this point, this game has the most overpowered stealth I've ever seen in the MMORPG genre. In most games, stealth can only be used out of combat(or on a long cooldown mid-combat), being hit removes you from stealth, and you can see the stealthed player if you get near them but has no duratio. GW2 however, does not have any of these disadvantages, and has advantages on top of having no disadvantages. It's absurd.

    At this point, we might as well just have all the restrictions that most MMORPG's have for stealth, since it's basically perma while also being usable in combat which is crazy.

    Please completely and utterly destroy the shadow arts tree and reduce the sources of stealth thief has, or make it so stealth cannot stack duration. Shadow Meld should absolutely not remove revealed, as counters to counters is bad game design. You should still nerf the shadow arts tree, though.

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